For the 2022-2023 season, Oxy Theater explored contemporary comedy, timely subject matter, a subversive take on a classic and Greek tragedy! 


Photo from Elevada

Written by Sheila Callaghan
Directed by Wanlass Visiting Director Alana Dietze
Assistant Directed by Natalya Nielsen
Scenic & Lighting Design by Xinyuan Li
Costume Design by Aed McMillian
Sound Design by John Zalewski
Projection Design by Hsuan-Kuang Hsieh
Stage Managed by Kai Morfín

雷蒙娜在第二轮化疗后正在重塑自己. 哈利勒把自己的身份卖给了一家大型电信和媒体公司. June is learning to flirt again, post-divorce, 欧文用大量的茶叶收藏取代了他的毒瘾. 

这是一部浪漫喜剧,讲述的是生活在有限的空间里,抵制消失的冲动. When our world is turned upside down, who do we become? How do we connect when the only constant is change?



Photo from Roe

Written by Lisa Loomer
Directed by Wanlass Visiting Theater Artist Khanisha Foster
Scenic & Lighting Design by Xinyuan Li
Costume Design by Aed McMillian
Sound Design by John Zalewski
Projection Design by Hsuan-Kuang Hsieh
Stage Managed by Max Tel

Lisa Loomer's Roe takes us out of the courtroom, 向我们介绍了在备受争议的最高法院裁决中扮演核心角色的真实女性. Powerful, funny, poignant, and inspiring, Roe 反映了当今美国的两极分化,同时也给了我们一个快速发展的, 公正地看待我们复杂的共同人性的历史. 在即将到来的赛季中被选中的原因显而易见, this vital project speaks directly to the current times.

Read about the show in The Occidental


Photo from Oedipus at Colonus

Written by Sophocles
Translated by Robert Fagles
Directed by Will Power
Stage Managed by Max Tel

Oedipus at Colonus 是希腊神话故事俄狄浦斯王的最后一章吗, the once revered ruler of Thebes, 谁因为在不知情的情况下杀了自己的父亲,娶了自己的母亲而被排斥. The play shows a complex king attempting to redeem himself, 在面对外在的折磨和内心的愤怒和悔恨时,找到某种平静. What follows is not only a single king in torment, 而是整个家族(因此也是一个古希腊社会)内部的战争, 赌注是每个角色的理智和存在.


Photo from A Doll's House: Part 2

Written by Lucas Hnath
Directed by Jamie Angell
Stage Managed by Avery Jones

当诺拉15年前关上的门有人敲门时,会发生什么? 离开了她的家庭“监狱”,成为一个独立的自我实现的女人, 诺拉现在被迫返回以完成她开始的事情. Lucas Hnath's A Doll’s House, Part 2 在忠实于易卜生所创造的人物的同时,也在调查诺拉关上的门背后的意义和潜在的冲动.


The Fairy Who Cried Gems
Created and performed by Lily Abha Cratsley '23
April 14 & 15 at 8:00pm at Keck 208

The Fairy Who Cried Gems is a cross-cultural, sometimes verbatim folk-tale, memoir, and celebration of identity, created and performed by Lily Abha Cratsley. She serves as a storyteller, employing dialogue, music, 以及将观众带入德西裔美国女性口述历史的运动. Through this piece, 莉莉探索了她矛盾的身份,并发现了德西的快乐是如何从创伤的遗产中建立起来的.

It Could Have Been Enough
A new play by Zachary Goldsmith '24
March 3 & 5 at 7:30pm behind Keck Theater

瑞秋和亚设在他们的新房子里举办了他们的第一次逾越节家宴,这让瑞秋很懊恼. 但是当亚瑟的朋友们在公园里透露了一个惊喜的家宴, 瑞秋想在发生危险冲突之前阻止它. Desperate, she accepts the help of the Wicked Son, whose vile plan unleashes the ten plagues onto the house.

How far would someone go to run away from their identity? How can we balance trauma and joy? It Could Have Been Enough 调查2022-2023年犹太青年意味着什么.


Produced by Zachary Goldsmith '24, Haowen Luo '24 and Laural Meade

For more than 20 years, 西方新作品节将学生剧作家和演员与专业客座导演和表演者配对. Focused on writer-centric rehearsal and performance, 这个节日提供了一个真实的新戏剧开发体验,因为它在全国主要剧院进行.


The Plays & Schedule | Playwrights | Producers

The Plays & Schedule


Saturday, February 25, 2023

a double-bill
Clock Out by Jonah Matso '24
Directed by Aly Mawji
Some restaurant kitchens are calm, cool, collected. 不是这个,它是热的,混乱的,拥挤的,紧张的沸腾. 形形色色的角色每个人都有不同的日程安排. A server looking to be redeemed… or distracted. A cook looking for freedom, with nowhere to turn. 一个期望很高的厨师,还有更强烈的上帝情结. 他们会把对方逼疯的,如果他们没有赶在晚餐高峰之前的话.

Emergency Contact by Wren Andres '24
Directed by Jer Adrienne Lelliott
A childhood bedroom in the suburban midwest, a dorm room at a west coast school, one long car ride home. 跨越时间和距离,杰米和诺亚在彼此身上找到了家. Together, they dream of the world they want to create. 分开后,他们挣扎着抓住自己和对方. Emergency Contact 探索酷儿友谊的交叉点,当你刚刚找到自己的立足点时,学习如何去爱.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Center of the World by Amber-Lee Davison '26
Directed by Jessica Hanna
Bob Hanks, son of Tom Hanks (yes, that Tom Hanks), 似乎总是得到他想要的一切,尤其是在他的演艺事业. 但一件大事让他开始质疑自己无尽成功背后的原因. 他是像他自己认为的那样罕见和有才华——是别人只能绕着他转的真正的世界中心——还是他只是患上了严重的裙带关系?

El Corazón de la Luna by Joaquín Madrid Larrañaga '23
Directed by Israel López Reyes
As teen-ager Martín grapples with terrifying dreams, his father’s death, and a strange magical woman named Estrella, he never could have imagined falling in love. 但是当一个可爱的男孩出现在他的天主教坚信课上, he must come to terms with his own homophobia. 在这个古怪的成长故事中,这也是对阿尔伯克基的颂歌, New Mexico - love, religion, and magic take center stage.


Wren Andres '24

Wren Andres是Oxy大学戏剧专业的大三学生,很荣幸能参加今年的新作品节. Wren is a long-time performer, 初出茅庐的剧作家,对家乡的热爱对这里的人和地方的热爱. His first play Emergency Contact is ‘a love letter to queer love and friendships.'

Amber-Lee Davison '26

我是安珀,我很高兴能成为今年电影节的编剧之一. 我是大一新生,但在那之前,我就对奥施康定的戏剧系很感兴趣. So, 能够为他们创作一件作品是一个很棒的机会,我很感激在我的大学旅程中经历过. 我期待着与我才华横溢的演员和导演合作,把我的剧本变成现实!

Joaquín Madrid Larrañaga '23

Joaquín Madrid Larrañaga是一名主修计算机科学的大四学生,辅修戏剧和表演研究. Born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Joaquín has been performing, directing, and producing productions since he was 5 years old. 虽然他骨子里是个表演者,但Joaquín很高兴能呈现他的第一部原创戏剧 El Corazón de la Luna, which aims to be an ode to the beauty of New Mexico, while also tackling issues of homosexuality, catholicism, curanderismo, and coming of age. You can learn more about Joaquín on his website at

Jonah Matso '24

Jonah is a junior Theater and Performance Studies Major. He is an aspiring writer and this is his first play.


Zachary Goldsmith '24

这是扎克第一年制作新作品节, 他很高兴你们能看到这些精彩的戏剧! Zach (he/him/his) is a junior Theater & Performance Studies and Urban & Environmental Policy double major from Portland, Oregon. A writer, actor, and producer, 扎克喜欢讲述相关和创新的故事,并创造/支持新的工作. Enjoy the festival, everybody!

Haowen Luo '24

罗浩文是一个经验丰富的演员,运行人员和制作人员的学生. Haowen Luo is from Qingdao, 在中国,他从当地蓬勃发展的戏剧和艺术中获得了很多灵感. Haowen actively participates in the Theater & 十大正规网赌平台表演研究系课程:于 Scenes from Metamorphoses, and helped produce Into the Woods and Elevada. Majoring in Theater & Performance Studies at Occidental College, 浩文参加了许多课程,为他在大多数戏剧领域的专业工作做准备. 郝文仍在探索自己在戏剧领域的可能性.


Support was provided by the Edgerton Foundation, Academic Student Project Awards from Occidental College, and Omar's Cookie Jar.

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Contact the Theater & Performance Studies Department
Keck Theater 202

Box Office: (323) 259-2922