
Class List Policy

有四(4)个电子邮件列表对应于学生分类(高级), Junior, Sophomore, Frosh), which are only to be used to address a specific class for a class-specific purpose. These lists are:


  • 如果您的电子邮件不是针对班级的,而是针对一般学生群体的, the email should be addressed to the Student Email List at oxy-students-g@tbc007.net.
    • 请注意,如果您的请求不是为特定班级设计或针对特定班级(或班级-最多两个), your request will likely be discarded.
    • Only limited exceptions will be made relating to this matter. It will depend on the content and priority of the email/message. Please correspond directly with Kerri Miller at kmiller2@tbc007.net, if you have any questions relating to this.
  • 请在活动前至少24小时提交申请.
  • If your request is submitted after 12-noon on Friday, 请注意,您的请求可能会延迟到下一个工作日.
  • 一般来说,在周末和/或大学假期期间,申请是不被批准的.
  • 如果您的请求被批准,请注意,只有一个额外的提醒将被批准. Multiple email reminders will be automatically discarded.

请注意,类列表服务器仅用于针对特定类的特定目的处理特定类.g., graduation info for seniors).

Employee List Policy

注意:管理员和职员使用这些电子邮件列表须遵守 Electronic Communication Policy in the Employee Handbook (available through Human Resources). 

There are two employee lists at Occidental College:

当学院的员工向他们是成员的列表发送消息时, it goes out immediately without any approval being required. 

Employees who are non-members of a list, 例如教员发送到全体教员名单或教员发送到教员名单, 是否可以发送到清单中,并在交付之前进行审核. If someone who is not an employee, such as a student, club, or departmental account sends a message to the list, the message will be held for moderator approval. Messages from non tbc007.net addresses will be rejected.

List membership exceptions will be made for departments, 需要立即发送到所有名单的办公室和个人. Moderation approval is based upon the guidelines below.

Please note that non-member 发送到列表的电子邮件不会立即送达. During the work week, 非会员发给名单的电子邮件应在数小时内送达. 在周末或下班时间发送的邮件可能会延迟到工作恢复.

  1. The use of these lists is reserved for College related purposes. 
  2. 所有消息都必须是列表成员感兴趣的.
  3. 所有消息必须有日期,时间和地点的事件和一个描述性的主题. 避免使用诸如“明天”或“今天下午”之类的相对时间描述符,因为消息可能不会立即传递.
  4. Events may be publicized a maximum of two times.
  5. No personal "Lost & Found", "For Sale", "For Rent" or "Wanted" posting. Oxy Club/Organization For Sale ads and the like are allowed.
  6. No "thank you" messages.
  7. 消息必须在事件发生前至少24小时发送(对于下周一的事件,则在周五发送)。.
  8. Messages should be no longer than 40 lines.
  9. The list is not a "discussion group" or "chat room".
  10. 如果对发送信息的适当性有疑问, the decision will be made by the moderator of the list.
  11. 强烈建议您避免使用图像(如海报)作为您的公告的唯一内容. 用于大声朗读文本的软件无法解释图像中包含的单词. 如果您必须包含包含您的活动或通知的重要细节的图像, 请在您的消息的其他地方以纯文本形式重复详细信息.

这些名单的成员是根据我们人力资源系统中的信息自动维护的. 在一个就业类别中,并希望也在另一个名单上的人应该联系学院的院长办公室,以获得教师名单和人力资源,以获得所有员工名单. 那些在多个列表中的人将只收到发送到所有列表的消息的副本.

Student Announcement List Policy

The oxy-students-announcements-l@tbc007.net list是一个经过审核的电子邮件邮寄列表,用于向学生团体传达学院的官方信件. 只有全体学生感兴趣的信息才会被发布到列表中. The only individuals who can send messages to this list are:

  • The President of the College
  • The Dean of Students
  • The Director of Communication
  • The Director of Campus Safety
  • The Registrar

If you wish to send email to this list, 请将电子邮件发送给上面最合适的人,并要求他们转发到列表中.

请注意,发送到此列表的电子邮件是作为单独的电子邮件发送给每个学生的. Because we require students to monitor this list, 重要的是,它只能用于学生团体中每个人都感兴趣的官方通信. 因此,它不是用于例行通知事件是在大学日历上.

The membership of this list is maintained automatically. Students cannot be removed from this mailing list.

Student Email List Policy

The Oxy Student Email List (oxy-students-g@tbc007.net)是推广新课程的资讯分享平台, department events, ASOC student services, community engagement opportunities, student research initiatives, and co-curricular programming.

学生电邮名单的使用仅限于十大正规网赌平台的官方商业和社区公告. 此列表不用于个人通信或讨论或解决有争议的问题. Profane, harassing, discriminatory, intimidating, 否则,不适当的评论将被禁止在此列表中,并将不予批准.

Looking to stay up to date with student organizations' events? 使用您的Oxy证书登录RAFTR,以关注您在fair上遇到的组织, stay connected with your orgs, and see general posts and news blasts. Get current with RAFTR


  • 消息必须在活动开始前24小时得到主持人的批准. 请注意,主持人只在周一至周五上午9:00至下午4:00有空. 例如,周一事件的消息必须在周五下午4:00之前发送.
  • 同一赛事在同一周内最多可刊登四次广告,但不得超过两次.
  • The date, time and location of the event if appropriate.
  • Please limit the message length to 40 lines.


Use of Vendors on Campus:

Commercial Use Policy:
“学生和教职员工不得在校园财产上建立或经营以谋取个人利益的业务, 也不得利用校园设施进行此类业务的任何部分."

Reviewed/Updated by VP/CIO October 2023

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