
全年, the 剧院 Department offers special workshops 和 guest speakers to augment the classroom experience.



画外音工作坊及小组讨论 - 4月29日,星期六,下午4点到5点40分
主持的画外音表演工作坊 布伦丹·休斯他是播客的负责人 布里奇沃特, 和 with a panel of  alumni 和 professionals working in voiceover acting to answer questions afterward. 特色 Reba布, 杰西·伯奇以斯拉·薇姿




在我们自己的声音中,第一部分:剧本创作 - 3月3日,星期三,下午2:45-3:40
The playwright's journey, 和 writing as a tool for creating community.
特色 Luis居多克里斯蒂娜黄




在我们自己的声音中,第二部分:表演 - 3月26日星期五下午12:15-1:10
The actor's journey, 和 performance as a tool for cultural change.
特色 Sabina Zúñiga Varela 和 拉里•鲍威尔




在我们自己的声音,第三部分:艺术领导 - 4月16日,星期五,下午2:45-3:40
The artist's journey, 和 leadership as a tool for 社会正义.
特色 Snehal德赛蒂龙•戴维斯



In Our Own Voice is a conversation series about storytelling, 协作, 与同事和导师建立联系. By centering guest speakers with a strong history of advocacy, 社区建设, 以及反种族主义的领导, these discussions aim to empower students to advocate for themselves, 为了他们的工作, 对其他人来说. The In Our Own Voice series will support students in identifying tools that they (regardless of major or career goals) can use during their education 和 to prepare for their career journey ahead.

In Our Own Voice speaker series is made possible by support from the Edgerton Foundation Program in 剧院.

基石剧院公司和 高地公园社区计划
Friday, February 28, 1:55-3:55pm, Keck Rehearsal Studio (Room 208)

2月28日的研讨会将介绍 基石, 和 include activities 和 conversation about 和 for the Highl和 Park Project. This quick workshop relies on participants’ input for activities 和 conversations as we introduce elements of a community engagement process for script development 和 design using 基石’s methods of cultural mapping, 故事圈和小组询问? 准备好分享你在高地公园的经历吧.

欢迎所有人! The workshop works best with a diversity of participants coming from a variety of interests 和 disciplines, including but not limited to visual 和 performing arts, 社会正义, 美国研究, 城市研究, 等. 

联系剧院 & 表演研究部
