Oxy Alum performing at the New Play Festival 2018

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ABCD的 莉莉·阿卜哈·克拉茨利 '23 will be performed at Greenway Court Theatre with 莫芬凯 22舞台管理, 思米富尔顿 '23 assistant stage managing and 教授essor 塔迦尔Shivani 生产

在ABCD, 三代印度妇女团聚参加塔拉的Arangetram(印度古典舞蹈风格Bharatanatyam学生的首次独奏表演). While preparing a celebratory dinner in her absence, 塔拉的妹妹, 妈妈。, and grand妈妈。 clash and comfort one another. 柳树, Tara’s younger sister and bold academic, is eager to learn all that her Nani can teach her about her culture. Aditi, 刚离婚的妈妈, 发现自己夹在一个专横的母亲和一个挑剔的女儿在她的新家. 纳尼,这个家庭的女家长,在搬回印度后必须再次面对泽西城. 当失去、爱和渴望在餐桌上分享时,会发生什么呢?


莉莉·阿卜哈·克拉茨利(莉莉·阿卜哈·克拉茨利)在十大正规网赌平台(十大正规网赌平台)读书时开始写ABCD, where it was featured in the 剧院 & 性能的研究 Department's 2022 New Works Festival. 大四那年,ABCD甚至被选为加里·马歇尔新作品节的决赛选手! Lily很高兴今年11月在Greenway Court Theatre与Greenway 艺术 Alliance和KriyaShakti Performing 艺术合作,首演《十大正规网赌平台》. 教授. 塔迦尔Shivani正在制作, and Oxy alums 莫芬凯 and 思米富尔顿 make up the stage managing team! 加入Oxy剧院大家庭,支持莉莉的戏剧,为它的闭幕表演, 周日, 11月19日晚上7点. 


21岁的Sandy Nguyn和19岁的Dyoni Isom正在Hantext '22戏剧阅读节上制作其中一部戏剧




Hilary Kang Oglesby ‘22 and Natalya Nielsen '22 are performing in 母亲的姐妹 by Makaela Vogel ‘21 at the Echo 剧院 Company

22岁的希拉里·康-奥格尔斯比和22岁的娜塔莉亚·尼尔森将在21岁的马卡拉·沃格尔的《十大正规网赌平台》中表演, a powerful testament to sisterhood and familial history. Based on interviews with Vogel's eight aunts, 这部纪录片为20世纪晚期的女性提供了一个引人注目的视角. 这个项目的早期草稿是作为她的高级竞争对手上演的,并将在回声剧院公司首映. 

Alyssa Escalante ‘10 directs Amanda Wagner ‘16 in 贞德的第二次降临 弧 at the 好莱坞边缘艺术节

阿曼达·瓦格纳(Amanda Wagner)饰演的圣女贞德(Joan 弧)是15世纪记录最丰富的历史人物. Written by Carolyn Gage and directed by 艾丽莎·埃斯卡兰特10岁, 这个独角戏让这位著名的烈士有机会用自己的方式讲述她的故事. A searing testimony of her expierences with the church and militrary, 贞德的第二次降临  与厌女症的残酷历史抗争,这种历史已经融入了今天的现代景观.

Haley Moran '15 is starring in the world premier of Flex at the Actors 剧院 of Louisville. 

Flex is set in 1997, just when the WNBA is changing the game. 普兰诺尔女子篮球队的每个队员现在都梦想着成为职业篮球运动员——但首先, they’ll have to navigate the pressures of being young, black and female in rural Arkansas. Will their fouls off the court tear their team apart? Or can they keep their pact to stick together through hell or high water? With all the adrenaline and swagger of a four-quarter game, 坎迪斯·琼斯强有力的新比赛颂扬了女子篮球的激烈运动精神. 由海莉·莫兰主演. 

Brandon Baruch '07 is lighting designer for Four Larks & 洛杉矶室内乐团 会话——Rountree

由艺术团体Four Larks设计的特定场地视觉概念, SESSION是一个独特的体验,LACO(洛杉矶室内乐团)音乐家与引人注目的作曲家联手. LACO会议是音乐和艺术的令人兴奋的融合,灯光设计由Brandon Baruch '07. 

新经典LA 称最后一场音乐会是“洛杉矶最好的新音乐会”,“我不会很快忘记的一件事”, 这将挑战今年洛杉矶最具冒险精神的节目."

手淫 by 埃里克 Patterson '00 opens at the Echo 剧院 Company September 7, 2019 


在手淫, 一个白之间的邂逅, 同性恋和他的黑人, 当信号被误解时,直接的“赤膊清洁工”就会出现灾难性的错误, 线被交叉. HANDJOB explores the aftermath of their meeting, as it reveals deep layers of discrimination, 不和, 和不满. 如果你不能在界限应该在哪里达成一致,你怎么知道什么时候你做得太过分了?

The show will run until October 28, 2019.


埃里克 Patterson '00 is an award-winning playwright and screenwriter. He recently won the 洛杉矶 Drama Critic’s Circle Award for 一个漂亮的, which had its world premiere at The Echo 剧院 Company in 2016. His plays have been produced by Playwrights' Arena, 洛杉矶剧院中心, 著名剧院, 证据的房间, 演员帮, 和回声剧院公司, as well as developed through the Lark Play Development Center, 赤裸天使, 马克·塔珀论坛, 和新集团. His plays have been nominated for the Ovation Award, 舞台原创奖, 洛杉矶周刊奖, 以及GLAAD媒体奖. 埃里克和他的编剧搭档杰西卡·斯科特(Jessica Scott)一起为华纳兄弟写剧本.环球,20岁th 世纪福克斯, 迪斯尼, 自由的, MTV, 派拉蒙, 石头城堡, 华纳地平线, 和迪士尼, 举几个例子. 他们获得了人道主义奖和作家工会奖, as well as two Emmy nominations. 埃里克毕业于十大正规网赌平台和英美戏剧学院.
麦克白 at Art Share LA - August 15-September 7, 2019


艾丽莎·埃斯卡兰特10岁 directs Shakespeare's classic tragedy 麦克白 今年夏天在洛杉矶艺术分享会上. 该剧由几位Oxy校友和学生出演,包括12届的特里斯坦·沃尔德伦(《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》/制片人), 考特尼·杜森伯里09届 (Scenic & 道具设计师), 亚当·罗伊15岁 (Lighting Designer), 阿曼达·瓦格纳16岁(《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》), 瑞秋·古德曼19岁 (stage manager), 米奇·卡斯韦尔,20岁, Megan McKiernan, 19岁, Zoë Speer '20, 卡莉·斯旺森,10岁, 玛丽·毛吉01年, 和泰勒·韦斯顿08年.



Elena Sánchez '18 in the 好莱坞边缘艺术节 2019

Recent alum Elena Sánchez is in the 好莱坞边缘艺术节! She will be in the world premiere of "Speak I Will!," a production of Fractured Shakespeare.



Preview: Saturday, June 8th at 3:30pm
性能:周日, June 16th at 7pm; Friday, June 21st at 11pm; Saturday, June 29th at 12pm(noon); 周日, 6月30日下午6:30. 
首映式在 收容所-工作室C (Studio C), located on 6448 Santa Monica Blvd.

Sánchez is also featured in the recent short film "想念我?"

凯尼恩·梅兰尼,15岁 彼得和捕星人

托尼奖得主《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》颠覆了一个世纪以来的故事,讲述了一个悲惨的孤儿如何成为一个不会长大的男孩(又名彼得·潘)。. 一个年轻的孤儿和他的伙伴们从维多利亚时代的英国被运往一个遥远的土地由邪恶的国王扎博夫统治. 在海上, the boys are discovered by a precocious young girl named Molly, 一个Starcatcher-in-training, who realizes that a mysterious trunk's precious cargo is Starstuff, a celestial substance so powerful it must never fall into the wrong hands. 当船被海盗占领时,这段旅程很快就变成了一场惊心动魄的冒险. 从劫掠的海盗和丛林暴君到不情愿的同志和不可能的英雄, 彼得和捕星人开玩笑地探索了贪婪和绝望的深处, 还有友谊的纽带, 责任, 和爱.
Performed in fall 2016 at the Torrance 剧院 Company

Maggie Fullilove-Nugent '04 is appointed Production Manager at 时间轴剧院:

Maggie fullillove - nugent是芝加哥时间线剧院的制作经理, a prominent theater that has received over 50 Joseph Jefferson Awards. She also maintains involvement in her company 匪徒们.

联系剧院 & 性能的研究 Department
