End of Year Meal Plan Information

所有膳食计划, Bengal Bucks plans, 自动售货, and rollover plans are valid and may be used for purchases in the dining facilities through Saturday May 20, 2023.

Seniors and others who will be on campus during Senior Week: The figures on the meal plan usage signs on-line and in the 市场 DO NOT include the week of May 14. If you will be on campus that week, please budget your purchases so you will have enough in your account to eat.



Student Account Charge Deadlines: (For Meal Plan Additions, Bengal Bucks, and ID Cards):

Through Friday May 5, 4:30pm: Charges of any amount may be made on-line via MyOxy, Student 服务 tab, Student Business 服务 channel

Saturday May 6 - Friday May 12, 4:30pm: Cumulative charges of 最高300美元 for all purposes are permitted.

No charges for seniors will be accepted after May 12 at 4:30pm. Deposits made by cash and check (in the card office) are accepted until Commencement.

A refund of remaining Meal Plan Additions, or Bengal Bucks, will occur after graduationRollover accounts, original meal plan funds, and 自动售货 accounts are 不退还.

Reduce Oxy's carbon footprint and support sustainability on campus: Return your eco-clamshell to the 市场 and bring your token to the Card Office - each token collected will be used to sponsor an incoming first year student free of charge.


If you are running out of Meal Money or would like to make an addition to any debit account, or purchase an ID card, the deadline to charge to your student account is 4:30pm on Friday May 12. Payments by cash or check are accepted in the Card Office any time (during regular business hours).

你的 平衡? Check to see if you are on track, over or under!


ROLLOVER: If you anticipate having a large 平衡 left over at the end of the semester, you may want to plan for a Rollover account. Rollovers can be useful if you move off campus, are here over the summer or winter break or move to a lower meal plan.


If you have a large 平衡 and wish to spend it, please read the following guidelines:

If you plan to buy cases of products, the best place is the 市场. The 市场 sells cases subject to supply on hand seven days a week. To buy cases, just ask any manager or cashier. While we increase our orders at this time of the year, we have storage limitations. Some items will run out, so PLEASE DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE to make your purchases. Weekday mid-afternoons (except Thursdays) are the best time to buy in bulk.

The 老虎冷却器 has very small storage facilities and we will limit purchases to keep stock on hand for regular business. The 老虎冷却器 sells cases Monday-Thursday only. To buy cases, ask the counter person, manager or cashier.

Not all items are available for case purchase. We do not sell cases of bottled water. No cases or other products may be ordered in advance or put on hold for later pick up. We cannot lend out our carts so please bring enough person-power to transport your items. Food drives may not be organized through groups or by individuals from food items purchased in the dining facilities.

Caution: If you are leaving campus early and will have a 平衡 left on your meal plan, please resist the temptation to give your ID card to a hungry friend. ID cards and meal plans are not transferable, and you will both be referred to the Conduct Process (yes, even graduating seniors). Our cashiers DO check ID cards to make sure that they are not being used fraudulently.

If you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them. Please contact the Card Office (cardoffice@tbc007.net) or 校园餐厅 (dining@tbc007.net).


Contact 校园餐厅
Johnson Student Center
