by David Ives, adapted from the comedy by Pierre Corneille
Directed by Edgerton Guest Artist M. Graham Smith
November 20-23, 2014 in Keck Theater

Paris, 1643, Dorante is a charming young man newly arrived in the capital, and he has but a single flaw: He cannot tell the truth. In quick succession, he aquires a servant who cannot lie, falls in love with Clarice but confuses her name, and is fighting a marriage being arranged by his father. In a highly physical staging by guest director Graham Smith, 误解和一系列令人惊叹的复杂谎言结合在一起, 由屡获殊荣的剧作家精彩改编而成的都市浪漫故事, David Ives.

photo by Marc Campos
check out more production photos here!

The Liar program

by Amy Herzog
Directed by Sarah Kozinn
April 3-4 and May 15 in the Keck Theater Rehearsal Studio

21岁的里奥在经历了一次越野自行车旅行后,到达了奶奶维拉在纽约的租金管制公寓,在目睹了他最好的朋友的可怕死亡后,他拼命地想弄清楚他生活中的混乱, having an illicit sexual encounter, and getting dumped by his college girlfriend. For both Leo and Vera, 公寓成为他们经历的孤独和他们想要的有意义的生活之间的中转站,因为他们试图缩小多年来他们之间的差距, politics, and personality.

photo by Marc Campos
check out more production photos here!

4000 Miles program

The Drowsy Chaperone

Directed by John Bouchard
Music Direction by Desiree La Vertu
April 17-19, 24-26 and May 16, 2015 in Keck Theater

The Drowsy Chaperone opened on Broadway in May, 2006, and won five Tony Awards. 它是对20世纪20年代百老汇音乐喜剧的致敬和模仿. With a brilliant and brilliantly witty score, 它把我们带到了一个愚蠢的情绪总是压倒愤世嫉俗的现实的时代. And through the eyes of its narrator, who is feeling a “little blue," we are asked to just have a little “fun" and discover, or rediscover, the compensations that a story and music can bring to our lives.

photo by Marc Campos
check out more production photos here!

The Drowsy Chaperone program

New Play Festival

Produced by Dylan Bruce, Amanda Wagner and Laural Meade

The Schedule

Friday, February 20 at 8:00 pm
Restored by Kenyon Meleney
Sin Dolor, Amá by Maricela Guardado

Saturday, February 21 at 6:30 pm
Try, Try Again by Lily Jackson

Saturday February 21 at 8:30 pm
Buyer's Marketby Brian Erickson

Admission is FREE

Plays & Playwrights

directed by Robert Cucuzza

Buyer’s Market is a big bold farce in the grand tradition of Moliere and Joe Orton. 当拥有价值5000万美元房产的业主突然死亡时,阶级发生了冲突,房地产经纪人丹尼使出了一切手段让新买家走上正轨. Mistaken identities, sexcapades, and corpses in closets are compounded by two-faced masters, randy servants and a handful of psychedelics. Will the madness and income disparity never end?!

Brian Erickson is a junior politics major. 这是他第二次为新剧节撰稿 Film Buff in 2013. On campus, he is involved as a co-coordinator for Peer Health Exchange, a programming assistant for Project S.A.F.E., and a writing advisor in the Center for Academic Excellence. After graduation, 他希望要么从事公益法方面的工作,要么写些傻剧——不过他这个年纪的人应该更清楚.

directed by Juliette Carrillo

Sin Dolor, Amá/Painless, Mama 讲述了常青藤大学一年级新生美国在寒假回家的故事. Her El Salvadorean family has prepared a lavish feast, but when the party's over America and her mother are left alone, older and wiser than ever before. 通过一系列关于她失踪的父亲的揭露,以及他们共同养成的取代父亲的习惯, what was hidden suddenly looms large in their lives.

Maricela Guardado is a Los Angeles-based actress and writer. She has recently been involved in CASA 0101's production of Trio Los Machos, as well as the world premiere of Josefina Lopez's production of Hungry Woman and A Cat Named Mercy. Her past stage credits include Los Vendidos,《十大正规网赌平台》,《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》,《十大正规网赌平台》,《十大正规网赌平台》, and Othello. Her first short film was the Spanish-language short Siempre (KonRob Productions). Sin Dolor, Amá, Painless Mama, is her first one-act play.

directed by Marcos Najera

Try, Try Again 年轻的作家爱丽丝面临着她生命中最重要的夜晚:与一个还没有死去的旧情人重聚. 她的创造力得到更好的她,因为她练习他们即将遇到她的想象虚构在一个孤独的餐馆在理智的边缘. With a scene parter who looks just like the man in question, they try everything - darkest noir, campy soap, sweaty realism - just to say I love you.

Lily Jackson is a senior Theater Major and Critical Theory Social Justice minor. 莉莉来自旧金山湾区,从大一开始就参与了Oxy的戏剧表演, acting in six mainstage productions and two New Play Festivals. 她还在西方合唱团演唱,并且刚刚出演了音乐剧,The Drowsy Chaperone. Written for Professor Laural Meade's fall Playwriting course, Try, Try Again is the first play (and creative writing) Lily has completed; it is a twist on the typical romantic comedy, 探索各种戏剧类型以及现代关系和爱情.

directed by Matt McCray

Restored dramatizes a future world where fertility rates have dropped, 婚姻是国家认可的,任何偏离异性恋规范的行为都会受到严厉的惩罚. 两对夫妇庆祝带来这些变化的革命前夕,他们都上演了自己的小政变. 私人欲望与公共需求发生冲突,直到每个工会的一个成员设法再次找到对方,真正的爱情得以恢复.

Kenyon Meleney (大四,戏剧专业)从九岁起就开始接触戏剧. Primarily an actor, he has most recently been seen as Dorante in The Liar on the Keck stage. 这学期你可以看到他是一个坐在椅子上的人,一个神经质的叙述者 The Drowsy Chaperone, this year's musical. Last spring, Kenyon studied abroad at the London Dramatic Academy, a one semester conservatory-style program for actors. The past two summers, he has had internships teaching young actors the ropes, and hopes to pursue this route as a potential career path. Restored 他的第一部独幕剧(如果不算他在高中写的那部可怕的黑帮剧的话)是吗, which he does not).

Dylan Bruce '16 他在威斯康星州的农村长大,从小就作为演员参加社区剧院. 到了洛杉矶这个大城市后,他在十大正规网赌平台找到了自己真正的戏剧使命,成为一名全能的技术人员(以及有抱负的技术总监)。. Since then he has worked a variety of behind-the-scenes jobs, from scenic carpenter to head flyman to assistant sound design. Previously joining NPF as a stage manager in 2013 and 2014, 迪伦很高兴能成为今年一系列优秀剧目的助理制片人.

Amanda Wagner '16 is a junior at Occidental college studying theater. 能成为今年新剧节的联合助理制片人,她感到无比兴奋. Her last experience with the NPF was acting, but now she has sunk her teeth into a more corporate role. 新戏剧节是阿曼达第一次完美的演出, as it combines education with real-world professional experience. 除了新剧节,她还将在即将到来的音乐剧中演出 The Drowsy Chaperone as Ms. Tottendale. Her hobbies include painting, writing, and of course playing.

Special Events

with Nick Erickson

舞台格斗讲习班将重点放在有效的徒手或徒手格斗的基本技能上. 学生们将学习一场精心设计的打斗,其中包括打耳光, punches, kicks, chokes, rolls, and falls. 研讨会结束时,学生们将向同龄人和受邀嘉宾展示他们的战斗经历.

with Lily Blau

Who are you as a writer? What is your voice? When you move from project to project, genre to genre, or even one medium to another, what essential elements always come through? It's not just a question for marketing yourself in the world. 当你坐下来写作时,答案可能是你独自在房间里最重要的工具之一.

In this intensive afternoon workshop, 我们将研究一些不同作家作品中的场景和段落, as well as of Playwright in Residence Lily Blau, and analyze what defines each writer's voice. Then, after a free writing exercise, 我们将讨论那些参加研讨会的人的工作,以便每个人都能更好地理解自己的声音,以及他们下一步想要探索的道路. At least on paper.

with Daniel Alexander Jones

In 2014, interdisciplinary theater artist Daniel Alexander Jones celebrates 20 years of making live art. In this session, 丹尼尔将朗读他从1994年至今创作的作品选段并讨论他作为独立艺术家的历程他是后民权运动“融合一代”的一部分, considering questions of motivation, sustainability and community.

Created by Daniel Alexander Jones + in collaboration with Bobby Halvorson
Septmeber 26, 2014 in Thorne Hall

Decades after her departure from the spotlight, 乔玛·琼斯在她的美国复出之旅中只在鹰岩进行了一晚的演出. Rooted mysteriously in the sounds of the 70's and 80's, 这位灵魂音乐巨星承诺一场充满爱与光的亲密音乐会, reminiscent of Diana Ross, Josephine Baker and Teena Marie.

Conceived by Daniel Alexander Jones with Bobby Halvorson, JOMAMA JONES: RADIATE is an interactive concert event - part happening, part revival, 琼斯带我们踏上了一段既搞笑又鼓舞人心的故事之旅, song and self-discovery.

Contact the Theater & Performance Studies Department
Keck Theater 202

Box Office: (323) 259-2922