
作者:Pearl Cleage
特邀艺术家Culley, 特雷加勒特, director, 和 recent alum Kadiatou (Kaja) Martin in the role of 天使 Allen

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那是1930年的夏天,在纽约的哈莱姆区. The creative euphoria of the Harlem Renaissance has given way to the harsher realities of the Great Depression. 小亚当·克莱顿·鲍威尔牧师. is feeding the hungry 和 preaching an activist gospel at Abyssinian Baptist Church. Black Nationalist visionary, Marcus Garvey, has been discredited 和 deported. 计划生育先驱, 玛格丽特·桑格, is opening a new family planning clinic on 126th Street, 和 the doctors at Harlem Hospital are scrambling to care for a population whose most deadly disease is poverty. The play brings together a rich cast of characters who reflect the conflicting currents of the time through their overlapping personalities 和 政治. 故事发生在盖伊的哈莱姆公寓, 受欢迎的服装设计师, 还有他的朋友, 天使, 最近被解雇的棉花俱乐部后备歌手, 演员阵容还包括山姆, 一个勤劳的, jazz-loving doctor at the Harlem Hospital; Delia, an equally dedicated member of the staff at the Sanger clinic; 和 Lel和, 最近从塔斯基吉移植过来的, who sees in 天使 a memory of lost love 和 a reminder of those “Alabama skies where the stars are so thick, 它像白天一样明亮." Invoking the image of African American expatriate extraordinaire, 约瑟芬贝克, 既是缪斯女神又是神话, 克莱奇笔下的人物在挣扎, 正如盖伊所说, “to look beyond 125th Street" for the fulfillment of their dreams." (from the rear cover of the script published by Dramatists Play Service, Inc.)

Pearl Cleage is a noted African American playwright, writer, 和 teacher. 她的其他戏剧包括 Flyin的西方. 阿拉巴马天空的蓝调 was written for the Alliance 剧院 in Atlanta, GA as part of the 艺术 Festival connected to the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.

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阿拉巴马天空的蓝调 程序





萧伯纳的 圣女贞德 is the masterpiece of one of the world’s greatest playwrights. 写于1923年, 在贞德被封为圣徒后不久, Shaw wrote his version of her historic tragedy after meticulous research, which included the ancient transcripts of Joan of Arc’s heresy trial. 这出戏妙语连珠, 温柔, 背叛, 政治, 和矛盾, along with some of the richest characters of the 20th Century stage. 的前提 圣女贞德 很简单. The quote from the website of the Royal National Theatre for last year’s production says it plainly: “A country girl in her late teens declares her bloody mission to drive the English from France 和 to crown the reluctant Dauphin as King.“辅助, 正如她所说, 通过她的圣徒的“声音”, 凯瑟琳, 玛格丽特, 和迈克尔, Joan succeeds in her mission 和 in the process rocks both church 和 state. The Inquisition finds her guilty 和 condemns her to death by fire in the town square at Rouen in May, 1431. A surreal epilogue – a dream of King Charles – 萧伯纳的 brilliant piece of irony – closes the play.

圣女贞德 程序


音乐指导:Stephen Gothold
编排的 马克·诺尔斯
风景优美的 & 灯光设计 苏珊Gratch
服装设计 汤姆Slotten

一个时代的标志. Treasured 和 reviled, both then 和 now, HAIR, sings the myth of a generation. A musical for another age comes round again testing 和 tasting the profane 和 the sacred, 讽刺的和抒情的, along with the agonizing facts 和 the psychedelic fantasies of 1968, when American society divided against itself over a 4-year war that continued for 5 more years.

4月17日 & 18, 24 & 25,晚上7:30
4月19日 & 下午2点

Staged walkabout style as never before; on the flattened, psychedelic floor of the flexible auditorium of the 凯克剧院. Reserved seating is available in the galleries.

Two-thirds of the audience will be sitting on the floor (there are no chairs in the “orchestra section") 和 will be occasionally asked to st和 和 move around the gymnasium style floor. The audience becomes an integral part of the staging, allowing for an experience of immediacy 和 intimacy rarely possible in live theater.

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头发 程序

更多的 & 特别活动

编剧和导演 约翰·布沙尔
改编自伊迪丝·沃顿的 珊瑚礁
4月21日 & 22, 2009

安娜Leath is the story of four Americans in France: two couples– one in the middle of life, 另一个刚进入成年期, who are caught in an unsettling dance of emotional need 和 sexual desire. 献给最近丧偶的安娜·利思, who has dreamed of finding a “bridge to life" from the isolation of her sheltered adolescence, life becomes available only through an accommodation to a complexity never hinted at in the stories 和 novels of her youth.

The 十大正规网赌平台 Department of 剧院, supported by the G. 威廉·休谟表演艺术奖学金, 和 with sponsorship from the Intercultural Community Center 和 the Black Student Alliance presents:


独奏 意志的力量
特邀DJ Reborn

周五,2月. 晚上6点到8点

Featuring excerpts from his award winning productions 七个, 意志的力量 will also perform new work in progress.

意志的力量 “…combines the complexity of serious drama with the visual 和 sonic arsenal of MTV" ——《十大正规网赌平台》

Viewed as a pioneer in the genre of Hip Hop 剧院, 意志的力量 has created his own style of theatrical communication, 融合原创音乐, rhymed language 和 dynamic choreography to produce compelling evenings of work. 他对希腊悲剧的改编 七、攻打底比斯,《 七个, recently completed a successful Off-Broadway run at the New York 剧院 Workshop. The play was hailed as both an audience favorite 和 a critical success, 和 called everything from “brilliant" (The Village Voice), 到“令人振奋”(今日美国), to “a spectacular offering to the theater Gods" (Time Out New York). 意志的力量’s nationally 和 internationally acclaimed solo show has been described as “astounding" (CurtainUp) 和 “theater with the refreshing aroma of originality" (New York Times).

意志的力量的各种技能, high-energy performances 和 lyrics are matched only by his remarkable teaching ability, providing communities across the globe with tools of self-expression.

意志的力量上Tavis Smiley秀

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