
的 following resources are provided as a supplement to the SLICE and ASOC student leadership development curriculum.


As companies around the globe make adjustments to prioritize the health and safety of their employees and communities amid coronavirus, 许多人才招聘团队正在重新评估他们如何 进行候选人面试. In many cases, this means transitioning from in-person interviews to virtual ones.

发现 行为面试 旨在说明候选人的技能、专业知识和经验. 也叫行为面试, it is built on the premise that past experience is the best predictor of future performance.

理想的装备 是一个能传达工作愿景的人吗, 评估潜在领导者, 给他们所需的工具, 然后在他们的旅程开始时帮助他们. 考虑的- v. 边缘化以及服务的新模式.

了解 基本的沟通和工作技能 从冲突到合作. 制定策略并审查最佳实践.

了解更多关于 冲突的:促进或管理冲突的 作为个人和集体学习和改变的机制. Become familiar with conflict coaching, facilitated dialogue, mediation, and restorative justice.

准备 & 运行会议

会议 是一种非常有效的快速完成任务的方法吗, 支持建立团队环境, and to enable collaboration among key people to produce a better outcome than possible working independently.

  1. 很明显 确定目标 for yourself or the group if you are the person responsible for the meeting. To help you think through your objectives, ask yourself some key questions.
  2. 学习如何在会议中完成工作. 通过重新思考和改变会议文化, 它们可以从消耗能量的环境转变为充满活力的环境.

国会程序 是规则的主体吗, 规范扶轮社会议及其他运作之道德及习惯, 组织, 立法机构和其他审议会议. 了解更多关于 罗伯特的规则 以及如何在会议中充分参与.

个人 & 专业发展

  1. 设置 聪明的目标 意味着你可以澄清你的想法, 集中精力, 有效利用你的时间和资源, 并增加你实现你想要的生活的机会.
  2. 执行策略(FAST), 领导人必须设定雄心勃勃的目标, 将它们转化为具体的指标和里程碑, 使它们在整个组织中透明, 经常讨论进展.

  1. 通过一些应用来开发你自己的系统 提高工作效率的关键步骤. 从保持常规到简化你的项目清单, 考虑一下如何确定最重要的任务.
  2. 习惯是我们生活中强大的力量. 它们决定了我们的有效或无效程度. Consider an approach to being effective in attaining goals by aligning oneself with 性格伦理原则 它们是普遍的和永恒的.

  1. 关键在于自信世界观, 行为策略, and set of techniques that enables its users to get more of what they want by acknowledging, 尊重, 满足他人的需要和欲望.
  2. Dispel limiting beliefs by being clear about what you want and need while also recognizing your own value. 使用 这些锻炼 to reflect upon the differences in passive, aggressive, and assertive communication.

我们大多数人都有一个默认的支持系统. Certain people have always been around and they automatically become the ones that we talk to. 但是,如果我们花同样多的心思来选择我们的 个人董事会 就像我们选择公司董事会一样?

  1. We must work collaboratively to utilize the collective talents of our campus stakeholders. 并且学着去 建立高绩效团队 is one of the most effective ways we can meet the many challenges that confront us.
  2. 谷歌从打造完美团队中学到了什么 一项新的研究 reveals surprising truths about why some work groups thrive and others falter.

A 关键文章列表 关于领导力,由帕特里克·萨纳汉策划 & Amit Mrig,来自学术印象.

简短的指南 provides an overview of the student learning outcomes (SLO) assessment cycle and presents a framework to use in order to improve student learning through evidence-based assessment and analysis. All who interact with students and desire to foster student learning can benefit from the methods and practices presented in this booklet.

宣传,表示 & 决策

关键在于 真正的共享治理 是广泛而无休止的交流吗. When various groups of people are kept in the loop and understand what developments are occurring within the college, 当他们被邀请作为真正的伙伴参与时, 该机构繁荣发展.

  1. 根据史蒂芬·柯维的《七个习惯》, 这个概念很重要 给那些希望对世界产生更大影响的人. No matter who you are or where you are located in your system, you have a circle of influence.
  2. 了解 五种影响风格如何建立影响力,以及如何变得自信.

查找链接a 工作表 to help you understand your rights as a student to speak freely on campus. 这不仅包括联邦和州法律,还包括大学政策.

股本 & 包容

黛博拉年代. 威利斯 给的建议 如何成为一个多元化、公平和包容的领导者.

  1. Interpersonal practices to support inclusion require both a commitment to engage with another who may see the world in a way different from one’s own, 以及这样做的能力. 这篇论文 discusses three frameworks that support interpersonal practices for inclusion—empathy, 情绪和社交智力, 和正念.
  2. 领导者如何让他人参与创造意义和促进行动? 领导者可以使用哪些方法来完成这项任务? 领导者如何评估和发展参与和决策的技能? 一种方法 that has been used effectively in the field of therapy and organizational development comes from communication theory.

While highlighting the Obama Administration’s efforts to promote diversity in institutions of higher education, 这个报告 shows the continuing educational inequities and opportunity gaps in accessing and completing a quality postsecondary education.

让卓越更具包容性 是AAC格式&U’s guiding principle for access, student success, and high-quality learning. 它旨在帮助学院和大学整合多样性, 股本, and educational quality efforts into their missions and institutional operations.

社会正义 & 激进主义

参与社会正义可能会让人不知所措. 你可以支持的原因有很多, 各种动作, tricky vocabulary words and big names to know — and that can make it difficult to 知道从哪里开始.

重要的十字路口 在社会正义工作和避难所之间, with youth expressing a desire to impact change from protected and affirming spaces that are liberating and allow them to take risks.

活动家领袖和学者 传达机构多样性价值观的清晰信息, 股本, 包括校园内外的选民. 的y also hold themselves and others accountable for being culturally proficient and deliver culturally relevant and responsive curriculum and programming to the campus and surrounding communities.


这篇论文 提出一个新的, identity-based model of leader development that focuses attention on the key transitions that shape leaders' careers, specifying processes and moderating conditions for identity transformation. Implications for designing experiences and training that take identity processes into account are drawn.

In developing collective leadership identities, processes that involve participants in 跨界合作 (功能,层次,地理).

帮助人们 身份的转换—allowing them to shed outdated identities that hinder change and creating opportunities for them to practice (and make mistakes with) new identities is a key component of leadership development.


看看其中最好的9个吧 TED演讲 关于远程工作和管理远程团队的挑战. 改善你的沟通,克服倦怠,加强联系.

做一个领导者从来都不容易,更不用说在危机时期了. 随着冠状病毒的流行, 敏感的奋斗者 across the nation and world are reckoning with a new reality: leading their teams from afar. 管理分散的员工对你来说可能是全新的体验.

当你 领导一个新的远程团队 通过这些不确定的时期, 你可能需要重新思考沟通, 最后期限, 流言蜚语, 和宽恕, 对于初学者来说.

健康、敬业和富有成效的工作环境 从谈论人们的需求开始. So whether you have always been on a co-located team or are a veteran of remote work, 出现了新的情况,旧的规则手册并没有太大帮助. 这种变化是突然的, 在一个持续的不确定时刻, 扰乱了员工的日常工作和支持结构.

如果你突然开始远程管理团队, 这些建议 can help you communicate effectively, calm fears and keep your business running smoothly.

有效的远程工作团队 不只是需要正确的技术,还需要正确的领导. 不管你是否准备好了,你都会发现自己是一个完全远程团队的管理者. It’s likely you have never worked 100%-remote, let alone managed a team in this setting. Add to that the overall unrest in the world, and this task can seem overwhelming and daunting.

职业发展 & 就业能力

学生领导工作经验的优势. 发现好处和发展领域 学生领导能力以及他们与就业能力的关系.

    公众演讲 & 说服

    看看这个 数字版 of ASOC's public speaking workshop with a special emphasis on being vulnerable and transparent leaders; no powerpoint! Interacting with one another more organically without a formal presentation on the wall is encouraged.

    公关、市场营销 & 品牌

