Thank you for joining us for our 2021 Virtual New Play Festival!

If you're interested in submitting work for our 2022 New Works Festival, 点击这里. You'll need your Oxy account to access this page.

布雷登·哈特,22岁, Thomas Sliskovich '22, Laural米德

For more than 20 years, the Occidental New Play Festival has paired student playwrights and actors with professional guest directors and performers. Focused on writer-centric rehearsal and performance, the festival provides a real-world experience of new play development as it is practiced in major theaters around the country. For the 2021 festival, all performances will take place on zoom - allowing both artists and audiences the chance to experience the plays from the comfort of their homes

戏剧 & 时间表 | 剧作家 | 生产商

戏剧 & 时间表

All performances are virtual and admission is free


Meeting ID: 85770458773

Saturday, February 20, 2021
First loves and lingering spirits: two plays to dance to.

2pm: Sincerely, The Ghost Trains by Amber Lee ' 21
Pasha and her grandmother have been living as displaced Koreans in Kazakhstan for many years, making art and running a successful restaurant. But a letter from Pasha's long-gone mother brings the violence of the past squarely into the delicate balance of their current lives.

6pm: This play ends at 毕业舞会 night by 桑迪 Nguyễn ‘21
The rights of passage during senior year at any high school bring major highs and lows -  frenemies, 性的觉醒, 聚会, 毕业舞会. But for Vivan and Ray, two young women of color, navigating these challenges with and against a culture of whiteness puts their relationship even more to the test.

Sunday, February 21, 2021
Alternate worlds: two plays about losing your heart and your mind.

2pm: 我们的疯狂 by 伊恩·麦克杜格尔,22岁
When Manny's personal and political landscapes push at the boundaries of sanity, his perception of them moves out of the real and into the fantastic. His new world view is so intense that even his friends and the weather begin to experience an altered state.

6pm: Dayenu逆 by Ariella Brodie-Weisberg ‘24
Coming together can be a profound ritual, falling apart even more so. In this poetic performance piece, two young lovers relive the connections and struggles that held them together as they work through the act of saying goodbye.


Ariella Brodie-Weisberg '24

Ariella Brodie-Weisberg is a first year student from Berkeley, California. They are a daydreamer, body worker, writer, student of community organizing. Ariella’s writing collects the wisdom of others and—at its best—becomes an embodied spiritual practice, distilling lived experience into spacious meaning. They have published, taught, performed writing throughout the Bay Area. Dayenu逆 这是他们的第一部戏吗?, could not have happened without the ferocious love of their Grandmother, 黛博拉·布罗迪(61岁).

桑迪Nguyn '21

桑迪Nguyễn '21 is a Critical Theory & Social 正义 and 剧院 double major from Chicago, Illinois. Her play is an ode to the C+ she got in Intro to Feminist Studies.



Amber Lee '21

Amber Lee '21 is an English major and East Asian Studies minor born on the Korean peninsula and raised on unceded Tongva territory. They are a poetry and fiction writer, Sincerely, the Ghost Trains 这是他们的第一部戏吗?.





Ian McDougall is a wild guy and all around swell fella! 他是奥施康定的大三学生, 源自诺曼, 俄克拉何马州, a liberal oasis smack in the middle of the blood red bible belt. An actor, writer, artist, aspiring adult. He's collaborated on plays and film scripts before, but this is his first fully self-generated effort! It draws heavily on his real life experiences with Bipolar Disorder (Type 1, the fun kind!), especially his debut episode. Anyways, hang onto your butts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!



Braedon Hatt is a Junior from Worcester, MA, majoring in English with minors in Politics and 剧院. While Braedon does not have much technical experience, he is excited to learn the ins and outs of putting together virtual performances. He can't wait for members of the Occidental community and beyond to enjoy the pieces from our student playwrights this year.

Thomas Sliskovich '22

This is Thomas' second year producing for the New Play Festival! He is a 剧院 and Biochemistry double major and is excited to support original student work again. He loves to be both on stage and behind it, can't wait to see how the whole production comes together.



支持 was provided by Academic Student Project Awards from 十大正规网赌平台 and Omar’s Cookie Jar.


联系剧院 & 性能的研究 Department

Box Office: (323) 259-2922