All Advanced Level (300) and 比较高级 projects must keep a Production Notebook.

The production notebook is your 所有-in-one repository for the project. It organizes preproduction info, it is vital during the production, and it serves as a crucial archive after the production is complete. The production notebook resides with the project’s 生产商. It is his/her responsibility to assemble it, but it is the responsibility of 所有 crew personnel to provide the materials they are charged with generating, in a timely and professional manner.

A 2" 3-ring binder with plastic tabs is recommended. The production notebook will be turned in at the end of the semester for evaluation and grading by your professor.

**Project 生产商s must also scan 所有 Assumption of Risk, 演员释放, and Documentary Subject Informed Consent/Release Forms for each project and upload as a PDF to the designated drop box on your course Moodle site so that the dept. has an archive of these specific forms.**

Production Notebook Materials

The production notebook is crucial to 所有 projects, be they narrative, 实验, or documentary based, though some of the listed components below will need to be adjusted slightly depending on the form of the project.  Consult your professor for specific instructions and protocols for the production notebook associated with your course:

  • Continu所有y updated crew list with contact information for 所有 personnel.
  • Locked shooting script or treatment.
  • Principal Crew Responsibilities Breakdown.
  • Aesthetic Plan and Reference Materials.
  • Script breakdowns—aesthetics; locations; props/costumes, equipment; eighths of a page.
  • 铸造 Listing, signed approval by professor before posting.
  • Actor Headshots and Audition Information.
  • Documentary Subject Leads, Contact Information, and Notes.
  • Documentary Interview Questions and Shooting Plans for a Location.
  • Location Scouting Stills.
  • Shooting Schedule.
  • 项目预算, ASP Grant or Crowdfunding Materials for the Project, if relevant. 
  • Emergency Medical Forms for ALL crew and fictional cast.
  • Assumption of Risk Forms for ALL crew and fictional cast.
  • 演员释放 Form for ALL fictional cast and extras.
  • Documentary Subject Informed Consent and Release Form for 所有 human subjects in documentary projects.
  • Certificate of Insurance Requests 如果适用的话.
  • Location Release Forms 如果适用的话.
  • Permit Request Forms 如果适用的话.
  • SAG Agreement Correspondence and Confirmation 如果适用的话 .
  • Proof of Worker’s Comp Insurance (only applicable if working with SAG; must purchase this).
  • Location overheads and lighting setups.
  • Shotlists and storyboards.
  • Approved written proposal and plan for any potenti所有y Hazardous Shooting Conditions (特技, 武器, 未成年人, 车辆, 水, 烟火, rented equipment or any other norm所有y forbidden activity) signed off on by professor. Failure to do so will result in immediate failure and disciplinary action at the highest college levels.
  • 许可证.
  • 电话表 signed off by professor BEFORE shoot.
  • Camera Reports/ Logs.
  • Daily Production Reports
  • Documentary Tape Logs/Footage Transcripts.
  • Directory of Archival Footage, Stills, or Other Supplemental Material.
  • Director’s Footage Logs.
  • Revised Script for Editor.
  • Editor’s Footage Log.
  • 编者笔记.
  • Notes and samples for composer.
  • Composer Release Form.
  • Opening Title and Closing Credits Copy Signed off on by professor before picture lock.
  • Rights and 许可的日志 and any necessary proof of rights/clearances.
  • Electronic Press Kit Materials (accessible in digital form for future editing).
  • Evidence that copy or digital stream of completed project has been provided to 所有 cast, 参与者, 和机组人员.
Contact 媒体艺术 & 文化
Weingart 109
Katarzyna Marciniak
Department Chair