student staffing the Food 正义 Month table on the quad

每年, 校园餐厅 hosts meaningful, food-oriented events to help educate, 滋养, and excite the campus community. 

Food 正义 Month

During the month of October, 校园餐厅 student interns work in collaboration with staff and other campus departments to educate students on the importance of food justice. Food justice and food sovereignty are the rights of all people to have access to affordable, 有营养的, and culturally appropriate foods. Demonstrating food justice on campus includes highlighting the importance of local, 有机, ethically-sourced, and sustainable foods, as well as educating on the food system and supply chains. 

Past Food 正义 Month events have included:

A Food 正义 Quad Fair

免费的, locally-sourced food from farmer’s markets and local vendors, 餐车, and informational tables and fliers held on the Academic Quad, located centrally on campus.

Field Trips to Local Farmers Markets

Students were provided with fre

e transportation to their choice of the following local farmers markets in order to engage with the 洛杉矶 food sysem in a more intimate way.

  • Old LA - Highland Park Certified Farmers Market
  • South Pasadena Farmers Market
  • Atwater Village Farmers Market
  • Hollywood Farmers Market
  • Pasadena Victory Park Farmers Market

Food 正义 Film Fest

2021年10月, the Dining Intern team organized an outdoor Food 正义 Film Fest at the Intercultural Community Center. Students viewed six short films about workers rights, community supported agriculture, 和 power of growing your own food. 每部电影之后, dining interns moderated a short discussion whilst enjoying fresh pastries from a local bakery.

Volunteering at the Community 服务 Unlimited Expo Center Urban Farm

2021年10月, the Dining Intern Team coordinated a volunteer opportunity for students interested in urban agriculture. Students were provided free transportation and boxed lunches and helped CSU/Expo staff with sheet mulching and weeding while learning about the history of the farm 和 importance of urban agriculture for Downtown LA residents. 

烹饪! Cooking Classes with 校园餐厅 Staff

The class starts out with a visit to the FEAST Garden, where a FEAST representative will help you harvest fresh produce for dinner (校园餐厅 will supply protein, 伴随, dessert and beverages). Then walk to the Berkus Hall Kitchen, and a 校园餐厅 staff member will shepherd you through preparing and cooking a seasonal menu. You'll finish up by dining together "al fresco" on the beautiful Berkus Hall Courtyard.


Every April, the College celebrates our planet with an inter-departmental collaboration. 校园餐厅 contributes to these celebrations by hosting themed meals in the 市场, participating in a Quad Fair, and encouraging students to participate in the the 市场's notable sustainability commitments such as the Real Food Challengeeco-Clamshell program.

Here's an example of an Earth Day Themed 市场上的菜单:

首页style @ Chef's Corner - Organic Mediterranean Chicken (gf) or Eggplant (v)(gf) with Local & Organic Lemon Potatoes (v)(gf) and a Spinach Salad (v)(gf)
Sauté Station - Earth Day Bowl - Cauliflower (v)(gf), 扁豆(v) (gf), 豆类(v) (gf), Marinated Mushrooms (v)(gf), 羽衣甘蓝(v) (gf), 豆腐(v) (gf), Carrot (v)(gf) and Lemon Tahini Dressing (v)(l)(gf)
特色沙拉 - Organic Quinoa and Organic Adzuki Bean Salad w/ Tomato, 葱, 欧芹, 香菜, Lemon Zest and Lemon Dressing (v)(gf)(w/wo grilled chicken tenders)

Iron Chef Competition

On April 11, 2019 on the JSC Quad, six teams faced off for culinary glory. They were tasked with creating the best vegetarian or vegan starter and sauté dishes. At their disposal was a wide variety of fresh 有机 produce (some freshly picked at the FEAST garden), 豆类, 盛宴鸡蛋, 香料, 油, 而今年的 secret ingredient - 白萝卜. The top three teams were rewarded with prizes, such as a $50 gift certificate to a local restaurant. Spectators were present to cheer on the participating students, staff and faculty, and check out the campus food clubs and orgs that tabled at the event. 


Dishes are evaluated on these criteria:

  1. 味道

  2. Best use of ingredients

  3. 演讲

Contact 校园餐厅
Johnson Student Center
