
Learn more about serving and engaging with your community in a meaningful way.

的 投入使用 initiative is designed to offer resources to our campus community and encourage a dynamic experience that also meets societal needs.

事件 & 倡议

Make sure everyone gets a meal during the holidays

洛杉矶传教会 一直在举行 得来速罐头食品募捐活动 6月以来, welcoming any non-perishable food via contactless drop-off at either of its two Downtown locations Monday through Friday from 8am until 2pm. You can also drop off personal care items and toiletries (列在这里),或者通过组织的邮件发送 亚马逊愿望列表.

支持 citizens transitioning out of homelessness

一个有40年历史的DTLA机构 市区妇女中心 为无家可归的妇女提供职业培训, including in the field of product design w在这里 residents create items like cards, 蜡烛, 和t恤衫. While the brick-and-mortar boutiques are currently closed, you can still support them by shopping online on the 由DWC网站制作. 你也可以退房 中心需要的是什么—everything from sleeping bags to shoes—and either schedule a drop off or help the nonprofit stock up via its 亚马逊愿望列表.

关注人民 is one of LA’s largest social 服务 agencies providing health care, 药物滥用服务, and permanent housing to those navigating a path out of homelessness. Despite a halt on in-person volunteering, the group has come up with 很多有创意的方法 for anyone to support both the Downtown and Santa Monica centers. Try filling up a grocery bag during your next shopping run and drop it off, 点餐后送餐, 为他们提供特定的便当, or donate rolls of quarters for laundry among other things. (您可以查看哪个设施需要哪个项目 在这里.)

不幸的是, 洛杉矶无家可归的情况非常严重, but t在这里 are a slew of additional organizations working to alleviate the problem. 你可以通过 无家可归者收容所指南.


For homebound seniors and chronically ill adults, having someone bring a meal to their home is a literal lifesaver. 在大流行期间, St. 文森特在车上吃饭 has doubled the number of meals it provides for hundreds more seniors stuck at home. 该小组目前 寻找志愿者 to work as runners, kitchen aides, drivers, and grocery assemblers.


所有那些方便的汽车餐厅 COVID-19检测中心 没有员工和志愿者就无法运作. 别担心, 你不会参加考试, but you’ll be doing things like pre-checking people in, 分发测试包, and guiding fellow Angelenos through the self-administered tests while working under the supervision of the LAFD. 很明显, those in high-risk categories shouldn’t go for this one, 但除此之外, 你可以选择一个日期来 这里的志愿者.

欲知详情,请浏览: highlandparknc.com/about-us


高地公园社区委员会 currently has two opportunities for students to participate in, 短期和长期的承诺.

的 short term opportunity would be the ability for students to join one of the ad hoc committees/projects that they have going on.

的 long term commitment which would last through June would be for the students to join a committee. Involvement is one meeting per month and any additional support with tasks or projects.

If you're interested, simply reach out to the chair of the committee you're interested in: highlandparknc.com/committees

Students can also attend committee meetings virtually, 没有正式加入, to gain an understanding what each one is all about.

我们的 社区参与学生研究员(CESF) provided hundreds of hours of 服务 to thousands of Californians in their communities throughout this pandemic. 的y registered hundreds of students to vote and mentored and tutored students online – all while transitioning to online courses.

表达我们的感激之情, 我们正试图筹集5美元,000 in scholarship funds to support 10 new students in the coming year through our CESF program. 请考虑 捐赠任何金额 你有能力. Your contribution goes directly to the student so that they can continue to make a difference in their communities.

我们邀请你观看 Amaya Fox的短视频他是旧金山大学的一名学生. You can hear directly from her about her experience and her impact on her campus and community. 点击这里了解更多信息.


支持 洛杉矶 from the comfort of your own home. From the #MillionMaskChallengeLA to joining a call party for 健康 Checks, the following opportunities are fun and flexible ways to serve LA remotely. 点击这里了解更多信息.

来自任何地方的志愿者 运作. Explore hundreds of virtual volunteer opportunities in cause areas like health and medicine, 教育, and community building—that you can do from a computer, 从家里, 或在任何地方. 点击这里了解更多信息.

使用这个 搜索工具 在你所在的地区寻找志愿者的机会. 是的,就这么简单!

当你想到志愿者, the typical image of a team or community group planting a garden, revitalizing a local park or painting a lively mural at a school comes to mind. 然而在全球范围内, 在任何给定时间, thousands (if not millions) of engaged citizens volunteer virtually — using their computers, 互联网, 甚至他们的智能手机.

Virtual volunteers can complete short-term or long-term tasks, 全部地或部分地, typically off-site from the organization or person being assisted. 如果你有电脑的话, thousands of different volunteer projects and roles are available to you—from your home, 图书馆, 咖啡店, 任何有互联网连接的地方.

Click 在这里 for a robust resource list categorized by activity, impact area or beneficiaries.


的 mission of the 社区学习中心(CCBL) is to institutionalize curriculum-based civic engagement.

CCBL的公民参与方式, 基于社区组织实践, aims to enrich students' learning and commitment to social responsibility. CCBL将学生聚集在一起, 教师, and community partners as co-thinkers and collaborators in addressing social justice issues.

自2001年成立以来, CCBL has developed resources and provided leadership to institutionalize community based learning at 十大正规网赌平台. 的 goal of community based learning is to enhance student learning and 教师 engagement by connecting academic study and civic 教育 through reciprocal, mutually beneficial relationships with the greater community. CCBL also collaborates with other offices on campus, 以及国家, 国家, 以及国际网络.

的 社区 Based Learning and 研究 (CBLR) 学院委员会 focuses on enhancing curriculum-connected 社区参与 and community based research.


牛的艺术 is a vital public space bringing together the campus community, 洛杉矶东北部社区, and local and regional artists in socially conscious dialogue and engagement. 的y seek to share, connect and hold space for ideas and curiosity. 欢迎你来这里.

牛的艺术 programs across mediums—film, visual art, performance, writing and music. It also serves as a gateway to Oxy’s five academic arts majors and minors: Art & Art History, Interdisciplinary Writing, Media 艺术 & 文化、音乐和戏剧.


SLICE brings together programs focused on leadership, activities and 社区参与 in one office to foster a robust student experience on and off campus. It provides students with a variety of opportunities to put Occidental’s values into action.

你是否有兴趣 创建一个俱乐部参与,参与 学生会 or engaging with a local community organization, SLICE can help guide and support your passions. 我们的 community partners can help you apply your theoretical knowledge of social justice and become an agent for change. SLICE also supports Oxy students with scholarships, fellowships and other 特别的融资.

T在这里 are many ways for you to get involved that can have a real impact on your own life, the life of your fellow students as well as the community. We’re 在这里 with the tools and resources you need to make your Oxy experience the best it can be.


其他活动 & 倡议

自1947年以来,每年儿童海洋玩具计划 has been delivering a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters.” This special program provides holiday gifts to less fortunate children throughout our country. 家庭 can participate by donating money and/or gifts (new, unwrapped toys). 的 website has information regarding communities being served and w在这里 you can find drop-off locations.

每年, southern California firefighters and ABC 7 have joined forces to make the holiday season a happier one for less fortunate children in our communities. “在过去的25年里, 爱的火花玩具驾驶 has successfully collected more than nine million toys!” This year because of COVID-19, donating will look different. 家庭 can participate by donating funds and/or donate a toy through the Spark of Love gift registry available online.

This year, we're featuring giving opportunities with the 洛杉矶食物银行 在周二送礼的时候,你的礼物算不算 两次 尽可能多的!

的 COVID-19 pandemic is causing unprecedented levels of demand for food assistance in 洛杉矶 County. You can help provide meals for those struggling with hunger in our community by making your generous gift today. 给现在 and your gift will be matched by generous donors.

无论是让别人微笑, 帮助邻居摆脱困境, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts and everyone has something to give.

确定你的礼物, 选择一个让你兴奋的事业, and give back - not just for 给Tuesday on December 1, 2020, 但是每一天. 欲知详情,请浏览 givingtuesday.org

In order to deliver 1,000 meals this Thanksgiving (that would double last year’s number), 天使计划食品, a nonprofit that focuses on feeding critically ill, 居家社区成员, is looking for 200 volunteers to make just five deliveries each on Thanksgiving Day. 在线报名 选择自己喜欢的班次, then show up at the organization’s Hollywood location w在这里 the meals you’ll be delivering will be brought to you car (and w在这里 you might spot a celebrity greeter or two). And then you’ll be off to make a huge difference in the lives of many who might be alone this holiday.

西方的感恩节, a large-scale dinner for those in need that’s been taking place for more than three decades, is canceled this year but its organizers will instead be distributing meal cards to the people it normally feeds. Every $10 donation provides a meal card to someone who needs it and you can 在线捐赠.

联合车站无家可归者服务 isn’t able to put on its annual Dinner in the Park this year, 该组织将主办多个 私人感恩节晚餐 for residents at its private facilities as well offering its clients with access to kitchens 饭盒子 和准备 食物外带 感恩节前的两个星期三. 这意味着, 像往常一样, 他们需要数百只冷冻火鸡, specific holiday-related non-perishable food items (like boxes of mac and cheese and stuffing, 例如), 以及其他提前捐赠的物资. 你可以查看他们的 愿望列表 and either drop off items in person at their Pasadena location on weekdays until Thanksgiving or send non-perishable items through 亚马逊.

饥饿和无家可归意识周 is an annual program w在这里 people come together across the country to draw attention to the problems of hunger and homelessness. Participating groups spend the week holding a series of 教育al, 服务, 筹款, 倡导活动.

Want to help address hunger and homelessness in your community? 你是否想作为组织者参加, 一个志愿者, 一个捐献者, 或者是参与者, t在这里 are lots of ways to get involved with your local Awareness Week. 要采取行动, 点击这里.

饥饿和无家可归意识周 is sponsored by the 全国无家可归者联盟National Student Campaign Against Hunger and 首页lessness.
