Students in China viewing architecture

Oxy welcomes exchange and visiting international students for summer research, a semester or a full year.

Study abroad can be one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of your college program and can have a significant impact on intellectual, personal and professional development. The International Programs Office invites serious, motivated students to apply to study abroad at Oxy.

If your home institution has a standing reciprocal exchange agreement with Occidental College, you will need the nomination of your own international office to participate in the exchange. If you can pay out-of-pocket or through a scholarship source for a semester at Oxy, you may apply as a visiting student.

  • a minimum of second-year university student standing

  • a minimum of 3.0 GPA, grades of a "B" average or demonstration of top 20% of student body

  • a proof of financial support for the duration of studies.

  • If your language of instruction is not in English: demonstrated English proficiency through TOEFL score of 600 on the paper based test (PBT), 100 on the internet based test (IBT) or 250 on the computer based test (CBT)

Oxy is a vibrant and challenging intellectual community. In the American Liberal 艺术 tradition, you may take classes in any department at Oxy, mixing your interests and needs across disciplines, from American Studies to Politics, from Chemistry to Music. The catalog in your University's International or Exchange Office lists all the fields and most of the available classes. Current class offerings are also available 在线.

In addition to classes, t在这里 are important speakers and cultural events on campus every week. A given week might offer a lecture by Chilean writer, Isabel Allende, a student's presentation of his research on plant diversity in the South African grassland or a symposium on 洛杉矶 politics.

Oxy students have organized more than 80 exciting clubs. For instance t在这里 is Anime Club (animation), Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Conservative Student Union, Hui Nalu Surf Club, Lesbian/Bi-sexual/Gay Alliance, International Student Association, the student newspaper (The Occidental) and every kind of sport.

Residence halls may be single sex or mixed. Each has a lounge, warming kitchen and a computer lab. Every room has modest furniture (desk, bed, chair, dresser). Every hall is self-governing and managed by appointed students called "Resident Advisors." These students are trained to provide personal and academic advising and referrals to College resources. They coordinate educational programs and social activities and ensure a safe and orderly environment for living and studying.

餐 are taken in one of several campus dining rooms. After arrival on campus, students may select one of four “餐计划” that provide nine to seventeen meals per week.

Oxy is on the semester system w在这里in two semesters comprise one year. The Fall semester runs from late-August to mid-December. The Spring semester runs from mid-January to mid-May. You may apply for either semester or the full academic year.

The cost of the program is dependent upon the existing agreement between Occidental College and your institution. Current costs can be found at 在这里.

Contact International Programs
McKinnon Center for Global Affairs, Johnson 102