Interested in scholarships and fellowships? There's one just for you.

Davis Projects for Peace

Davis Projects for Peace “戴维斯联合世界大学学者计划”是一项倡议,让所有参加“戴维斯联合世界大学学者计划”的学生与合作学校在世界任何地方设计他们自己的基层计划,以促进和平并解决各方冲突的根源. 我们鼓励申请者运用他们的创造力来设计项目,并采用创新的技术来吸引项目参与者,以专注于解决冲突的方式, reconciliation, building understanding and breaking down barriers which cause conflict, and finding solutions for resolving conflict and maintaining peace. 通过90多所大学的竞赛,每个项目将获得1万美元的资助.  

For more information or to apply, please contact Susan Young, Director of the Office for Religious and Spiritual Life

Donald A. Strauss Scholarship Foundation

The Strauss Scholarship Foundation aims to empower students to carry out their vision for social change in the public arena. No fewer than ten and no more than fifteen $15,000 scholarships are awarded annually, to fund student-designed and implemented public service projects. The scholarship is given to sophomores and juniors, with a high GPA and the desire "to make a difference" in local, regional, national, or international communities. Student must apply through Oxy in order to be considered for by Strauss Foundation.

For more information or to apply, please contact Jennifer Locke, Director of International and National Fellowships. 

The Truman Scholarship- Harry S. Truman Foundation

The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation ——纪念我们第33任总统的联邦纪念馆——向计划在政府或其他公共服务部门谋求职业的大学生颁发择优奖学金. Truman Scholars receive up to $30,000 for graduate or professional school, participate in leadership development activities, and have special opportunities for internships and employment with the federal government. The Foundation has supported Truman Scholars in many fields of study, from agriculture, biology, engineering, technology, medicine, and environmental management, to fields such as economics, education, government, history, international relations, law, political science, public administration, nonprofit management, public health, and public policy

For more information on the nomination procedure, please contact Jennifer Locke, Director of International and National Fellowships. 

CA Campus Compact's Community Engagement Student Fellowship

California Campus Compact’s Community Engagement Student Fellowship (CESF) 该项目为期4个月,专门用于支持学生领袖推进服务, 服务学习和社区参与在加州校园联盟成员校园遍布全州. 学生从事为社区提供直接服务或支持服务学习计划, or both. Students are involved in addressing every major issue confronting California & beyond– from access to and success in higher education to economic development, health disparities to homelessness and poverty. 

For more information on CESF opportunities, please contact Marcus A. Rodriguez, Asst. Dean of Students and SLICE Director

CORO Fellowship Program

The Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs is a full-time, nine month, graduate-level experiential leadership training program that prepares diverse, intelligent, and committed individuals for effective and ethical leadership in the public affairs arena. The Fellows program is offered in Los Angeles, New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, and St. Louis. Sixty-eight Fellows are chosen nationally each year. You must have a commitment to community engagement! 

Capital Fellows Program

These nationally recognized fellows programs set you up in the 18 Assembly Fellows, 18 Senate Fellows, 18 Executive Fellows, and 10 Judicial Administration Fellows. This is an opportunity to engage in public service and prepare for future careers, 同时积极为加州公共政策的制定和实施做出贡献. Fellows in each program work for 11 months, 享受医疗福利和每月1972美元的津贴,并被视为加利福尼亚州议会大厦的雇员. They work as full-time members of a legislative, executive, or judicial branch office, 并且通常会被分配有大量责任和挑战的任务. 研究员还将注册为萨克拉门托州立大学的研究生,并从萨克拉门托州立政府部门或公共政策与管理项目获得12个研究生学分. The enrollment fees are paid by the programs. 

The Morris K. Udall Foundation

The Morris K. 尤达尔基金会致力于教育新一代美国人,他们坚定地致力于改善, preserving, and protecting the environment and our national heritage. The scholarship is offered to students from a broad range of disciplines. Majors have included environmental engineering, agriculture, biology and other natural science, natural resource management, political science, sociology, anthropology, geography, cultural studies, history, public policy, and pre-law. The Foundation will award approximately 80 undergraduate scholarships of up to $5,000 to juniors and seniors on the basis of merit to TWO groups of students:

  1. Those who are college sophomores or juniors in the current academic year, have outstanding potential, and who study the environment and related field.
  2. 本学年大学二年级或三年级的美国原住民和阿拉斯加原住民学生, have outstanding potential, and are in fields related to health care or tribal public policy.

The PPIA Fellowship Program

PPIA奖学金计划旨在为来自不同背景的大学三年级学生或即将升学的大四学生准备公共和/或国际事务研究生课程,并培养他们在公共服务领域担任专业角色. 在奖学金下有一系列的机会,从大学三年级到完成研究生学位的发展时期.


The APLE is a state-funded, 由加州学生援助委员会(CSAC)管理的竞争性教师奖励计划. apple计划旨在鼓励优秀学生成为教师,并在加州公立中小学的教师严重短缺地区服务. Under the provisions of the APLE program, CSAC may assume up to $11,000* in outstanding college loan balances. To be eligible, 参与者必须在符合条件的加州学校(K-12)教授以下其中一门课程(详见apple申请):指定学科领域(数学, science, agriculture, business, foreign language, or education specialist instruction (formerly- special education)); designated schools serving populations of students from low-income families; low-performing schools; schools serving rural areas; state special schools, or schools with a high percentage of emergency permit teachers.

Kaiser Fellowships

URC能够支持1 - 2名学生在凯撒日落研究设施进行研究. 这些奖学金的对象是对卫生专业感兴趣的人数不足的学生. Specific projects will be defined by the participating Kaiser faculty. If you are interested in this program, please make an appointment with April Mazzeo in the URC to discuss the program. 参加该计划的学生将获得3900美元的津贴和校内食宿补贴,并鼓励他们在时间表允许的情况下参加暑期研究计划的活动.

The Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service

慈善与志愿服务学院是一个为期八周的暑期住宿项目,面向对志愿服务和非营利部门的职业感兴趣的大学本科生. 学生选修乔治城大学慈善和志愿服务的历史和伦理两门课程,可获得6小时的学分, and hold internships with nonprofit organizations, 参加非营利部门的领导人物的演讲,并参与各种服务项目. 超过一半被录取的学生将获得全额或部分奖学金. 该研究所由美国研究基金会和乔治城大学慈善中心赞助.

National Institutes of Health

National Institutes of Health offers a service-connected scholarship program, the Undergraduate Scholarship Program for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds (UGSP), 面向立志从事健康研究或基础生物医学科学研究的学生. This program offers up to $20,每年的经济援助以及夏季的研究和毕业后的有偿研究培训.

Noyce Teaching Scholarship

在OxyMS教学学者项目的支持下,通过十大正规网赌平台获得一级教学证书, 致力于在城市学校培养优秀的数学和科学教师. Beginning in 2009 and ending in 2014, each year 10 distinguished applicants will be selected annually as OxyMS Teaching Scholars. They will receive a $15,奖学金/津贴,用于支付十大正规网赌平台证书课程的部分学费. In exchange, 获奖者将在洛杉矶一所高需求高中任教至少两年. This Project provides specialized mentoring, peer-group resources, and development of academic leadership skills in content and pedagogy.

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