Created by Greg Allen
Written by the Neo-Futurists
Directed by Culley Guest Artist Alexis Chamow
Scenic and lighting design by 苏珊Gratch
Costume design by Tom Slotten

November 10-13 at 7:30pm
November 14 at 2:00pm
in 凯克剧院

Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind, 30 Plays in 60 Minutes 是格雷格·艾伦和芝加哥新未来主义者的结晶. Part theater, part athletic event, Too Much Light… plays fast and loose with the audience-performer relationship, strengthening the absolute “live-ness" of the theatrical event. The actors have scripted, 排练过的戏剧和观众可以控制这些戏剧在60分钟的最后期限内呈现的顺序. 机会和变化的时刻是表演的基本组成部分, 确保演员和观众都保持紧张的状态. Backstage says: “Like the glory days of Saturday Night Live, only funnier and slightly surreal,而华盛顿广场新闻则称其为“对人类状况的一次重新焕发活力的探索”.“你会笑,你会哭,你会吃披萨,你会在一个小时内完成.

Check out our production photos on Flickr!
Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind 程序

written by Horton Foote
scenic design by 苏珊Gratch
costume design by Tom Slotten
lighting design by Tamara Goodman ’11

December 1-4 at 7:30pm

December 5 at 2:00pm
in 凯克剧院

劳拉·丹尼斯 是霍顿·富特伟大的历史悲喜剧之一,把我们带到一个既田园又恐怖的美国小镇. Set in 1938 Harrison, 德州, 该剧讲述了因生活所带来的和将要带来的一切而随着时间的推移而破裂的家庭的故事, 富特有着捕捉人物勇敢的非凡本能——故事的核心人物是高中生劳拉·丹尼斯——找到了面对未来的意志.

Check out our production photos on Flickr!
劳拉·丹尼斯 程序


written by: Murray Mednick
April 1-3 and May 13 at 8:00pm
at the Mary Norton Clapp 图书馆 – outside on the northwest corner


剧作家默里·梅德尼克是帕多瓦山剧作家节和工作坊的创始人, where he served as the Artistic Director from 1978-1995. Padua was perhaps the most vital laboratory for new work in S. 并以它所产生的特定地点的工作而闻名. This production of Murray Mednick’s 冻结 通过在西方校园的玛丽·诺顿·克拉普图书馆的西北角内外上演戏剧,试图捕捉这种传统的即时性. 演出将于晚上8点太阳落山后开始,持续大约一个小时. 穿得暖和些.

Check out our production photos on Flickr!
冻结 程序

更多的 & Special 事件

Written and 由 意志的力量
Music by 意志的力量, Will Hammond and Justin Ellington
Vocal Arrangement by Daryl Waters
Music Direction by Kathryn Bostic
Choreography by Grace Shinhae Jun
Sound Design by 麂皮革迪
Lighting Design by 苏珊Gratch
Costume Design by Caitlin Talmage
Scenic Design by Michael Field


七个 is a hip-hop adaptation of Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes, which follows the struggles of Eteocles and Polynices, the two sons of the cursed King Oedipus, as they fight for the throne of Thebes. 这是一个关于战争、家庭和一个不知道如何解放自己的被诅咒社会的故事. Writer and composer 意志的力量 把这个关于宿命与选择的经典故事更新为城市习语,以探索包括贫困在内的现代主题, race and the abuse of power. 整个剧本都是押韵诗,交织着诸如calypso, do-wop, R & B, funk, blues. 神奇的 Kathryn Bostic (Musical Direction), Grace Shinhae Jun (Choreography),和18位演员一起加入意志的力量,创造了这部复杂而雄心勃勃的作品,将为新一代带来一个古老的故事.

七个 is paid for in part by the G. 威廉·休谟表演艺术奖学金和本杰明·卡利基金

Check out our production photos on Flickr!
七个 程序


这个棕色的午餐将处理一个演员在洛杉矶需要知道的最重要的事情之一——如何推销自己. Hollywood is all about packaging and marketing, the more that you have a clear idea of what you are selling, the greater chance of working. David将讨论如何通过了解自己在企业中所扮演的角色来发挥自己的潜力.

David started out working in the business as an actor. His credits include General Hospital, Days of our Lives, The Young and Restless. 除了许多电影之外,他还在戏剧作品中表演了多年. 作为一名摄影师,他能够与顶级经纪人和选角导演合作超过20年. 他曾与克尔斯滕·邓斯特、肖恩·威廉·斯科特、艾莉森·洛曼和斯科特·沃尔夫等人合作. 他的重点是帮助演员放松,在一个创造性的支持性环境中享受乐趣.

Wednesday, November 17 from 12:30pm to 1:25pm
凯克剧院 Rehearsal Room

An Oxy Tradition
January 15, 2011 in 凯克剧院

Beginning in 1960, 多年来,西方夏季剧院定期制作音乐剧和轻歌剧,深受观众和剧团的喜爱. Beginning in 1979, 这一传统被定期纳入戏剧系的制作计划, beginning with 任何事情都可能发生.

In order to ensure the future production of musical theater, so closely associated with Alan over the years, 十大正规网赌平台戏剧系很高兴地宣布一项筹款活动,开始一项运动,以建立弗里曼音乐剧基金.

Staging musical theater entails many added costs: choreographers, musical directors, 音乐家, rehearsal accompanists, additional royalties. 一旦赋予, 弗里曼基金将产生必要的资金来帮助永久支付这些额外费用.


January 30-February 4
A FREE performance of Frederick Douglass Now in 凯克剧院 on Sunday, January 30 at 7:00pm and a performance of The Watts Towers Project in 凯克剧院 on Friday, February 4.
门票 The Watts Towers Project are free to Oxy students.
FREDERICK DOUGLASS NOW 是受到废奴主义者和女权先驱弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的生活和工作的启发. 罗杰·格恩维尔·史密斯(Roger Guenveur Smith)对道格拉斯19世纪的经典演讲进行了反驳, 社论, letters with original narratives.
史密斯在当下找到历史的回声,然后将回声拼接回过去. The concoction: a talking-history text."—The Village Voice

由 Spike Lee, featuring RGS as Smiley.
Film followed by a Q & A
Monday, January 31 at 7:00pm in Lower Herrick
FREE to everyone

SRGS adapted his Obie Award winning solo performance of 嘿!. 牛顿的故事改编成了一部获得皮博迪奖的电视电影,由他的长期同事斯派克·李执导.
Film followed by a Q & A
Wednesday, February 2 at 8:00pm in Mosher 1
FREE to everyone

瓦茨塔项目是对个人努力本质的亲密思考, inspired by Simon Rodia’s masterwork, 33 years in the making. Assembled from scrap materials to withstand earthquakes, 骚乱, civic indifference, 《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》从“好莱坞”的角度审视了史密斯的青年时代.

“史密斯是一个大师……他对这个他成长的城市的一系列即兴表演必须成为本季最具原创性的戏剧体验之一。."—The 洛杉矶 Times


Contact the 剧院 & Performance Studies Department
凯克剧院 202

Box Office: (323) 259-2922