
20多年了, the Occidental New Works Festival has paired student playwrights 和 actors with professional guest directors 和 performers. Focused on writer-centric rehearsal 和 performance, the festival provides a real-world experience of new play development as it is practiced in major theaters around the country.

所产生的 扎卡里·戈德史密斯 '24, 遗山罗 24日, Laural米德


戏剧 & Schedule | 剧作家 | 生产商

戏剧 & Schedule

All performances are in 凯克剧院 和 will be followed by a brief talk with the writer 和 director.


轻微的中断 文/吉安娜·阮
After finding a journal of h和-copied Vietnamese folktales penned by her great-uncle, a teenage girl grapples with her confusing 和 sometimes surprising feelings of grief after his death. In bringing his fantastical tales to life, 她从朋友那里得到支持, 新旧兼备, 以及她周围的成年人.

桥梁比道路先结冰 作者:乔纳·马索
In central Maine, a tragedy brings a high school senior back to her hometown. As she struggles to make sense of what she’s lost, she journeys into real 和 imagined terrains, finally coming to terms with how the town she loves - 和 its residents - have failed her.


同学会 季佳慧
灵感来自荷马 奥德赛, this comedic epic follows a young Chinese woman as she w和ers from new person to new place, 寻找一种“家”的感觉.” Along a journey that takes her to China 和 back, she discovers how her finite 和 very real nature can exist in the uncertainty of a boundless in-between.


等待戈多离开 作者:伊桑Remez-Cott
Be assured - any resemblance to the original classic play 等待戈多 完全是巧合. 城市公寓. 一个沙发. 晚上. 两个朋友在等戈多. 无事可做. 但是等等! Will a series of visitors change anything about their failed lives, or even their failed party? 看来我们得等等看了.

啊笨 莱利Polaner著
在一个看似无辜的赎罪日, Juniper atones for her sins - while also resenting what she willingly chose to do. But the day takes an unexpected turn when two surprise visitors, a talking vegetable 和 a singing icon, put her through a harrowing but hilarious series of trials. Is her soul on the line or is it just a hungry hallucination?


jijihui Ji '24


Hui is a current student at 十大正规网赌平台, double majoring in CSLC 和 剧院 & 性能的研究, from Beijing, China. This is their first time writing a play in English (their second language), which has unexpectedly opened up a world for them. They have found that humans write to “taste life twice,” in the most observant yet creative ways possible. 除了剧本, Hui has also discovered acting 和 directing as a channel to explore their ontological being, 和 means to share their experience with others. 




约拿Matso is a senior in the Department of 剧院 & 性能的研究. He has always had a passion for story-telling, 和 is ecstatic to have found this medium. Jonah’s favorite stories to tell do not always have a unifying theme or genre, but rather are consistently inspired by his vision of the world around him. He hopes that they strike you as true; 和 if they should fall short of that, 至少, 他们娱乐你.




吉安娜·阮是城市人 & Environmental Policy major 和 Interdisciplinary Writing minor currently residing in Huntington Beach, 加州. As a self-proclaimed fiction writer 和 poet, Gianna tends to explore themes of family, 种族和文化, 性别, 以及他们作品中的酷儿. 轻微的中断 is one of their few fully realized plays.



莱利Polaner 26岁


莱利·波兰纳(莱利Polaner)是DWA和剧院的一员 & 性能的研究 double major with a minor in Linguistics. She hails from the great state of New Jersey 和 wants all the New Yorkers in the audience to know that she is very, 非常自豪. She has always wanted an opportunity to exp和 her writing skills 和 is so grateful for everything New Works has given her. 她想感谢威尔, Laural, 她的编剧班同学, 和 her dad who kindly originated the role of Bette Midler in the original production. She hopes you enjoy her creation 和 if anyone finds a mini Spiderman water bottle somewhere in the theater, 请告诉她.



伊桑Remez-Cott is a senior in the Department of 剧院 & 性能的研究. He is so excited to have his play performed in the New Works Festival! He spent two years studying musical theater at the Boston Conservatory at Berklee but wanted a more well-rounded education. He then transferred to Oxy, where he is much happier. He would like to thank his wonderful cast 和 the incredible team behind the whole festival. Nothing could be done without all y’all. Congratulations to the performers 和 playwrights!!



扎卡里·戈德史密斯, 24岁


Zachary is excited to be back producing the New Works Festival for the second time! Zach (he/him/his) is a senior 剧院 & 性能研究及市区 & Environmental Policy double major from Portl和, Oregon. In addition to producing the festival, Zach has written 和 produced his show 这就足够了 并于2023年3月在 每个人都梦幻剧十大正规网赌平台. Zach loves telling relevant 和 innovative stories 和 creating/supporting new work. 祝大家节日愉快!




遗山罗 (罗浩闻), a senior double majoring in Diplomacy & 世界事务与戏剧 & 性能的研究, is an international theater enthusiast 和 creator from Qingdao, China. He has engaged in various roles in theater, including acting, producing, designing, 和 set building. Haowen was one of the student producers for NWF 2023 和 is excited to continue in this role for NWF 2024.



支持 provided by the Edgerton Foundation, Academic Student Project Awards from 十大正规网赌平台, 还有奥马尔的饼干罐.

联系剧院 & 表演研究部


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