以下是与歧视有关的有用定义和常见问题, Harassment, and Retaliation Policy. 如果您有以下没有回答的问题,请联系民权 & Title IX Office.

Helpful Definitions

General FAQs

There are several Confidential Resources on campus, 包括埃蒙斯学生健康中心(面向学生), the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life (for students, faculty, and staff), and the Employee Assistance Program (for faculty and staff).

No, you may use the Anonymous Reporting Form. 然而,学院回应匿名报告的能力可能是有限的.

Yes, although such requests cannot always be approved. It depends on several factors, including the nature and scope of the reported incident, ongoing risk to you or the community, and fairness considerations for both parties.

禁止行为报告中的相关信息将仅与“需要知道”以协助评估的个人共享, investigation, or resolution of the report. While not bound by confidentiality, 这些人会谨慎行事,并尊重所有参与这一过程的个人的隐私. Though there are certain limitations on privacy, 学院一般不会向公众公布投诉人或被投诉人的姓名,除非有明确的书面同意或另有符合法律规定的例外情况. 姓名的发布将受适用法律的指导,包括FERPA和Clery Act.

Process FAQs

The Civil Rights & 第九条办公室将开始初步评估以收集信息, respond to any immediate health or safety concerns, 并向投诉人提供有关资源和不同程序选择的信息. 民权协调员将确定投诉是否描述了被禁止的行为,并与投诉人讨论适当的解决方法, which may be investigation, non-disciplinary resolution, or referring or closing the matter.

If the matter proceeds to Disciplinary Resolution, a trained, 将任命中立的调查员(通常是外部专业人员)收集事实并起草报告.

民权协调员将采取一切合理的步骤来满足这些要求, but may determine it is necessary to pursue an investigation. 在回应投诉人不进行调查/处罚的要求时,民权协调员将考虑几个因素, including the nature and scope of the conduct, risk posed to the complainant or community, whether others were involved, and the College’s legal obligations.

2021年12月,学院的教师投票决定将权力下放给民权组织 & Title IX Office to handle intake, assessment, and resolution procedures for DHR complaints involving faculty. The procedures in the DHR Policy, instead of the Faculty Handbook, thus apply to discrimination complaints by or against faculty. But under the DHR Policy, 学院保留对终身教职员工施加任何制裁的责任. 如果T3教员被发现对违反政策负责, the matter is referred to a Faculty Hearing Committee.

Yes. DHR政策不会影响您在任何适用的集体谈判协议下的权利. If you have experienced discrimination, 你仍然可以通过任何适用的合同程序提出申诉. 如果另一个人指控你有歧视行为, 任何相关的纪律处分都必须与你的合同相一致. However, 如果你选择根据集体谈判协议提出申诉, 民权协调员可暂停DHR政策下涉及同一事件的任何程序。, to avoid conflicting processes and findings.

Free Speech FAQs

How does the DHR Policy interact with freedom of expression?

在一个由其组成部分的多样性创造和加强的学术社区, 言论自由是确保整个社会思想交流的基础, political, and other boundaries. DHR政策维护学院对保护个人和团体免受基于身份的骚扰和保护思想和言论自由的坚定承诺之间的平衡. 它规定,必须根据加州法律规定的学生言论自由权和学院对学术自由和言论自由的承诺,仔细考虑涉及言论的歧视和骚扰指控.

As a protected right under California’s Leonard Law, 学生不得因言论而受到纪律处分, unless it rises to the legal standard of being unprotected. Speech may be unprotected, for example, if it contains a genuine physical threat toward an individual, constitutes unlawful harassment or defamation, disrupts College operations, or incites imminent unlawful action. In many cases, a person’s statements may be offensive, hateful, harmful, or otherwise inconsistent with the College’s inclusive mission, and yet be subject to legal protection.


即使与言论有关的事件涉及受保护的言论,也不受纪律约束, 攻击性或仇恨言论会对个人或社区产生深远的负面影响. In such cases, 学院致力于为受影响的个人或团体提供支持和资源. The Civil Rights & Title IX Office, Intercultural Community Center, Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, Project Safe, Emmons Wellness Center, Campus Safety, and Residential Education & 提供住房以提供支助服务和协调资源, 与演讲有关的事件是否属于纪律处分程序. When appropriate, 学院工作人员可以寻求促进各方之间的讨论和/或提供教育机会的人有关的报告作出, a student organization, or the broader community.

Contact the Civil Rights & Title IX Office
AGC Administrative Center

 First Floor, Room 111