

所产生的 埃琳娜·桑切斯18岁, 亚历山大·瓦克斯勒,18岁, 劳拉·米德,88年
客人戏剧编剧 莎拉·B. 特
学生戏剧神户取消'19 & 瑞秋·古德曼19岁

20年来, the Occidental New Play Festival has paired student playwrights 和 actors with professional guest directors 和 performers. 专注于以作家为中心的排练和表演, the festival provides a real-world experience of new play development as it is practiced on the national level. 通过与洛杉矶工作艺术家的密切合作, students experience a unique process unlike other college writing programs for the theater.

所有的演出都在 凯克剧院.

蓝天州 作者:Arianna Nord’18

走出森林 由凯莉·布雷克曼'18
导演:Alana Dietze '07

作者:理查德·H. 通过“19
由Kaja Martin执导,2008年
悲剧+时间 格雷格·费纳,18岁
导演:温斯顿·A. 马歇尔的10

玩假装 作者:埃莉安娜·斯特宁



和我们一起免费排练三部新剧: 别把同性恋的事告诉卡洛琳 作者:安德鲁·汉森 你的名字_____ 作者:Lucas Mogerley 轻声责备 伊莎贝尔·施瓦茨伯格著.



“你住在这里是不对的,我们家的任何人都住在这里是不对的! I can’t believe that you can’t see that you shouldn’t be 在这里… that you should never have been 在这里… that none of our family should ever have been 在这里…"
Maya comes back to her rural family homestead to care for her aging mother. But she can no longer hide the real legacy of their l和 – from herself or her family. In the face of the truth, how can we balance personal 和 political responsibility?

阿里·诺德,18岁 今年是Oxy的大四学生吗. She is majoring in Philosophy with a minor in Interdisciplinary Writing. 她对道德和政治哲学最感兴趣, 特别是法律哲学和性别哲学. 毕业后, she plans to attend law school with a focus on public interest law 和 public defense. 阿里在比林斯长大, 蒙大拿, 以及她与美国农村白人的经历, 尤其是关于美洲土著部落权利的, 作为这出戏的灵感来源.


“上帝, it was so satisfying to flip over that conference table this morning 和 say f**k you, 美国企业, 我们要去森林里住!"
Three female friends try to get off the grid 和 out of the grind in this farcical send-up of hipster escapism. Will their utopian glamping survive office interlopers, yurt ghosts 和 the ultimate flower child?

凯莉·布雷克曼,18岁 is an actor, writer, improviser who's trained at UCB, iO West, CszLA. 她是奥克西的即兴表演小组Fantastiprov的队长. She also performs in weekly improv shows as a part of Comedysportz LA's Sunday Team. Her sketch comedy has appeared in shows at Oxy, the Open Space, iO West. Buzzfeed有时会推荐她的推文,但不给她报酬. 她的政治讽刺网络系列, 《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》 可以在YouTube上找到吗. 你应该订阅!


“我得到了我想要的! I wasn’t the Barrington High School Cheer Captain because I backed down. 你知道我想要什么,菲利普? I want Mark 和 I to stay together, through talentless mistresses 和 gay porn!"
Can a small coat closet at the local funeral home contain a huge love triangle? 米歇尔爱她的丈夫马克,马克爱他们的朋友菲利普. And who cares if someone’s dead - no one’s going to let mourning (or singing a killer eulogy song) get in the way of their final showdown.

理查德·H. 通过“19 来自伊利诺伊州芝加哥的21岁戏剧专业学生. 他的第一部戏非常精彩 汤姆·弗莱克福德的死亡派对在今年的电影节上被选中. Richard's background includes acting 和 singing 和 his interests include musical theater 和 reality TV. Here at Oxy, Richard participates in the Glee Club 和 works as a Resident Advisor. He hopes you enjoy his first ever play 和 can provide him with constructive criticism to further his playwriting.


"What views do I have now that are gonna sound kooky when I have gr和kids? 比如,我会在感恩节晚餐上说 “我知道这不是‘政治正确’," but I’m tired of all these cyborgs marrying our women 和 taking our jobs!"
St和-up comics Terence 和 Katrina have too much serious business in their own lives to take on the light-hearted nature of love. But maybe a few laughs together are just what their separate tragedies need.

格雷格·费纳,18岁 你大四主修政治还是辅修戏剧. He is a member of the best 和 only improv group at 十大正规网赌平台, Fantastiprov, 并曾在奥克西剧院的《 以牙还牙犀牛. 他还写了另一个剧本, 不切实际的期望他在去年的好莱坞艺穗节(Hollywood Fringe Festival)上制作了这部电影. 他也是《西方周刊》的观点编辑.


“噢,疼痛! 灼热、悸动的疼痛! We kiss the world with our last breath… And like three sisters in an eternal bond, we die!"
Three little girls become three teenagers become three young women in this exploration of self, 性与诚实. 随着每一年的到来, we meet two sisters 和 their best friend through the lens of games: make-believe, 饮酒游戏, 角色扮演. But when the lines blur it’s sometimes impossible to know w在这里 the fun stops 和 real life begins.

伊莱安娜·斯特宁,19岁 is a third year theatre major who spends her days singing in the Glee Club, 为奥克西戏剧系表演, or, 当然, 写剧本. She has been writing short plays all her life; her first short was about a robot apocalypse caused by Siri (和 she is still very suspicious of the iPhone voice to this day). 从那时起,她已经取得了长足的进步, 还有这么私人的条目, 她非常激动能参加今年的新戏剧节.


为了纪念20周年, the festival will culminate with a concert reading of 20 mini scripts penned by Oxy theater alums who currently write for theater, 电影, 电视和网络. We gave them several themes to choose from 和 they’re letting their words fly. Come hear the results – performed by student 和 alum actors - 和 stay for the after-party!

特辑格拉迪斯·伊娃·安格尔'11, 布兰登·巴鲁克07届, Karen Baughn '08, 索伦·鲍伊04年, 妮娜·卡林,15岁, 乔·钱德勒01, 考特尼·杜森伯里,10岁, 柯尔斯顿·伊斯顿,13岁, Zee Echo Eskeets '07, Maricela Guardado '17, 希利·希克斯92年, 杰夫·考夫曼01年, 温斯顿一. 马歇尔的10, 劳拉·米德,88年, 瑞秋·诺尔08届, 埃里克·帕特森, 克劳迪娅·雷斯特雷波'10, 安妮·加西亚·罗梅罗,86年, 马文·所罗门, 特里斯坦·沃尔德伦,12岁.

点击 在这里 浏览更多有关新话剧节校友的资料


瑞秋·古德曼19岁 来自德克萨斯州休斯顿的21岁戏剧和历史双学位学生. She is so excited to be back working on the festival for her third year, 第二年担任戏剧助理. She recently completely a semester long interdependent study of dramaturgy 和 development of new plays at 剧院 和 the Boston Court in Pasadena, California 和 is so excited to explore 和 develop her skills with her peers. 她想感谢她的导师, 艾米丽·贝克(波士顿法院), 豪尔赫·韦尔塔(西方), 苏珊·格拉奇(西方), 劳拉·米德(西方), for always believing 和 helping her in her pursuit of the study of dramaturgy 和 hopes everyone enjoys the New Play Festival!

埃琳娜·桑切斯18岁 是一个来自湾区的拉丁裔大四戏剧专业的学生. 在西方的时候, 她参与了戏剧的不同方面, 比如性能, 服装/灯光设计, but this is her first semester dipping her toes into the realm of production management. She's especially overjoyed at the chance to be involved as a co-producer for the festival’s 20th anniversary.

亚历山大·瓦克斯勒,18岁 她是戏剧与经济专业的大四学生. He has been lucky enough to perform in many plays at Oxy as well as working as producer for last year's New Play Festival. Alex和er also serves as a Tour Guide Captain for the Office of 招生, Phi Kappa Psi兄弟会的牧师和风险管理主席, 奥克西·希勒尔的财务主管, 犹太人校园生活的中心. Alex和er is a proud member of the Echo 剧院 Company's Associate Company 和 spent his summer working as the Account Sales Intern for the Center Theatre Group through Oxy's InternLA program.


点击 在这里 查询地图和方向. 凯克剧院在45号楼 可打印校园地图. 从校园路进入伯德路入口. 从伯德路左转到吉尔曼路. 右转进入AG Coons路,Keck剧院在左边. 停车场位于电影院左侧的第一个停车场. 剧院前面也有街边停车场. 剧院两侧设有残疾人停车位.

支持 for this project was provided by Academic Student Project awards from 十大正规网赌平台, 本杰明·卡利戏剧基金, 奥马尔的饼干罐, 还有校友们的慷慨支持, 家长和赞助人.

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