The Transgender Flag

Occidental College is committed to the well-being and success of all members of our community. 

We recognize that community members who identify as LGBTQIA+ experience higher levels of discrimination and psychological distress than their heterosexual and cisgender peers. Occidental strives to create a safe and compassionate campus community where all members feel welcomed, and can participate in the college experience fully without intimidation or bias. 

Gender Inclusive Student 住房
Residential 教育 and 住房 服务 offers student housing that is not restricted to traditional limitations of the gender binary. Below are the gender-inclusive spaces:

E. 诺里斯大厅
Food 正义 House (4863 Stratford Rd.)
酷儿 House (1480 Campus Rd.)
The second floor of Pauley Hall (Multicultural Hall)

Student 住的名字 & Pronoun Policy
Students are able select the first name and gender they would like used on internal college records, including class rosters and schedules, student directory listings, 身份证, course evaluations and clearance forms.

Employee 住的名字 Policy
Employees are able to use their lived name on college records that do not require a legal name to be used, including 身份证, OxyNet username and email address, display name in Google Mail, the internal campus employee directory, business cards, public-facing Oxy websites, and 教师-specific records such as registrar tables, 课程数量, the 教师 index, and course catalog. The Employee 住的名字 Policy can be found in the Employee Handbook.

List of Gender Inclusive Restrooms

Reporting Discrimination

出国留学 资源
When traveling abroad, be mindful that different cultures understand gender in varying ways. 此外, levels of tolerance, 验收, and support for LGBTQIA+ individuals differ greatly from culture to culture. LGBTQIA+ students will find their experiences more successful if they prepare themselves by becoming educated on the legal and cultural issues facing LGBTQIA+ people in their host culture. 

Health Insurance

Oxy's insurer for employees covers services such as hormore therapy and gender affirming surgeries.
Oxy's insurer for students covers services such as hormone therapy.

Off Campus 资源

National Center for Transgender Equality
Social justice organization dedicated to advancing the equality of transgender people through advocacy, 协作, and empowerment.

Transgender Law Center
Civil rights organization advocating for transgender communities. 服务 include connecting trans-identified people and their families to sound legal services.

GLAAD's Transgender 资源
Transgender resources and information compiled by GLAAD

Consortium of Higher 教育 LGBT Resource Professionals
The Consortium works to achieve higher 教育 environments in which LGBT students, 教师, 工作人员, administrators, and alumni have equity.

National nonprofit organization working to create a safe college enciornment for LGBT students, developing necessary resources, 项目, and sercices to support LGBT and ally students on US college campuses.

The Human Rights Campaign
Largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for LGBT Americans.

Trans Youth Family Allies
TYFA empowers young people and their families through support, 教育, and outreach about gender identity and expression.

洛杉矶 LGBT Center
Center provides services through 项目 such as health, social services and housing, culture and eduction, and leadership and advocacy.

Contact the 公民权利 & 第九条 Office
AGC Administrative Center

 First Floor, Room 111