All Media Arts & Culture students develop, realize, 并公开展示一个高年级综合项目.


Media Arts & 文化综合项目可以采取两种形式之一:媒体生产或批评媒体.

Critical Media Concentration:

攻读关键媒体专业的学生可以制作各种形式的项目,包括研究论文, websites, video essays, or other hybrid forms of research creation. 项目通常是25页的论文或7-10分钟的视频论文和5页的视频陈述.

These projects can address aspects of film and media history, visual culture, digital culture, topics in representation, or narrative analysis. 我们要求那些追求关键媒体集中的人创造性地思考方法, archival research strategies, and methodology.

批判性媒体专业的学生必须在大三结束前至少修过两门200或300级的批判性或历史媒体研究课程(这些课程是在初级研讨会之外)。. 我们还建议学生在大四之前尽可能多地参加额外的关键或混合MAC课程, 其他西方系的相关课程,经指导老师同意后,可计入专业.

关键媒体的大四学生参加为期一年的MAC 490关键高级专业研讨会,其中两个单元在秋季授予,另外两个单元在春季授予. 他们在秋季提交一份关键论文的草稿,并设定具体的截止日期,在春季的3月底提交日期之前完成重写或任何多模式组件. Students publicly present work during Senior Comprehensives Week in April.

Media Production Concentration:

媒体制作专业的学生可以制作一系列虚构的7-10分钟的视频作品, experimental, or documentary-based forms.  在适当的规划和批准下,特定地点或基于网络的媒体项目也是可能的. For those pursuing Media Production, we expect theoretical, cultural, and historical contextualization of the project’s form and function.

Media Production students must have completed MAC 240, MAC 355, and if producing fiction, MAC 220, by the end of junior year.

媒体制作专业的高年级学生在大四的秋季参加一个4单元的MAC 491制作高级研讨会. 然后要求学生在春季参加2单元MAC 492高级编辑课程,以支持他们在3月下旬提交日期之前的项目编辑. 学生还必须在春季与主要指导老师会面,进行三个必要的基准评估——第一次会议, Picture Lock, and Final Assessment. Students publicly exhibit work during Senior Comprehensives Week in April.

媒体制作项目的10分钟时限将严格执行,无论形式如何(即使是循环项目), or is broken up into several separate media segments or vignettes). This is to ensure that all media contained therein is developed, pre-produced and planned, shot, and completed with satisfactory depth and rigor.

有了这种形式和内容的开放性,请记住有一些实际的现实需要考虑. Those producing media components should review the Student Production Handbook policies as well as the specific information on Senior Media Production Comps 制定项目前的指导方针,以确保您的项目符合预算, logistical, and safety regulations.



学生将在他们的MAC高级研讨会上收到一个基于导师设定的课程期望的字母等级. Additionally, 学生的综合项目将在3月底或4月初由首席指导老师进行评估,并将被评为“及格”或“不及格”,并提交给教务处,以表明学生是否达到了学院综合要求. Projects are evaluated on the following criteria:

For Critical Media Projects:

  • Does the work have an original central thesis or argument?

  • Does the work exhibit a mastery of scholarly research?

  • Does the work use film/media studies methodologies with depth, clarity, and skill?

  • Does the work articulate the cultural, historical, formal, 和/或研究项目的叙事意义,并清楚地确定其在该领域的意义?

  • Is the work well written, well organized, and grammatically flawless?

  • 作品是否试图以某种方式探索或推动与视听媒体相关的“写作”概念?

  • 这个项目是否直接针对一个重要的问题——无论是个人的、理论的、社会的还是政治的?

  • Has the student fully engaged with mentoring, collaborative opportunities, and met deadlines in the senior year while realizing the project?

For Media Production Projects:

  • 这个项目是否表达了一个引人注目的、原创的中心思想或问题,并展示了个人的声音/愿景?

  • Does the project exhibit distinct and evocative use of the formal, narrative, and rhetorical strategies of audiovisual language to convey its meaning?

  • 该项目在其故事或中心思想中是否表现出强大的技术能力?

  • 项目是否涉及现实世界的问题和关注点——无论是个人的、社会的还是政治的?

  • Has the student fully engaged with mentoring, collaborative opportunities, and met deadlines in the senior year while realizing the project?



“优异通过”的称号可能偶尔会授予院系教师同意超过上述评估标准的标准期望的项目. This is completely separate from the “honors" process described below. “杰出”荣誉不是每年都颁发的,只有在明显值得的情况下才会授予.



A student with an overall GPA of at least 3.5 overall and 3.本专业6名在院系课程中表现优异的学生,可以在大四秋季提交荣誉项目提案,在大四春季完成.

Honors is an optional route of greater critical rigor, 学生与一个由两名成员组成的教师委员会合作(一名主要顾问来自学生的重点,另一名副顾问来自校园其他部门或MAC内,学生在大四春季之前已经或将参加至少一门课程)并进行更深层次的研究, writing, and presentation which extends their senior comprehensives project.

学生应该自我认同的主要MAC指导老师讨论他们的荣誉项目的想法. 一份正式的提案和申请在大四的秋季与主要的指导老师一起制定,并在秋季学期结束前提交给部门评估和批准/拒绝. If the proposal is accepted, 学生应该在春季注册MAC 499(荣誉研究)来完成荣誉项目, 将在四月的高中竞赛周期间向学院社区公开展示的内容.

Consult with your faculty advisor for specific application materials and guidelines.

Contact Media Arts & Culture
Weingart 109
Katarzyna Marciniak
Department Chair