祝贺你被录取! 有关如何申请签证的信息,请参阅下文.

作为一个非欧盟国家.S. 在美国留学的公民.S., you will need to obtain a nonimmigrant student visa before entering the country and as soon as possible after you receive your I-20 or DS-2019.

在a申请签证 U.S. 你所在国家的领事馆. Because of many recent changes in the law, you can expect delays in visa processing. 请注意, F-1和J-1签证 一般来说,不能从美国国内获得.S. There may be exceptional cases through a lengthy and expensive process on condition of special approval.

  • 检查 U.S. 您所在国家的领事网站 to make sure that you follow all the instructions and requirements.

  • 签证是护照上的一个印章, which is your official authorization permitting travel to the United States.

  • Your F-1 or J-1 visa is proof that you have the permission of the United States government to travel to the US to be a student and remain for the time allotted under your I-20 or DS-2019. While your F-1 or J-1 visa is valid, you may leave and re-enter the U.S. 根据你签证上的入境次数.

  • 你需要带一些文件到美国.S. 领事馆:

    • 护照,有效期为六个月

    • Your I-20 or DS-2019 document, which was mailed to you by the College

    • 经济支持证明, such as an original Certificate of 财务状况 from your bank, 个人银行对账单, 或者Oxy的经济奖励信, proving that you have sufficient funds to support your studies at Occidental. You mailed this documentation to the College with your application and it was signed and returned to you by a College official. The amount that you are required to demonstrate is listed on your I-20 form under the Financials section.

    • Oxy的录取通知书

    • Proof that you have a permanent residence outside the United States

    • 两张或更多非官方护照大小的照片

    • 来自美国的非移民签证申请.S. 领事馆或大使馆本身.

    • I-901 SEVIS费用支付收据. 去 在美国学习 and click on "I want to study in the States" for information on the I-901 SEVIS fee and instructions for paying.

  • 美国政府可能会要求提供额外的材料.证明你有资格获得学生签证. Please call the embassy or consulate before you go to be sure you have all required materials. 这些还可能包括:

    • 英语水平证明.

    • 证明学业准备的学校记录.

    • Additional evidence of strong ties to your home country or of your ability to support yourself financially while in the United States.

    • 申请费.

    • 个人面试.

  • 再一次,请检查 U.S. 您所在国家的领事网站 确保你遵守了所有的要求.

  • 正常情况下, your student visa will be a “multiple-entry" visa for the duration of your degree or exchange program. Under this type of visa, you may leave and re-enter the U.S. up to the expiration date on the visa, as long as you have a valid I-20 or DS-2019.

  • If you receive a student visa with a different entry permission, such as a single entry visa or one for a period shorter than your exchange program or degree, 请在抵达后通知国际项目.

  • 你可以持过期的F或J签证留在美国, but it will have to be renewed if you leave the US in order to re-enter.

  • 欲了解更多信息,请访问 U.S. 部门页面.

  • 有效护照: 护照是由你本国政府签发的. 这份文件必须始终有效. 如果护照将在6个月内到期, students should begin the process of renewal through their countries Embassy or Consulate.

  • I-20, Certificate of Eligibility for Non-immigrant Student Status (F-1): The I-20 form will be issued to students by 十大正规网赌平台 once the application for admittance has been approved. This document proves that the student has been officially admitted to the College. This document is very important and should be kept securely with your passport at all times. The I-20 is taken to the US consulate or embassy in your home country as one of several required documents to apply for an F-1 visa stamp in your passport.

  • DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status (J-1): The DS-2019 form will be issued to exchange students by 十大正规网赌平台 once the Exchange Student application has been approved. This document proves that the student has been officially admitted to the College as an exchange student. This document is very important and should be kept securely with your passport at all times. The IDS-2019 is taken to the US consulate or embassy in your home country as one of several required documents to apply for an J-1 visa stamp in your passport. US

  • 签证印章: This stamp is issued by a US embassy or consulate in the student’s home country. It is placed in the valid passport and allows the bearer to travel to the US for a particular purpose. While there are many different kinds of visas for many different purposes, most international students attend 十大正规网赌平台 on F-1 student visas. Students approved to "study abroad at 十大正规网赌平台 will attend on a J1 Exchange Visitor visa. Contact the US Embassy or Consulate in your home country to ask what the specific requirements for an F-1 or J1 visas are. F和J签证不能在美国获得.S.

  • I-94录取编号: 在入境口岸检查了你的文件后, the immigration officer will record your admission electronically. This admission information is sometimes needed to apply for benefits. 你可以访问你的 www.海关与边境保护局.gov / I94. You will need to provide this information to IPO during the semester check-in, if you obtain an on-campus job and in applying for a Social Security Number.

  • SEVIS: An internet-based system that requires schools and the United States Citizenship and Immigration 服务 (USCIS) to exchange data on the immigration and academic status of international students. Information pertaining to an F-1 student's stay in the United States is available to U.S. 大使馆和领事馆以及美国移民局.

  • 指定学校官员/负责人(DSO/RO): An employee of the College that has been authorized by the immigration authorities to sign immigration documents and advise international students on visa regulations. The Designated School Official (DSO) advises on F student visa matters. The Responsible Officer (RO) advises on J student matters. 他们都在国际项目办公室.
