事件 & 表演


春天了 | 新作品节研讨会 & 特别活动学生项目过去的季节 

方向 to 凯克剧院 and 索恩大厅



Written by August Strindberg in a new version by Caryl Churchill
由 Laural米德
Scenic and Lighting Design by 鑫源李
服装设计 Aed麦克林

一位年轻女子踏上了一段疯狂的旅程,想看看生活是否真的像人们想象的那么艰难. Along the way she explores love, 创造力, 学术界, 婚姻, 检疫, 工业化, 灵性——一切都在一个千变万化的景观中,人物相互融合, 地点瞬息变化,一扇锁着的门成了反复出现的形象.

Run time is about two hours
免费入场 for all students!
November 2-4 at 7:30pm and November 5 at 2:00pm in 凯克剧院
Join us for a post-show talk on Friday, November 3.
Photo Credit: Sarahi Apaez



Scenic and Lighting Design by 鑫源李
服装设计 Aed麦克林

From the streets of 90s New York to the world, this rarely performed hip hop gem is sure to ignite, 引发, and get heads spinning for real. 最初由传奇乐团“宇宙”创作并呈现, 使用俚语 这是对文字和语言的爆炸性本质进行前所未有的全面深入探索吗. 登上火车,准备好让歌词、节奏和舞蹈带你去任何地方. Now “stand clear of closing doors,” and let’s go.

11月16日至18日周四至周六晚上7:30,11月19日周日下午2点 凯克剧院
Join us for a post-show talk on Friday, November 17.





音乐 & Lyrics by Laurence O'Keefe and Nell Benjamin
由 Wanlass Visiting Artist 黎明Monique 威廉姆斯
音乐指导 dsamsisame La Vertu
景观设计 鑫源李
服装设计 Aed麦克林
Lighting Design by Culley Guest Artist Christian Mejia
Choreography by Culley Guest Artist Roberta Inscho
Stage Managed by Josie Gordon

当她的常春藤联盟男友毫不客气地甩了她时,姐妹会的女王艾丽·伍兹陷入了困境. Never one to back down easily, 艾丽开始了一段欢乐的旅程,她一路来到哈佛法学院的神圣殿堂. Packed 与 infectious earworms, 合法 金发女郎 你的作品是否一定能让观众满意,并传达出自我发现和姐妹情谊的信息.

Performs Friday-Sunday, April 19-21 & 26-28 at 7:30pm and 周六, May 18 at 8:30pm in 凯克剧院












律政俏佳人 由国际音乐剧场(MTI)特别安排. All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. www.mtishows.com



亚当·博克(Adam Bock)撰写
Stage Managed by Queenie Ngo

接待员 亚当·博克(Adam Bock)的作品是一部温和的职场喜剧,后来演变成某种相当具有威胁性的东西. 在一个你根本不想知道发生了什么的地方会发生什么? And how much responsibility do people have who don’t want to know? 接待员熟练地剖析和滑稽地审视了人们只是在做他们的生意的共谋.


Scene from 接待员
Sarahi Apaez拍摄











接待员 是由康科德剧院代表塞缪尔·弗兰奇公司安排演出的. www.concordtheatricals.com

研讨会 & 特别活动

Stage Combat Workshop 与 Rachel Flesher


周六 & 4月6日星期日 & 7
in the 凯克剧院 Rehearsal Room

这两天, 六小时的舞台战斗基础课程涵盖了安全的核心概念, 故事, and style - as defined by the Fight Directors Canada. 参与者将在同意前进和创伤知情课程中学习非武装阶段战斗的基础知识,旨在用工具武装他们,以保持自己和他人的安全,同时练习身体暴力场景. Core concepts covered include energy exchange, 体重分享, 铸造, 接触尺度, 屏蔽, 距离, 在线和离线, 凿石, The Cue Reaction Action Follow Through technique, 和“出售”. Some techniques covered include falling, 推, 拉, 抓住, 拍打, 冲, and more (time allowing). 这是一个梦幻般的课程,任何演员,或导演希望增加舞台战斗到他们的工具包.

Voice Workshop 与 Sayda特鲁希略


Friday, March 1, 2pm - 4pm
in the 凯克剧院 Rehearsal Room

● Work on breath, resonance, and articulation
● Give you tools for actively care for your voice daily
● Overall, help you integrate your intentions, body, and voice

Sayda特鲁希略(她/她)是危地马拉裔加拿大裔美国戏剧制作人,她写独奏表演并教授声乐, 运动, 代理, 设计, 应用戏剧. 身份和讲故事激发了她个人和集体的社区工作
世界各地. For more information visit www.saydateatrera.com


舞台接吻工作坊 与 蕾切尔·李·弗莱舍 

周六, September 23 from 12pm to 4pm
in the 凯克剧院 Rehearsal Room. 

Kissing on stage can be challenging to approach. 很少有工作要求你去工作时亲吻你的同事. So let's talk about kissing. In this workshop we'll explore best practices for approaching kissing in rehearsal and performance; creating kissing choreography that meets the characters, 故事, and actors needs; techniques for clarifying and facilitating kissing choreography; alternative options to kissing; and 屏蔽 techniques for kissing. Please note that t在这里 will be no lip to lip kissing in this workshop.


剧院 Production 校友 Forum and Celebration

Lineset 10 Celebration

周六, 2月10日, 2024 4 - 5:30 p.m.

正规博彩十大网站排名推荐的Oxy戏剧制作校友论坛和Lineset 10公司的20周年庆典在星期六, 2月10日, 2024, on campus at 凯克剧院 from 4-5:30 p.m. 与 a reception to follow. Lineset 10布景与制作服务公司成立于2003年, 驻校教授Brian Fitzmorris和技术总监Aubree Cedillo. 20年来, 该公司为大约100名Oxy学生和校友提供了职业机会. 我们的制作校友, all Lineset 10 veterans, 将分享他们在戏剧和现场活动行业及相关领域的专业经验. 让我们来看看他们是如何从奥施康定的学生成长为这个充满活力的行业的一员的.



周六, October 14, 2023 at 7pm

Performed, Choreographed and Conceived by Yokko
由 Brian Rhinehart
音乐 by Paul Michael Henry
Additional 音乐 and Vocals by Hiroko Komiya
Co-Choreographed by Jordan Rosin
服装设计 Deepsikha Chatterjee
Lighting Design by Derek Van Heel
Production Speech Coaching by Dianna Cortez
Tour Technical Direction by Robin Dill 

用日本舞托舞重新诠释欧里庇得斯的大悲剧, performance artist Yokko brings the tortured spirit of Medea to life. 这种东方舞蹈与西方戏剧的融合,将观众带入了美狄亚黑暗而绝望的挣扎之中. Trapped in the underworld, she is forever cursed to relive her tragic journey through love, 讨厌, 最终的损失. 



Poster for Sarah Strudevant's 七个致命的海洋

七个致命的海洋 这部音乐剧讲述了詹姆斯和玛格丽特,一个海盗和一个公主之间的爱情故事. Their unlikely romance is threatened by Captain Dagon, 魔鬼的心腹, who makes Faustian bargains and twisted promises, condemning the lives of all people involved. 这个原创故事的灵感来自好莱坞黄金时代的海盗电影和加勒比海盗系列, 并将珍贵的敌人比喻成恋人,但通过复仇的主题增加了黑暗的转折, 背叛, 好与. 邪恶和死亡. 

周六, October 14 at 8:30





美丽的事物 graphics

作者:Adam Szymkowicz
由 Maile Brucklacher
Assistant directed by Hayden Jennings

周六, December 2 at 7:00










描述:2014. 八年级. 碗豆在乐队排练和学习女同性恋朋克摇滚音乐场景的细节之间已经有很多事情要做了——他们很确定他们爱上了Harper——和他们的妈妈在一起, 当她在这里的时候, not working or somew在这里 SNAP PEA can't seem to reach. But when a death in the family occurs suddenly, 啪豆的世界向相反的方向旋转,抓住他们认为自己知道的一切.

Monday, March 18 at 7:30pm in Herrick Chapel


Written by Zachary Goldsmith

根据真实事件改编. Sammy wants to cure the evils of 1820s Gotham, but his controversial medley causes his life to take a tragic turn. What happens when delusion becomes reality? 

Sunday, March 24, 1pm in the 凯克剧院 Dressing Room

How the sky meets the land in LA

How the sky meets the land in LA

Written and Devised by Jonah de Forest

How the sky meets the land in LA incorporates elements of documentary theater, 混合媒体和口头语言,讲述一个家庭与黄金西部的独特关系. An exploration of intergenerational memory and authorial authority, this project serves as both a family autopsy, a love letter and an excavation of self.  




由Ella Raziel设计

肆无忌惮! is a one woman recital featuring a collection of songs and monologues. 快来欣赏这个有趣又幽默的犹太教节目吧, 音乐剧, 在成长过程中









方向 to 凯克剧院 & 索恩大厅

点击 在这里 for maps and directions. 凯克剧院 is building #30 on the 可打印校园地图. From Campus Road, enter at the Bird Road entrance. From Bird Road, turn left onto Gilman Road. Turn right onto AG Coons Road, 凯克剧院 is on the left. Parking is located next to the theater in the first lot on the left. T在这里 is also street parking in front of the theater. Handicap parking available on either side of the theater.

Thorne Hall is #52 on the map. 可在街道或访客停车场停车(#43). Handicap parking is available on Thorne Road next to the theater.

点击 在这里 向位于纽约大道4757号(洛杉矶)的Oxy 艺术咨询。.


联系剧院 & 性能的研究 Department

Box Office: (323) 259-2922

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