无论你是在校内还是校外拍摄, 寻找地点是前期制作的重要步骤.

Securing any location requires permission from either the College or off-campus location owner/manager, 在某些特殊情况下,你可能需要获得射击许可证. Make sure that you start this process early and leave yourself enough time to complete all the necessary paperwork.

On-Campus Filming

There are a variety of great locations available to you at right here at Occidental College, 多年来,许多学生在他们的电影中使用了这些. 专业工作人员支付了数千美元来Oxy校园拍摄, 寻找封闭的空间,减少噪音和安全问题, 而且电力和洗手间都很方便. 记住,你所要看的就是框架里的东西. 想想你如何把一个空间框定成你想要的样子, 使用声音设计来销售空间, 以及如何缝合不同的部位使其看起来是连续的. 想要了解一些想法,请查看我们在The Cage中的“地点手册”.

校园拍摄的第一步是找一个地点. All student film shoots on-campus, whether interior or exterior, must be registered through Master Calendar. If you are in a course authorized to reserve campus spaces for class projects, your name will be provided to Master Calendar by faculty at the semester's start. 然后,您需要发送电子邮件至Master Calendar (mastercalendar@tbc007.net)进行预订. 对于传统空间,这必须至少提前两周完成. Please make the subject line of your email "MAC [Course #]  Location Request - [Project Name]" Do not 通过以下方式预订座位 SLICE.

For on-campus filming, Master Calendar checks for availability of requested spaces. Representatives can alert you to potentially noisy or disruptive events going on near that location at the time you requested and suggest alternatives. Registering with Master Calendar also puts you on the schedule of approved events that Campus Safety receives, 让警官知道你可以待在你所在的地方, 为你打开大门, etc.

Particular proprietary spaces on campus will require additional permissions from the location's supervisor or affiliated office/department. Shooting in a dormitory will require permissions from a Resident Advisor and the Residental Life Office. 在图书馆内拍摄需要得到图书馆工作人员的许可. 其他实验室、美术工作室等. should be secured by first determining the authorized supervisor of that space and seeking their permissions first, 然后注册拍摄主日历. 相应地提前计划, to ensure you have enough time to secure such permissions and Master Calendar approval. 

Off-Campus Filming

只允许在洛杉矶县拍摄. Travel outside of Los Angeles is only permitted in the case of documentaries funded by external grants such as a Richter grant or a Values & Vocations grant.

第一步是找到一个地点. 如果你打算拍摄 私有财产比如房子或餐馆,你需要一个 地点释放表格,由该物业的拥有人签署. Do not get it signed by a manager or employee unless you are sure they have the authority to grant permission. 在拍摄过程中一定要随身携带一份.

Privately-owned locations, such as restaurants, will often also ask for a certificate of insurance. Download the 申请保险证明书表格  在表格索引下. Fill it out and submit it to your professor at least two weeks in advance so that your professor can submit it to risk management. 你的教授必须在保险申请表上签字. 向你的教授提供所有相关的许可、释放或其他形式. Note: risk management has the right to turn away anyone who doesn’t respect the Two Week window. 如果有任何问题或疑虑,不要犹豫联系你的教授. You must notify your professor if the details of your certificate (such as the shoot date) have changed as risk management will have to issue another insurance certificate.

如果你打算在 public location,比如建筑物前面的人行道,你就需要一个 Film LA Permit这是市政府允许你在洛杉矶拍摄的许可证. 如果一个警察来到你的拍摄现场, your permit is proof that you are allowed to show on that day at that location and will prevent your shoot from being shut down. 

拿到洛杉矶电影公司的许可, 提前咨询你的教授, 数字媒体和制作总监戴安娜·基勒, 或学生制作协调员. Review the Student Guide 并创建FilmLA配置文件. Submit the form, along with a letter from your professor (on Oxy letterhead dated within the last 30 days and signed by your professor that states your name, 班号或学习项目, and a statement certifying that your project is strictly for “non-commercial educational purposes") to the Film LA office at least one week before your shoot (2 weeks is recommended). 他们至少需要四个工作日来处理您的请求. 洛杉矶电影许可包括地点、日期、时间窗口和具体行动. 如果这些变量中的任何一个改变了, your permit is rendered invalid and will require you to go through the full process again with a new permit fee assessed.

由于COVID-19的影响, they are temporarily NOT taking in-person appointments and everything can be completed online, 但为了将来参考, FilmLA办公室位于

FilmL.A., Inc.
6255 W. Sunset Blvd.
12th Floor
Hollywood, CA 90028

If you are shooting at a Park or a Beach, you will need an additional permit. 洛杉矶市娱乐和公园管理处 与洛杉矶城市公园有关. Most beaches are handled by the County Permit Office, except the Santa Monica beach. 在所有海滩,当有人在水里时,都需要一名救生员. 当你和洛杉矶电影公司的代表见面时, he/she can help refer you to the proper office if extra paperwork is needed. 如果你在一个很大的区域拍摄, 比如安吉利斯国家森林, 一定要确切地知道你想使用哪一部分. Bringing a map that you marked will help them immensely and show that you’ve thought carefully about your location.

Different cities in Los Angeles county have different rules regarding student filming. 如果你在洛杉矶以外的城市拍摄, 在开始许可程序之前,一定要上网搜索一下. 几乎每个城市都在网上发布了他们的拍摄指南, and it’s a good idea to call the number provided and find out more specific information regarding student shoots. Some charge extra fees while others require a police officer to be present if you’re filming near a public street. 尽早开始这个过程, and do your research before presenting your proposed location to your professor. 如果你需要我帮你定位, 你可以安排一个时间和我们的学生制作协调员见面.

Remember that wherever you end up shooting, you are representing Occidental College. 对那些帮助你确定地点的人要尊重和礼貌, 确保你的拍摄按计划进行.


加州电影委员会对学生来说是一个有用的资源. 他们可以帮助你找到位置和其他东西. They do not charge application or permit fees – however you will be required to pay wages of any State employees required on the set. They’re online at www.film.ca.gov.

Peerspace is an online marketplace for finding and accessing unique locations for film shoots and photo shoots. It's free to browse - pricing is transparent and payments are kept secure via their online payment system. (Insider's Tip: many of the hosts on the platform are open to discussing student discounts - message them directly via their listings to inquire).


不同的公园属于不同的管辖范围. 洛杉矶市娱乐和公园部门负责管理洛杉矶市的公园. 公园电影办公室在 http://www.laparks.org/dos/ranger/parkfilm.htm,和(323)644 -6220. M-F 8:30-5:00.

Griffith Park, owned by the County of LA, will generally waive permit fees for students. 如果你的拍摄需要一个公园监视器(夜间拍摄), generators, 使用限制区, 超过15名船员), 那你就得付班长的工资, which is $38/hour.

Angeles National Forest is also a good place, but have your site picked out first. 他们有72小时的周转时间. Call (626) 574-5271.


Most beaches are handled by the County Permit Office, except Santa Monica beach. 当有人在水里时,救生员是必需的. www.Beaches.co.la.ca.我们/停职/海滩/主要.htm

码头修复公司负责管理圣莫尼卡码头. 电话是(310)458-8900, info@santamonicapier.org 他们的办公室在码头的旋转木马大楼里. They will waive the usual fees for students, but require a $50 refundable deposit AND INSURANCE.

Contact Media Arts & Culture
Weingart 109
Katarzyna Marciniak
Department Chair