Oxy Dining is committed to engaging in practices that reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill. 

Reusable Dishware

  • Reusable dishware, silverware, and cups are available for use in the Marketplace. 
  • The student-run Green Bean cafe offers reusable glass mugs for students getting their drinks "for here."
  • Students may bring and fill their own reusable mugs and water bottles at any of the dining facilities. 

Eco-Clamshell Program- Occidental X ReusePass 

"To-go" never looked so good!  The Marketplace is switching to an all-reusables to-go program that will divert thousands of pounds of trash from landfills each year. 

Help us reduce waste and improve our environmental impact at Oxy by joining the ReusePass reusable to-go program. Designed with safe, heavy-duty plastic, the eco-clamshell can be reused, re-washed, 并最终在其4年多的使用寿命结束时回收.

Beginning August 21, 2023 , reusable containers will be mandatory for all to-go orders from the Marketplace. 您必须加入该计划才能使用可重复使用的外带容器.

Why it Matters:

The Oxy community uses tens of thousands of disposable take-out containers each year. 有些可以堆肥,但其他的最终会被填埋. The most sustainable option if you need to remove food from the Marketplace is the eco-clamshell. You can be part of the solution!



What is ReusePass?

ReusePass is a sustainability program that lets diners check out and return reusable to-go containers, reducing resource consumption and diverting single-use containers from landfills. ReusePass makes checking out a reusable container as easy as checking out a library book! 每个ReusePass用户和容器都有一个唯一的QR码. 当你检查一个集装箱时, 餐厅经营者会扫描你的ReusePass二维码和集装箱二维码, which starts your rental window. 就像图书馆的书一样,所有的容器都有一个截止日期. 使用您的手机号码访问您的ReusePass帐户, keep track of your containers, see return bin locations, 并庆祝你对地球的积极影响!


How do I join?

We are using ReusePass, which is a web application that helps you track and manage which containers you need to return. Go to app.reusepass.com, select Occidental College, 用你的奥施康定证书报名, your phone number, and your email. 然后,你可以将个人二维码添加到你的苹果或安卓钱包中. 



如果你想注册ReusePass, 但没有美国或加拿大的个人手机号码, 你可以使用谷歌语音号码来注册这个项目. 访问说明创建一个谷歌语音号码 here.

How does the program work?

You must download the ReusePass app and sign up before you can request food to-go.Once you have signed up, 你可以在任何一个车站点外卖, 服务员会用环保翻盖为您提供食物.

在你到达收银台之前,你必须在ReusePass和 have your QR code ready to scan. There will be a scan app device at each Marketplace register where you will scan the QR code on both the eco-clamshell and your personal device. 然后收银员将完成交易. 就像图书馆的书一样,这个过程将容器链接到您的帐户.

一旦你检查出你的第一个容器, you’ll receive an SMS from ReusePass with details associated with your account. You can reference your ReusePass account to see a full record of all the containers you’ve checked out, when they are due back, 如果你错过了预产期. 



Returning containers is easy! Simply drop your container on the tray drop in the Marketplace- no scanning necessary!

Once returned, the dining team will collect, sanitize and scan in all returned containers.

餐饮团队通常会在送餐后48小时内对容器进行扫描, but it can sometimes take longer, especially over the weekend. 如果你在到期日或之前把你的容器丢在了归还箱里, don’t worry, you’ve done your part!

🌟 Pro tip : You can see container due dates and find ReusePass return bin locations by navigating to your ReusePass account 点击右上角的“查看返回地点”.


我什么时候需要退集装箱? 如果我不归还我的容器会发生什么?

 Containers are due back to the tray drop in the Marketplace 3 days after checkout. 如果您未能在3天内归还集装箱, 集装箱将被标记为“迟交”.一旦一个集装箱被标记为“过期”,"你有48小时的时间归还, 否则你的学生账户将被收取8美元.



不,没有必要冲洗或擦拭翻盖. 把它放回托盘上,就像你用这个盘子一样. 


我可以一次取出多个eco -蛤壳吗? 

Yes, the program allows for students to take out as many clamshells as they would like, with each clamshell having its own tracking data and specific window for return. 



Great question! You don’t need to keep track of the exact containers you’ve checked out each day; any container of the same type due will count as a return. For example, 如果你家里有5个外带集装箱,其中1个今天要交, 您可以退还其中任何一种,以完成您的租赁。



The 3-day window exists to encourage participants to return their containers in a timely fashion, so they can get washed and reused.

这意味着我们可以用更少的容器为相同数量的学生提供服务! 它保证了重用程序的效率和工作流, 帮助创造一个更健康、更快乐的地球. 🌎


Having other drop-off locations would require extra labor and would take people away from the positions where they are needed most. 为了确保我们不会给Marketplace员工增加劳动力, 在可预见的未来,只有一个地点. 



Containers that are shown under the “due soon” section of your account are containers that you have recently checked out that are still within the 3-day checkout window. 

如果您未能在3天内归还容器, 状态从“即将到期”变为“迟交”.”  Once a container is marked as Late, you’ll receive an SMS reminder to return that container ASAP. 如果你没有在48小时内归还被标记为迟交的容器, ReusePass帐户的状态将显示为“Charge Pending”, 您的账户将被标记为收取8美元.00.  这笔费用将包括集装箱的成本和任何行政费用. It may take up to 4 weeks for a late charge to be posted on your dining account after the status transitions to “Charge submitted.” 


What happens if a container breaks?

Accidents happen! If a container breaks, take a picture of the QR code on the container and send it to your campus dining team or your campus ReusePass SMS number. From there, please go ahead and return the broken container by the due date in a designated bin!

It’s important to return broken containers on time so we can give you credit for reusing! The dining team will use the QR code on the container to mark it as broken so they can understand the lifespan - and environmental impact - of each container!



虽然我们预计一开始会有一个学习曲线, 我们相信使用翻盖不会使线路变慢. 安卓扫描器快速高效, 只要顾客准备好他们的设备, 退房过程将像以前一样无缝. 


I am just one person; can I really make an impact?

Yes! Last semester, students participating in the ReusePass program around the US helped save more than 13,避免500磅的垃圾被送到垃圾填埋场, conserved more than 85,000 gallons of water, and saved nearly 90,减少1000磅温室气体排放到大气中. That’s a HUGE impact!


Have feedback on the program? We’d love to hear from you!

有关ReusePass帐户的问题和对ReusePass的反馈, 发送短信到ReusePass,电话:(213)-212-7356或填写反馈表格, linked here.

*Health department regulations do not permit the use of personal to-go containers.


Food Redistribution

  • 之后的食物不能再重新加热或在市场上供应, it is frozen until student volunteers from the Excess Food Recovery Team (EFRT) is able to pick it up and redistribute it to local community organizations. 这不仅减少了市场上浪费的食物数量, 而是为了解决洛杉矶的食品安全问题. 
  • 你可以查看EFRT的捐赠跟踪数据 here. Since its founding in Fall of 2017, EFRT has donated over 10,000 pounds of food. 想了解更多信息或参与其中,请查看 @oxy_efrt 或联系项目协调员莉娜·沙利文 sullivanl@tbc007.net.

Food Scraps

  • Twice per week, food scraps from the Marketplace are picked up by students from the Bruce Steele Garden and composted on-site. The finished compost is then cured and used as a soil ammendment in the garden beds. 
  • Additonal food scraps and other compostable products (such as paper napkins and plates) are picked up and processed by Universal Waste Systems through the city of LA. 

Cooking Oil Recycling 

  • Campus Dining contracts with Baker Commodities 通过过滤减少煎炸油的用量. Once the oil is unusable, Baker Commodities将煎锅废油回收利用,制成生物柴油和动物饲料. According to their website, "r渲染对环境的影响和移除12是一样的,263,相当于316辆汽车每年排放的温室气体.了解更多关于贝克商品 here


  • Oxy Dining makes efforts to reduce the amount of disposable packaging used on campus and switch to compostable options wherever possible. To support these efforts, please make sure to sort your waste correctly and use reusable alternatives when you can. 

Zero Waste Working Group

在2022年春天,一群 Food Systems Working Group 是为了解决校园浪费问题而成立的. Similarly to the FSWG, 零废物工作小组是学生之间的合作, staff, and faculty that discusses issues and proposes solutions to issues regarding solid waste management. 如果你是在校学生、教职员或教职员工, join the group via this link!

Not sure what bin it's in? Check here:

Contact Campus Dining
Johnson Student Center

2nd Floor