Oxy uses Google Apps for Education to provide Email, Calendar, and online collaboration tools such as Google Docs.

Oxy also offers access to a number of additional Google Apps communication and collaboration tools such as Blogger, Maps, Reader, Picasa, You-Tube, Google+, Google Scholar, Knol, Panaramio, Latitude, Earth, Sketch-up, Trends, Finance, and Fusion Tables. To access them, log in to your email via Gmail and click on More > Even More in the menu bar.

Instructions for logging in:

  1. Go to Gmail login page to login.
    Alternatively, you can also go to Gmail.com and click the "Sign In" link at the top of the page.

  2. Put in your full @tbc007.net email address and click Next.
    Please note that this is a change from the previous login method where you only entered your username.

  3. Enter your Oxy password and click Next. Your password does not change.

  4. You may need to log in again in to your Gmail apps or browsers.


We offer full support for email, calendar and docs through the Technology Helpdesk. Also check out the Google Apps Learning Center or the Google Apps for Education Training Center for tips, tricks and training videos for Google's "core" services (email, calendar, docs, sites).

Though we are not familiar with all of the bells and whistles that the additional services offer, we will try to assist you if you have questions. You can also consult the Google Support Center, which contains links to Google's help options for each of their services (please note that some services have not been enabled or are not available for tbc007.net accounts).

A wealth of  documentation and videos can also be found online on YouTube and other websites. One thing to keep in mind when searching more broadly online is that Google regularly updates their products to include new features, so limiting your search to recently posted results (no more than the last year) using advanced search functions or search operators can be very helpful.

Google's Terms of Service

Please review Google's Privacy Policy for these services. Also note that any profiles you build with these Google services must indicate that you are at least 13 years old, or your Google account will be immediately disabled. Your birthdate and age are not revealed to anyone unless you choose to make that information public.

Contact ITS
Academic Commons

1st Floor, Suite 116