Oxy students at an involvement fair on campus

还在犹豫Oxy吗? 听听我们的学生怎么说...
Considering Oxy? Check out what our students have to say.

In the early spring of 2020, Renee Ye plans to get a student visa so she can leave her home in Shanghai, China, to attend college in Los Angeles。 可是,突如其来的疫情打破了这些计划。

就这样,Ye在日夜颠倒中浑浑噩噩地度过了作为 Oxy 学生的第一年。疫情期间,Ye每天在她的卧室里上网课。尽管有很大的时差,她仍需要努力保持清醒并在课程中积极发言。With U.S. embassies and consulates largely closed during the pandemic, the day Ye enters the U.S. and ends online classes is far from in sight。“有些学生只能去第三国获得签证,” 国际项目副主任 Marisa Grover Mofford 说, “旅行限制是一个额外的障碍。我们国际学生的毅力令人惊叹!”好消息是,2021 年 5-月下旬,大使馆再次开放,叶终于成功获得了 F1 学生签证。After buying a plane ticket that was three times more expensive than usual and a ten-hour journey, Ye finally arrived at Oxy's campus。

从那以后,她一直在享受阳光和面对面 Oxy 体验。Because the college and her professor have set clear rules for masks and disinfection, and her fellow students follow those rules, Ye feels safe and comfortable in her class。 同时,Oxy 提供的便捷的 COVID-19 测试也有助于缓解她的担忧。

However, the compulsory wearing of masks also brings some challenges, Ye admits: "It is more difficult for the professor to understand our receptivity to the content of the class through our facial expressions。“ Ye也发现很难与半边脸都戴着口罩的同学建立联系。但她补充说,这些障碍需要额外的努力才能克服。In addition to safety precautions, Ye is adjusting to her first face-to-face college life in the United States, especially her art history class。Because English is her second language and there are a lot of new terms and concepts to learn, it makes it somewhat difficult for her to digest the information and express her understanding in class。Ye在与她的艺术史教授交流了她的担忧和不适之后,他告诉她他接受许多种参与形式,并鼓励她在课堂上发言并不是唯一的参与方式。

“这确实凸显了文理学院的好处。If the class size is large, I won't get as much personal attention and other opportunities to prove my ability and dedication。能够及时和教授沟通也能帮助我少走弯路。”

叶记得她第一年在线上的 Oxy生活,只想完成作业然后睡觉。Now, on a campus with supportive resources and close ties to professors, Ye is able to stay motivated, receive help when needed, and begin to challenge herself further。叶接受的挑战之一是在 Oxy 中建立她的社区。At the beginning of the semester, Ye joined Oxy's Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA), where she met her Chinese classmates for the first time。最近,叶帮助CSSA设立了以中国留学生赴美为主题的纪录片放映。

"It's a great way to get people together and think about our identity as international students.......我们能够在放映结束后分享我们自己来到美国的故事。”通过这些活动,叶和其他国际学生能够通过曾经让他们相似的的奋斗故事感受到联系。


As a graduate in biochemistry, Chen Shuyi successfully enrolled in Geisinger Federal Medical School to pursue a Doctor of Medicine degree。以下是oxy对她的采访。


我生命中有两个主要人物激发并塑造了我学习医学的愿望。第一个人是我的祖父,他在我10岁时因为晚期胰腺癌去世了。因此, 我树立了未来从事癌症研究或成为一名癌症医生的目标。上高中时,我有机会在上海,我的家乡,跟随一位心脏病专家实习。This doctor inspired me to study medicine because I saw the impact he could have on his patients and their families every day。由于在国内受教育的机会有限,我决定来美国追求我的长期医学梦想。


我加入了国家卫生总队(National Health Corps),在那里我在费城的一个服务欠缺的社区卫生诊所里服务了一年。我对患者进行了医疗补助和奥巴马医疗保险资格的筛查,并代表他们申请了健康保险。在学习期间,我还参加了MCAT考试并完成了我的AMCAS申请。在等待面试期间,我在费城卫生联合会的工作下,担任患者导航员,以帮助患者导航医疗保健系统并将他们连接到所需的医疗服务。


After joining Oxy as an international student, I found it crucial to improve my communication skills, deepen my understanding of the US healthcare system, and gain experience outside the classroom。我认为,一年的服务经验不仅帮助我获得了医学院的录取,而且还帮助我更加了解当前的医疗保健挑战,尤其是在服务不足的社区内。

作为一名认知科学专业Sally Zhou's interdisciplinary learning path has allowed her to work on international research projects in the lab with a supervisor while perfecting her writing skills。现在,她正在准备毕业后从事一个在言语及语言病理学行业的工作。

Sally Zhou通晓多种语言。一个语言的爱好者,她能说英语,法语,广东话,普通话,以及上海话。在高中时,她对神经科学感兴趣,尤其是在用科学去理解语言这方面 – 语言的生物本质,以及我们为什么会做出不同的心理语言学上的选择。

After her freshman year at Beloit College, Sally transferred to Occidental College。刚到这里时,她以为自己会选择生物或者心理学作为自己的专业。

"But I learned that Occidental offers a cognitive science major that includes philosophy, computer science, neuroscience and linguistics," she said。“这基本上就是我想要的所有东西了,也包含我喜欢的所有学科。”

在Sally在这儿的第一个学期里,Carmel Levitan教授邀请了Sally在她的研究实验室帮忙。在实验室中,Sally有机会探索了各个感官是如何互动,以影响一系列认知状态的。Sally很快就感到Levitan教授很适合做自己的导师,所以在接下来的三年里,她都继续在实验室里协助操作眼动追踪实验。她也有和Aleksandra Sherman教授在一个利用脑电图来测量人脑电波是如何对不同的言语刺激做出反应的研究中紧密合作。

Sally was eventually able to apply the data collection and neuroimaging skills she learned in her lab and empirical research methods classes to her own research projects。在她大四前的那一个暑假,Sally通过十大正规网赌平台Richter研究基金申请了一个在香港中文大学的,为期两个月的研究项目。Richter研究资金能资助学生在美国以外的地方开展学术研究。


“在耳鼻喉科和言语病理学这两个领域中,在现有的论文和研究里,还没有利用神经成像技术来研究拥有耳蜗植入装置患者的实验,”她解释道。"Because these implants contain metals, there are some risk factors to studying them using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)。”

Sally正在十大正规网赌平台的实验室做EEG实验,来监测脑电波活动。照片来自Marc Campos。

幸运的是,港中文大学的研究所有一台崭新的功能性近红外光谱仪(fNIRS),其利用光波,而非磁性来安全的为这些患者生成神经成像。So Sally and her classmates conducted a pilot study to measure how people with normal hearing and people with cochlear implants process speech when they detect noise。在暑假快结束时,她们在港中文的学术研讨会上展示了研究成果。



Sally决定先攻读一个言语及语言病理学方向的硕士学位,而不是申请博士项目。She is looking forward to working with others in a therapeutic setting, especially helping elderly patients with neurological impairments such as aphasia as a result of a stroke or other accident。

“我非常享受帮助他人,以及和别人对话,”她说。"When someone is going through a very difficult time and then you see their situation improving, it's very rewarding。”

“还有,”她说,“如果我现在取得硕士学位,以后再参与研究也是可以的。认知科学为我带来了很多职业道路的机会。人们会说,‘我是心理学专业的,我了解心理学是怎样的。I understand psychology, but I also understand computer science, neuroscience, philosophy, and linguistics。”


十大正规网赌平台教育另外一个非常宝贵的部分,她说,是她的教授们。Professors are important to her both academically and on a personal level because she is an international student away from her family。

Sally通过Richter研究基金在香港开展了一个为期两个月的暑期研究计划。照片来自Sally Zhou。


Sally is grateful to her professors for their support and for encouraging her to keep going when she encountered difficulties in class or when she applied for the Richter Scholarship。Sally对于同学们的建议很简单:和你的教授培养一个密切的关系。

“下个学期我将会和我的一些教授做高级别的实验。并不是所有人都有机会来做这些实验 – 你需要去努力争取。I was able to do these high-level experiments because I had developed a close working relationship with my professors, who trusted me and I trusted them。现在我们之间的关系非常紧密。”


The unique and challenging life of an American student on an exchange abroad has been covered extensively on the Student Voices blog, but this post is quite different。这是一个计划在学院学习整整四年的一名国际学生,刚刚来到学院前几周的真实记载。

Hello,大家好。我是Alexander,一名在中国出生长大的大一国际学生。Although this is not the first time I have studied abroad, I still find life in a foreign country has always been rich and challenging。

在来到十大正规网赌平台之前,我有着很多的想法和疑问。For example, I worry about falling asleep in class or when I'm with my classmates.I'm also worried because my favorite major is different from the popular one here。我最喜欢古典类型的音乐,我也喜欢利用闲暇时间读书。相信你可以感受到,一个像我一样的国际学生会有不少忧虑。All of these concerns go back more or less to the same question: Will I be able to maintain my identity as an international student while trying to assimilate into a new culture?

现在来看,我能很放心的说十大正规网赌平台是我心中寻找的那个温暖的社区。When I arrived at the college on August 16, the Office of International Affairs (IPO) held a series of orientation events for all international students。来自办公室的Marisa女士,Robin女士,教授,以及友好的迎新小组的学姐,学长,为我们带来了能帮助我们尽快融入新环境的,最重要,最紧急的信息。在所有迎新活动中,两个活动让我记忆犹新:校园游览,和关于文化调整的讲座。游览校园尤其有用,因为我通过它了解了校园各处的设施。过了不久,参加完Oxy Engage (一个学校组织的,带领学生游览洛杉矶的项目)和全体新生的迎新活动之后,学期正式开始了。

我并不想把我在这儿的前几周形容为“在大学里生存”。这样有可能会让你感觉是恐怖片里的场景似的。However, compared with my classmates, I may be a little too ambitious, I took two higher level courses this semester。我会把我在这里的经历形容为“力争进步”。很棒的是,在这里教学的教授关心学生们的学习进度,和他们遇到的挑战。If my schedule conflicts with their office hours, I can always email them to make an appointment。事实上,我已经去过三次开放办公时间了,也和教授额外预约了四次。

除了学术生活之外,我也能在十大正规网赌平台找到很多能丰富我的闲暇时间的资源。我在这里发现的最大的,也最令我开心的惊喜,就是应用音乐学习班(Applied Music Study class)。I've been taking piano lessons since I was 4 years old, but I've never had a piano teacher as good as Professor Junko Ueno Garrett。I played only one song and she knew all my playing problems;Her guidance and comments are clear and easy to understand, and she is friendly and never pushy。Her efforts and knowledge as a professor have always encouraged me to show my best performance。

还有一件值得提起的事儿就是我在十大正规网赌平台的前几周还交到了一些很好的朋友。我觉得我们的友谊会维持很久。我的室友,Jonathan,和我有着很多共同爱好。我们能周六晚上聊天聊上三个小时都不觉得累,也不会没有新的话题可聊。而我遇见我的另一个朋友Ben的场景则更戏剧化一些。The first time we met, he was playing the closing number to "あの flowers" on the piano in our dorm recreation room, and I ran up to him and told him I recognized it。他出于惊喜,停止了演奏,他说在他的家乡没有人知道这首曲子。然后,我们交流了我们的兴趣爱好,发现我们俩都喜欢打网球。于是我们就和我的室友,Jonathan,一起去了网球场。除了Jonathan和Ben,我还结交了许多其他的朋友,我希望以后我能分享我是如何遇见Will, Lucy, Sophie, Nick, Amy, Long, Rachel, Lisa, Miles等人的。One thing I'm happy about is that I find no one here judging me for coming from a different background than they do。这是我作为一个国际学生,来这里之前的一个担忧。同学们反而会把我的存在看作一个了解外国文化的绝佳的机会。


原文作者:2023届,Alexander Dong // 原文链接


Dance Pro是一个由200多名舞者组成的,由学生自导自演的社团。 70多年来,Dance Pro向我们展示了不同的舞蹈风格,从非洲舞蹈到中国民族舞,从嘻哈到百老汇。这就是我们认为Dance Pro真正独特的内容:每个人的不同体验都能够通过舞蹈相互分享

们的舞者来自不同的社会背景背景,每个人都有不同程度的舞蹈功底。然而,正是这些不同为Dances Pro注入了灵魂。Dance Pro如此成功的原因在于每个人每个周末都会花时间排练。这种对进步的热情与鼓舞人心的环境相结合,让舞者茁壮成长。我们真的很幸运能有这样一个包容和安全的空间与朋友们一起跳舞

在看到所有不同的舞蹈逐渐成熟的过程是激动人心的。从我们的第一次和第二次展示,到技术周和彩排,一直到演出,舞者们的进步都是令人难以置信和鼓舞人心的。在Dance Pro展示中,你可以看到舞者们对自己的能力有多自信,尤其是与年初时的初出茅庐的时候相比。因此,每年的节目不仅为观众表演,而且还是我们的舞者在一年中的蜕变

今年的Dance Production 2019 将在周五,3227点到9点,及周六,323日下午两点和晚上7点到9点在Throne Hall举行。届时,请大家欣赏舞者们,编舞者们及Dance Pro E-board努力的成果!



为大学生和年轻人,长辈们经常告诉我们要提前考虑我们的未来。 因此,在大学氛围中,成功的压力非常大

应该知道你在做什么吗? 你会有一天醒来并知道你未来的职业道路吗? 你如何做出这些决定? These questions and the future itself can be daunting, whether your answer is that you're figuring it out, your unrealistic goal list, or you simply don't know。 学生生活中,我They need to read, prepare for exams, write papers or lab reports, maintain extracurricular activities, keep their own food, and cultivate a social life。因此,对于许多人来说,职业规划便在看似无穷无尽的责任和任务清单中迷失了

我的名字是Leah Harman,我来自明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯,我是Oxy的一名大三学生,我也是HCC的三名职业同伴顾问之一。 第一年,我职业中心的学生助理开始,通过严格的培训和观察,成为职业伙伴顾问(CPA)。 我想成CPA,因为我想了解职业中心并用它帮助其他学生。 CPA,我既是Oxy学生,又是HCC的一名员工,我的目标在于构建起学生和HCC桥梁,以弥合学生与HCC中心员工之间交流的鸿沟。 学生通过平台HandshakeCPA安排预约; 目前我们提供简历/职信的修改,LinkedIn个人资料修改和Handshake个人资料的修改

利用像Hameetman职业中心(Hameetman Career Center)和职业同伴咨询(Career Peer AdvisingPlanning such campus resources helps make the career development process less of a daunting burden and more understanding and communication。 这里,学生们能够进行各种职业咨询,从第一年创建他们的第一个大学简历到暑期工作,实习搜索到大四毕业生完善他们的工作申请简历,再到我只是不知道从哪里开始! 论您在职业发展的哪个阶段,我们都可以提供帮助!



十大正规网赌平台虽然仅有约100名中国留学生,中国学生会(CSSA)仍于2月9日晚在校园内的索恩大厅(Throne Hall)成功举办了一场精彩的春节联欢晚会,其中包括舞狮,中国传统民间歌舞和乐器表演。





来自美国研究专业的尹晓煌教授也向CSSA 春节联欢晚会致以最良好的祝愿。


舞狮(UCLA 舞狮团)


Host (left to right) : Alex 22 'Lizzie 19' Dion 22 'Shannon 22'


舞蹈礼仪之邦:Elaine Chen/ Shannon Xu/ Chole Yin/ Junlica Meng/ Jiani Chen


怒放的生命 Max Peng




大鱼 Maya Mei


舞蹈 “屋顶着火” Chloe Yin & Junlica Meng





每个孩子都应该知道他们从一开始就很聪明,但事实上在STEM(科学Science、技术Technology、工程Engineering及数学Math)中越来越缺乏女孩的空间,甚至对STEM感兴趣较晚的年轻女孩,都不被学校和家长鼓励,从而认为他们自己“不够聪明”。而Boundless Brilliance就是针对这个问题而成立的。

Boundless Brilliance(BB)是两年前在十大正规网赌平台开始的一个非盈利组织,旨在打击这种隐藏的性别歧视,并以赋予女性权力取而代之。我们通过在Eagle Rock周围的小学演讲来实现这一目标,并且最近得以扩展到南加州各地!这些演讲鼓励女孩和所有同学们追求他们的梦想,无论他们是否对STEM感兴趣,但当然我们的课程尤其强调科学。因为年仅四五岁的女孩因为隐藏的性别歧视认为他们不像男孩那么聪明,或者他们不应该进入数学或科学等“聪明”的领域,BB的目标是在他们被这些观念过分影响之前消除这些隐含的偏见。

除了Boundless Brilliance的最终目标之外,会员还可以在STEM遇见很多人,在Oxy及其周围培养最好的社区意识。It inspires and connects many different women and people with the same issues, and lets them know that they are not alone in the STEM field。Sometimes it can be frustrating to be surrounded by people who have long dominated STEM fields, so it's more secure to surround yourself with women and Allies。

除了安全感之外,对年轻女孩产生这样的影响也是一种思想的解放。 When I was younger, I wanted someone to come here and tell me that I was capable and that my interest in chemistry wasn't unrealistic。 帮助这些孩子并听取他们的意见真的很有价值; 他们对世界有着如此清新的认识。 他们不断说出最随机但又有趣和酷的东西。我很高兴能有跟孩子们接触的机会,并且为自己能为他们带来的改变而感到骄傲!




在我大二的春天试图找到合适的出国留学项目的同时,Oxy独特的竞选学期计划(Campaign Semester)作为一种可能的选择出现在我的脑海中。I wanted a way to merge my political science education with "real world" experience without sacrificing time or course credits。全职工作政治运动的前景似乎令人生畏:那里没有其他大学生可以与之交往,而我会被投入到一个激烈的职业环境中 - 更不用说我之前并没有任何经验。但令我感到不安的“竞选学期”的这些特质同样令人兴奋。

所以我开始了对竞选团队的搜索。我发了几封电子邮件给我在新闻中简要看过的广告:Randy Bryce为威斯康星州第一区的国会(Paul Ryan所在地); Beto O'Rourke参加德州参议员竞选;和田纳西参议院竞选中的Phil Bredesen。尽管提供免费劳动,但没有任何一个竞选团队回复给我。Also, on a whim, I initiated an email to a candidate for Texas' 23rd District: Gina Ortiz Jones。About a decade ago, my mother's colleagues who worked with her insisted that she was not only a super impressive candidate, but also a really nice person。来自竞选活动的人在几个小时内回复了我的邮件并提供了面试的机会。After an hour of phone interviews, I decided to work for this amazing female candidate for the 2018 fall semester!





A week ago, after 28 hours of travel, I finally arrived in Cape Town, South Africa, to participate in the South African Red Cross cross-cultural internship program。在过去的一周我已经开始了我医疗保健实习生的工作。This is an 8-week internship where I will work with the Youth Training Department to create and implement effective psychosocial programs for the local community。Part of my time will be in the central office of the South African Red Cross and the other part of my time will be in the local office helping with the implementation of projects。I'm excited to help with sexual health and peer education programs for young people at potential health risk。

虽然在南非是冬天,但是这里的天气和我熟悉并热爱的加利福尼亚天气很像。在我所居住的地方(Sea Point)更是如此。Sea Point是一个靠近海边的住宅区,可以看见美丽的大西洋。开普敦坐落在桌山下的半岛上,这给了它独特的地形地貌。在桌山上可以俯瞰整个城市,从我的房间也可以清楚地看到桌山。

当我不在办公室工作的时候,我喜欢探索开普敦和它周围的郊区。上个周末我就去了位于南非东南海岸“花园之路"(Garden Route)。因为它多样的生态环境,在当地这是一个非常受欢迎的旅游景点。我还在野外国家公园里划了独木舟,见到了非洲大象,探索了“甘果洞"(Cango Cave),游览了奥次颂(世界鸵鸟中心)。

尽管我只来了一周,但是我已经看到了很多东西,这让我非常感谢这次难得的机会。Living and working in an international city like Cape Town has helped me improve my "cultural intelligence".。我非常期待未来更多的冒险。

原文链接:Check-in from summer in South Africa


建立夏威夷社团的初衷是为了给来自夏威夷的学生一个聚会的平台,慢慢地社团的使命发生了变化,现在凡是愿意了解夏威夷文化的同学都可以加入。大家通过我们社团每年组织的活动互相认识,分享他们自己与夏威夷文化的联系。These activities give students who are just curious about Hawaiian culture a chance to get involved and help Occidental become a closer community。

上个学期,在学校的赞助下,我们给社团的成员买了Matisyahu 和Common Kings的演唱会门票,这两位艺人在夏威夷都非常有名。所有社团的成员,无论他们是不是来自于夏威夷,都可以得到一张演唱会门票。作为社团的负责人之一,我策划了整个行程。能够再次欣赏我自己的文化以及让他人了解到我的成长经历是一件非常有意义的事情。We also host other events such as barbecue parties, lawn weaving, and the annual Luau.。These activities have greatly relieved the homesickness of our members and provided them with a community where they can easily find a sense of belonging。对于这些活动的宣传也吸引了许多新成员以及有兴趣的大一新生。

Our biggest event on campus is the annual Luau, where the community provides food, games and a variety of performances。食物包括嫩熏猪肉,照烧鸡肉和椰丝布丁。Performances include Fantastiprov's 15-minute improv comedy show and a 20-minute vocal chorus from Accidentals。The annual Luau is not only a celebration of traditional Hawaiian holidays, but also a chance for Occidental College students to enjoy a night of laughter and conversation together。The purpose of our society is not to accept only Hawaiian students, so that students from Hawaii live in a closed circle。We want to help Hawaiian students become more involved in the life of Occidental College, and more people who are not from Hawaii want to learn about Hawaiian culture。

The fund of our club comes from the sponsorship of the Student Union and the Diversity Equality Committee, and some of it comes from our own fundraising bazaar。这些资金被用来购买夏威夷本地产的饼干作为游戏奖励。每一个购买了Luau门票的同学还有机会赢得$400的夏威夷航空折扣卡。在Luau活动中,许多社团的成员还表演了著名的呼啦舞。最后统计参与活动的人数达到了150人。

夏威夷社团在我大一的时候给了我一个舒适的空间,让我可以立马融入身边的人。Now that I am about to be a junior, I have become the senior who helps the freshmen in the club, telling them the tips of course selection and the location of the delicious restaurants around。虽然夏威夷是美国的一部分,但来自夏威夷的学生还是有种独特的身份和文化,能够在美国大陆找到一群人能够理解你的身份和文化是一件非常舒适的事情。Because of the Hawaiian community, I have no regrets about coming to Oxy;This club is my home away from home in America。


再次回到哥斯达黎加 (Bryce Lewis-Smith '20)


During my first week at Occidental College, I discovered my passion for environmental science, and it wasn't long before I became a biology major。总的来说,做出这个决定是因为我上了Beth Braker教授的生物110课程。In her classes, students approach environmental science issues from different perspectives, such as social justice, economics, philosophy, politics, and urban environmental policy。正是这样一种跨学科的教学方式,使得这门课受到了各个不同专业学生们的欢迎。Braker教授富有传染力的热情也是我请她当我的学术指导老师的原因之一。

Occidental's small class size gives students a very harmonious environment for academic discussion with peers and professors。这也给予了学生们很多和教授建立友谊的机会。我正是得益于此才能有幸参与与南加州,哥斯达黎加的科学家们一起做研究的机会。这个夏天,我继续协助Braker博士完成她的两个研究项目,一个在十大正规网赌平台的校园上,一个在哥斯达黎加的La Selva生物站。By assisting in a research project, students can continue to explore an area of academic interest while getting to know each other better and becoming mentors。

This is my second trip to Costa Rica with Dr. Braker to study the giant schizophyllous alnus (a plant that thrives especially in northeastern Costa Rica).。这次的研究目的是勘测15个指定地点的土壤样本。因为要去的地点很多,这也对于我们的实地勘测造成了很多困难。在这样的亚热带雨林中进行大规模研究意味着我们要同时应付干燥和潮湿的丛林环境。但正是这些挑战和经历,我作为一个活跃的环境主义者才能收获成长。在我离开十大正规网赌平台之后,这些经历也将继续影响着我的一生。


在暑期出国学习 (Eloise Wukmir '19)


当我刚开始在十大正规网赌平台的学习时,我就对于出国交换学习非常感兴趣。我想着我一定会有一个学期在另一个国家学习。然而到了我大三的时候(也就是大多数人准备出国学习的时候),我犹豫了起来。I realized it would be painful to leave the embrace of Occidental, so many of my best friends, and the community I loved。我太喜欢十大正规网赌平台以及我在十大正规网赌平台能得到的东西了。Finally, I decided to leave the United States for the summer to study sociology in another culture so that I could spend more time at Occidental。

在这个暑假,我花了三个星期在阿姆斯特丹大学学习性别导论课。In the class we discuss different theoretical structures about gender (such as social construction theory, psychoanalysis, queer theory), as well as various related ethics and morals。We learned about the history of the Netherlands, about the history of gay and lesbian people, about sex education in Dutch schools and about controversial sex workers。We were also very fortunate to hear many eye-opening guest speakers, including leaders of the Dutch feminist movement, transgender people, and queer refugees from Uganda。



在OXY (十大正规网赌平台)跳舞 (Stella Ramos '21)



The first time I came to Oxy to visit the campus, the tour guide mentioned Dance Production (the largest club in the school).。我当时就觉得如果一个学校最大的社团是一个舞蹈社团,这应该会是一个我想去的学校。Of course, Dance Production wasn't the only factor I chose for Oxy, but it represents the values that Oxy students recognize。这让我非常期待我来到Oxy之后的生活。

同样在这次参观之中,我和一个同样有着对舞蹈无限热情的学生配对,体验正规博彩十大网站排名推荐。第一天晚上,我就和她一起与Hyper Xpressions (校园上另一个舞蹈社团)的成员吃了饭,我被他们之间的氛围和学校食堂的意大利面深深地折服了。After that, I also took a dance class taught by students in Oxy, and experienced what it was like to be a dance student in Oxy。第二天,我就决定了Oxy是我想去的学校。

当我来到Oxy成为了一个大一的学生,我下定决心要加入舞蹈圈。第二个学期的时候,我就成为了PULSE舞蹈社团的部长之一,同时也是Hyper Xpressions 和 Drance Production的成员。我可以非常自信地说Oxy的舞蹈群体给我的第一年带来了太多宝贵的东西:他们热情地接纳了我,让我找到了持久的友谊,无数美好的记忆,让我对于舞蹈有了更深的认识和欣赏。我知道这听上去很老套,但无一不是发自肺腑。

在Oxy,不管你有没有舞蹈经验,每个人都有表演和练习的机会。PULSE舞蹈课(一个纯学生指导,学生编舞,而且免费的课程)每周都会有。Azucar是Oxy第一个拉丁舞队,他们会定期排演merengue, bachata 和街头萨尔萨舞,这些舞蹈以前在Oxy都没有过表演。这些舞蹈社团的使命就是为整个学院带来快乐和力量,告诉大家舞蹈可以是每一个人都可以参与的活动,哪怕你来自一个不同的背景。也正是因为这个共同的愿景,舞蹈圈里的学生们都互相帮助互相支持。



来到中国,走出自己的舒适圈 (Jade Thurnham ’20)


During the winter vacation, an email about a course called "Changes in Rural and Urban China" caught my attention.。作为一个生物专业,我曾经觉得我肯定不会去上一门历史课,毕竟课堂里将会有那么多知识渊博的历史专业,我还并不擅长写作文。However, I ended up taking this course, partly because I wanted to challenge myself, and partly because I have a keen interest in Chinese culture。十大正规网赌平台非常鼓励学生广泛地探索自己的兴趣,也鼓励学生们走出自己的舒适圈。

In this class, Professor Day taught us a lot about the history of urban and rural China, especially China's very ambitious process of urbanization and modernization。我们讨论了许多此类政策带来的影响,例如农村人口的搬迁和农民工的待遇问题。在读上课布置的阅读时,我不禁在想真正见到这些情景是什么样的感觉。在得知我们将前往中国亲眼见证这些所学到的东西时,我心中充满了激动和期待。Our trip included some famous sights, but also a lot of uncertainty, which is one of the things that makes this trip so exciting。


First of all, the food everywhere we went was so delicious that nothing I had eaten before could compare to it。Because of my family background, I had been exposed to Chinese culture before, but this immersion was still amazing。Half of the students on the team speak some Chinese, and helping each other with the language helps the team bond more closely together。在北京的时候我们去看了胡同,农民工学校,农村的菜地以及听了许多嘉宾讲座。At the dinner table, in the park, on the street, on the bus, we were all discussing what we had learned in class。不像平日在课堂里拘谨的氛围,大家纷纷各抒己见。


This trip was my first impression of China and I was very lucky to meet so many interesting people and things in China that made the trip worthwhile。这堂课完全不是我所预料的那样,但也正是这堂课的魅力所在。

原文链接 /campus-conversations/student-voices/out-comfort-zone-china

Oxy 留学学生照片 Photo

学生姓名 Student Name

Max Meade’ 19 – 丹麦 (17秋季)

关于哥本哈根,我最喜欢的一件事就是每个人都骑自行车。 每天骑自行车上学真的让我觉得自己像个丹麦人!

Isabel Morales ’20 – 约旦 (19春季)

This is the headscarf my live-in grandmother Obaida gave me, and I see many similarities and differences between Jordanian and Latin cultures。

Alison Salazar ’19 – 墨西哥(18-19冬季)


Darla Howell ’20 – 中国(19春季)


EvaMarie David ’19 – 意大利 (18春季)

Filippo, hurry up and say "formaggio" so we can go eat formaggio!

Saya Maeda ’20 – 尼泊尔 (18秋季)


Tulula Docherty – Oxy交换生 (18~19学年)

This photo was taken during my first week at Oxy, and it marked the beginning of my fascination and love for Los Angeles' unique blend of nature and concrete。

Contact International Programs
McKinnon Center for Global Affairs, Johnson 102