In our digital age, 在哪里,科技是我们日常工作和个人生活中不可或缺的一部分, 理解和实践良好的网络安全比以往任何时候都更加重要.

我们都在保护我们机构的数据和信息资产方面发挥着作用. 为您提供必要的知识和技能,以安全地浏览这个数字景观, 我们很高兴为所有员工推出一系列简洁的3分钟网络安全课程.

这些课程涵盖了基本的主题,比如你是我们第一道防线的盾牌,  email security, phishing awareness,  and social engineering. 它们经过深思熟虑的设计,为您提供实用的见解和最佳实践,可以立即应用于您的日常工作. By participating in these courses, 你不仅可以增强你的个人网络安全,还可以为我们Oxy社区的整体安全和弹性做出贡献.

我们鼓励所有员工在方便的时候探索这些课程. They are structured to fit seamlessly into your busy schedules, 提供一种灵活和可访问的方式来提高您的网络安全意识和技能. Together, we can create a safer digital environment for our organization, protect sensitive information, and ensure the success of Occidental College.

Let's embark on this journey together, 加强我们的集体网络安全专业知识,确保Oxy仍然是一个安全和繁荣的机构.


Illustration of a laptop with a shield

"You Are the Shield": Personal Cybersecurity

In this short but impactful course, 您将学习基本的网络安全实践,以保护您的个人信息, online identity, and digital assets from a range of threats. 没有技术背景要求-只是一个愿望,以提高您的在线安全.

Part 1   Part 2

Course Details

Duration: 1 video (3 minutes)

Format: Quick video lesson

Prerequisites: None – Suitable for all levels

Course Objectives

After watching our concise video, you will:

  • Understand Your Role:
    • 认识到你作为个人网络安全第一道防线的关键作用.
    • 了解主动保护你的数字生活的重要性.
  • Identify Common Threats:
    • 了解常见的网络威胁,如网络钓鱼、恶意软件和身份盗窃.
    • 了解这些威胁如何危及您的在线安全.
  • Password Management:
    • Discover effective password management strategies.
    • 学习如何创建强大的,唯一的密码和使用密码管理器.
  • Secure Browsing:
    • 深入了解安全浏览习惯和识别恶意网站.
    • 了解浏览器扩展和工具,提高您的在线安全.
  • Privacy Protection:
    • 探究保护个人信息和网络隐私的重要性.
    • 学习如何调整社交媒体和其他在线平台上的隐私设置.
  • Regular Updates:
    • 了解保持设备和软件更新的重要性.
    • 了解软件更新如何修补可能被攻击者利用的漏洞.

In just three minutes, you'll become your own cybersecurity advocate, 具备抵御数字威胁的知识和实践. 正规博彩十大网站排名推荐这个快速课程,控制您的在线安全,自信地驾驭数字世界. 你是保护你的数字生活的盾牌——让我们开始吧!

Illustration of an email with a fishing hook

Email Security and Phishing Awareness

In an age where email is a primary communication tool, it's crucial to understand the risks associated with it. 本课程将使您具备识别网络钓鱼企图的知识和技能, protect your email account, and keep your digital life secure.

Part 1   Part 2 

Course Details

Duration: 1 video (3 minutes)

Format: Quick video lesson

Prerequisites: None – Suitable for all levels

Course Objectives:

After watching our brief video, you will:

  • Email Security Basics:
    • Gain an understanding of the importance of email security.
    • 了解电子邮件攻击如何损害你的个人和专业信息.
  • Recognize Phishing:
    • Learn to identify common signs of phishing emails.
    • 了解网络罪犯用来欺骗收件人的技术.
  • Safe Email Practices:
    • Discover best practices for keeping your email account secure.
    • 了解如何创建强密码和启用双因素身份验证(2FA).
  • Phishing Defense:
    • 了解保护自己免受网络钓鱼攻击的策略.
    • Learn how to verify the authenticity of email senders and URLs.
  • Reporting and Response:
    • Learn how to report phishing attempts to your email provider.
    • Understand what to do if you fall victim to a phishing scam.
  • Staying Informed:
    • 认识到了解最新网络钓鱼技术的重要性.
    • Learn where to find resources and updates on email security.

In just three minutes, 您将能够更好地安全地浏览电子邮件,并保护自己免受网络钓鱼攻击. 正规博彩十大网站排名推荐这个快速课程,提高您的电子邮件安全意识,让您的收件箱免受数字威胁. Your email account is a valuable asset – let's keep it safe!


Social Engineering Awareness

In this concise yet informative course, 您将学习识别和防御各种用于操纵个人泄露敏感信息或采取恶意行动的社会工程技术. 通过了解网络威胁的人为因素来加强网络安全防御.

Part 1   Part 2

Course Details

Duration: 1 video (3 minutes)

Format: Quick video lesson

Prerequisites: None – Suitable for all levels

Course Objectives

After watching our concise video, you will:

  • Define Social Engineering:
    • 了解什么是社会工程,以及为什么它是一个重大的网络安全威胁.
    • Recognize the psychological tactics employed by social engineers.
  • Common Techniques:
    • 探索各种社会工程技术,包括网络钓鱼、借口和诱饵.
    • 了解攻击者如何操纵人类心理来达到他们的目的.
  • Red Flags:
    • 识别可能表明社会工程企图的危险标志和警告标志.
    • Understand the importance of skepticism and verification.
  • Protecting Yourself:
    • 发现保护自己免受社会工程攻击的策略.
    • 了解如何验证个人身份和信息请求.
  • Reporting Incidents:
    • 了解向组织报告社会工程尝试的重要性.
    • Learn how timely reporting can prevent further cyber threats.
  • Awareness and Training:
    • 认识到对抗社会工程的持续意识和培训的价值.
    • 了解在哪里可以找到有关社会工程策略的其他资源和更新.

In just three minutes, 您将获得对社会工程世界的宝贵见解,并更好地抵御这些操纵策略. 正规博彩十大网站排名推荐这个快速课程,提高您对社会工程威胁的认识,成为一个更加警惕和安全的数字公民. Your knowledge is your shield against social engineering attacks!



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