Student Disability Grievance/Appeal Policy and Procedure

十大正规网赌平台致力于为残疾学生提供平等的教育机会, who are otherwise qualified, in an academic environment free from harassment and discrimination. 根据1990年《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》(ADA), the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), Occidental College does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the administration of its education-related programs and activities.

下列投诉程序适用于书院所有学生及访客. It covers all complaints in regard to contesting 住宿s or access to programs or activities.  All other allegations of disability discrimination covering all complaints alleged to have occurred in any College program or activity can be reported via the College's Discrimination, 骚扰, and Retaliation Policy.  在一般情况下, 残疾申诉政策旨在解决以下与残疾有关的所有争议:

A. Disagreements regarding disability status, 请求的服务, academic 住宿s or auxiliary aids, or modification of a college/course practice or requirement.

B. Inaccessibility of a program or activity.

C. Violation of privacy in the context of disability.

Grievance Procedure

学生或访客可以通过非正式和/或正式程序提出申诉. It is generally recommended that students attempt an informal resolution before filing a formal complaint; 然而, 这并不总是最合适的行动,学生有权在任何时候要求正式的解决方案.

涉及因残疾而受到骚扰或歧视的职级纠纷, please follow this grievance procedure, 而不是 Grade Appeal Policy as noted in the 大学目录.

Optional Informal Resolution
  • 我们鼓励学生或访客亲自或以书面形式与残疾服务主任讨论有关事宜.
  • 如残疾事务处处长无法协助以非正式方式解决有关问题,, the student will be referred to the formal complaint procedure.
  • 如残疾事务处处长涉及有关事宜, 学生应向主管学生学术事务的副院长报告,并遵循正式的投诉程序. The Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs has the discretion to designate an appropriate officer to review the appeal (“designee").
When to File Complaint

Complaints regarding academic or housing 住宿s (including, 但 not limited to, 辅助援助和住宿/调整)应尽快归档, 但 no later than 30 calendar days of the judgment they wish to appeal.


A complaint must be 以书面形式 and include the following:

1.     投诉人的姓名、身份证号码(如果是学生)、地址、电子邮件地址和电话号码.

2.     A clear statement of the request or concern, 确定投诉的类型和投诉所依据的理由. Please select one or more of the following statements:

  • Disagreements regarding disability status, 请求的服务, 住宿, or modification of a College/Course practice or requirement.
  • Inaccessibility of a program or activity.
  • Grade disputes based on denial of 住宿s.
  • Violation of privacy in the context of disability.

3.     The date of action the student's alleged discrimination occurred.

4.     The names of all Occidental College community members involved.

5.     描述为非正式解决该问题所做的努力(如果有的话).

6.     A statement of the remedy requested.

Where to File Complaint


Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs:
Caro Brighouse, Ph.D

Associate Dean Suite
Johnson Hall, Room 111
洛杉矶, CA 90041
(323) 259-2588

Notice of Receipt

在收到, the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs or Dean of the College Office designee will review the complaint for timeliness and appropriateness for this grievance procedure, 并向投诉人提供书面通知,确认其收到. If, 在收到, 很明显,投诉应该通过学院的歧视审查, 骚扰, and Retaliation policy, the complainant will be notified and referred to the proper policy. 

Privacy and Confidentiality

The College is committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals involved in the investigation and resolution of reports under this Policy. With respect to any report under this Policy, 学院将尽合理努力保护参加者的私隐, in accordance with applicable state and federal law, 同时平衡收集信息的需要,做出明智的决定.


The Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs or Dean of the College Office designee shall promptly initiate a thorough and impartial investigation. In undertaking the investigation, 负责学生学术事务的副院长或学院办公室主任可以面谈, consult with and/or request a written response to the issues raised in the grievance from any individual believed to have relevant information, 包括教师, 工作人员, 和学生, and will produce an investigative report. 调查报告可以包括包括相关文件在内的信息, recordings of interviews, and witness statements.

When a grievance is filed, 投诉人会被告知学生学术事务副院长/指定人员的调查角色. Within 2 days of receipt of this information, the complainant may challenge the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs/designee fulfilling this role on the grounds of bias or conflict of interest by submitting such a challenge, 以书面形式, 教务处副院长及学院院长或指定人员. Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College/designee may disqualify the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs/designee if, 在审查, the claims of bias or conflict of interest are substantiated. The Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs/designee will remove themselves from the committee if they believe they have a bias towards the complainant. In the case of a substantiated bias or conflict of interest, 教务处副院长兼学院院长或指定人员任命一名新的指定人员.

After the investigative report is complete, the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs/designee will determine if there is a preponderance of evidence to substantiate the grievance. 在适当的时候, the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs/designee will also apply the following standards: 1) would the 住宿 result in a fundamental alteration of the program or an essential academic requirement; 2) would the 住宿 impose undue financial or administrative hardship on the institution.

如果有大量证据(更有可能)证实申诉, the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs/designee, will then decide on the appropriate resolution for the grievance. 此类决议将根据具体情况作出决定,并可包括, 但 will not be limited to, approval and/or administration of a particular 住宿, remediation to address previously available opportunities, 及/或便利投诉人与被投诉人之间的沟通.

Findings and Notification

Upon completion of the investigative process, the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs or Dean of the College Office designee will prepare and submit a final written report containing a summary of the investigation, the written findings, determination of whether discrimination occurred, and a proposed disposition to the student. 最后的书面调查结果也将提供给投诉所针对的一方, and to the Director of Disability 服务. 此报告的副本将保存在学生的残疾服务档案中. 该报告预计将在正式投诉提交后的45个日历日内提交. 如果有正当理由,主管学生学术事务的副院长或指定人员可以延长截止日期. The Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs/designee will notify the complainant promptly if there is a need to extend the deadline. The final report shall also be provided, 在适当的地方, to any College officer whose authority will be needed to carry out the proposed disposition or to determine whether any personnel action is appropriate.


学生教务处副主任/指定人员作出的处置应及时执行. The complainant or any party against whom the grievance or the proposed disposition is directed may appeal the decision 教务处副院长及学院院长或指定人员 (procedures set forth below). The appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs or Designee will not suspend the implementation of the disposition determined by the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs/designee, except in those circumstances where the Vice President for Academic Affairs or Designee decides that good cause exists making the suspension of implementation appropriate.


Whenever the application of any of the time deadlines or procedures set forth in this grievance procedure creates a problem due to the nature of the complaint, the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs/designee, at the request of the complainant, 将决定一个适当的加急程序是否可能.


The complainant or the party against whom the grievance is directed may appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs after completing the 正式投诉 Procedure described above. The Vice President for Academic Affairs has the discretion to designate an appropriate officer to review the appeal (“designee"). If, 然而, 最初的申诉是针对负责学术事务的副校长的, any appeal must be filed directly with the President’s Office.

When to File Appeal



The written appeal must specify reasons for appeal that are not based on disagreement or general dissatisfaction with the standards, 政策, and procedures of Disability 服务 themselves. 具体而言,上诉理由必须包括下列一项或多项标准:

  1. There is New Information of a Substantive Nature: New, significant or relevant information regarding the case becomes available that could not have been discovered by the student at the time of the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs/designee’s deliberation. Information is not considered new if the student voluntarily withheld the information at the time the committee deliberated regarding those decisions.
  2. There was a Significant Procedural Error: The specified procedural error or error in interpretation of 政策 may have substantially affected the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs/designee's deliberations such that the error prevented the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs/designee from rendering a fair decision.
Where to File Appeal

The appeal shall be filed with the Dean of the College, to be reviewed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs & Dean of the College or Designee.

Vice President for Academic Affairs & Dean of the College:
温迪F. 斯特恩伯格,Ph值.D

Office of the Dean of the College
洛杉矶, CA 90041


负责学术事务的副校长/指定人员作为申诉官的作用是有限的. Appeals are not intended to be a full hearing of the complaint, and are confined to a review of the grounds stated above. 最后报告所载的调查结果被认为是合理和适当地作出的决定. 上诉人负有举证责任,证明被指控的错误, or the proposed new evidence, would significantly impact the outcome of the proceeding.

如果有压倒性的证据(更有可能)证实上诉, 负责学术事务的副校长/指定人员将决定对上诉的适当解决方案. 学术事务副校长/指定人员的书面决定将在收到后的15个工作日内完成, 但学术事务副校长或指定人员有正当理由可以延长截止日期. If the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Designee determines the new information is not substantive and there has been no significant procedural error, 负责学生学术事务的副院长/指定人员的决定将被执行. 主管学术事务的副校长/指定人员的决定是最终的, and will promptly be communicated to the Appellant, other affected parties, and the Director of Disability 服务.


Last updated November 2020

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