
Dear Occidental Students, 教师 and Staff,

发展和培育尊重性的文化和防止不当性行为是Oxy的关键优先事项. 周五的游行和抗议活动由OSAC组织,有这么多学生参加,这进一步强调了我们必须继续采取行动的事实. 不仅如此, listening to student leaders, 并观察聚集在抗议活动中的学生群体的团结和承诺, served to reaffirm for me that our students, 教师, 和工作人员 can productively work together to achieve change. Because of our size, our culture of care, and our unique community, Oxy must also continue to educate and train all community members, and expand our efforts designed to prevent sexual misconduct and support survivors. As president, I am firmly committed to doing so. 

我们理解,有太多的学生认为校方对性行为不端的问题关注不够,这让我们非常担忧. 相应的, 我们会更加努力地与学生合作,制定和实施促进性尊重和健康校园环境的策略. 为此目的, 一个明确的信息是,学生们希望看到一个综合的计划,包括并解决学生的需求和投入,以及我们打算采取的行动的时间表. 这就是计划.


  • 10月. 25, Tirzah Blanche was appointed as the new manager of 项目安全 and survivor advocate. A search for a new Program Coordinator and Prevention 教育 Specialist—Tirzah’s previous role—is in the early stages. We are also in the process of hiring additional student Program Assistants. (You can find the application 在这里.) In addition, we are committed to hiring a second survivor advocate to work under Tirzah’s supervision. Successful searches take time, and need to involve the College community as a whole. 仍然, 我们将尽一切努力在2022年春季学期结束前填补这些职位. 

  • We are also in the early stages of hiring a full-time case and support manager in the 第九条办公室, who will be trained to conduct intake meetings, coordinate needed resources and accommodations, 提供正在进行的案件的最新情况,并为参与第九条程序的人提供其他形式的支持. 我们将尽一切努力在2022年春季学期结束前填补这个职位

  • 确定资源和经过适当培训的人员在周末提供现场支持 确保Oxy学生每周七天都能获得保密支持仍然是重中之重. 我们将确定一个可持续和适当的周末人员配备计划,并将尽一切努力在2022年春季学期结束前填补这些职位.

  • Early in the spring 2022 semesteR,我们会 resume our search for an additional Emmons counselor, 优先考虑在非二元学生和有色人种学生方面有专业知识的候选人. 像埃蒙斯所有现有的治疗师一样,这位新的咨询师将接受创伤知识培训. To meet the specific needs of survivors, we will also work with Emmons to develop specialized trauma-informed therapy. 我们将尽一切努力在2022年秋季学期开始之前让这位顾问到位.

  • In the spring 2022 semester, 我们将对第九条办公室的运作和带宽进行彻底审查, 特别是考虑到报告和调查要求不断增加. 我们将 share with the community 我们计划在2022年春季学期结束前在第九条办公室增加额外的工作人员.

  • In each of these searches, we will emphasize the recruitment of a diverse candidate pool through an inclusive and equitable process. It is also important to note that across Oxy and higher ed, the pandemic has impacted hiring timelines.


  • 从今天开始, we will better publicize the College’s online anonymous reporting form by linking it on the main 性的尊重 and 第九条 page.

  • 我们将 publish end-of-semester reports 概述第九章办公室收到的报告和正式投诉的解决办法, including sanctions imposed. The first end-of-semester report will be distributed in January 2022. You can review the 第九条办公室’s annual report for the last academic year 在这里.

  • At the beginning of the spring 2022 semesteR,我们会 更新 性的尊重 and 第九条 网站 with the goal of making it easier to use and understand. 在下一学年开始之前,将对网站进行更深入的检查. 新网站将为所有学生提供新的培训资源和参考资料, 教师, 和工作人员.

  • Starting with the spring 2022 semester, 项目安全 will conduct regular listening sessions each semester and encourage student participation. Anonymized feedback from these listening sessions will be shared with the Campus Committee on Sexual Responsibility & 不当行为 (CCSRM). CCSRM将对这些信息进行评估,以确定我们可以继续改进的领域,并将在其向社区提交的年度报告中包括评估总结和继续采取行动的建议.

培训 & 教育

  • Starting in the spring 2022 semester, working with students, ASOC, 教师 Council (FC), All Staff Council (ASC) and the CCSRM, we will appoint an inclusive 性行为不端的培训和教育工作组,为奥施康定制定一项新的、全面的培训和教育计划.  This new program will include:

    • Replacing the current online student training tool for Orientation with a more effective and accessible model. 现在的情况是,所有学生每年都必须完成性行为不端的培训. 2022年秋季, 这一强制性培训还将包括针对一年级学生的专门外展和编程的面对面部分. We intend to have this training in place for fall 2022 Orientation.

    • 如果有多个特定运动队成员的性行为不端的报告,制定持续和有针对性的教育计划, 俱乐部运动, Greek organization, other registered student club or student organization, student-based affinity organization, 等. 该计划将是ncaa正在进行的每支运动队赛季训练的补充,并将由第九条办公室制定, the Dean of Students, 项目安全, the Athletic Director, 和片. We intend to have this additional training implemented by fall 2022 Orientation.

    • 为2022-23学年开始的教职员工创造新的培训机会和资源. Working with the 教师 Council, 项目安全 and the CCSRM, we will create specific workshops for 教师 和工作人员. With support from the 教师 Council and the vote of the 教师, such training could become mandatory for 教师. 我们还将在2022年秋季为新教职员工制定并实施一项培训计划,以更好地为他们做好准备,以创伤知情的方式解决性行为不端问题. 

    • 到2022年秋季, a new pocket guide on sexual respect and responsibility, in addition to other new or updated written materials, will be provided to all 教师 和工作人员. 材料将在各种校园建筑中可见且易于获取的位置提供. 

    • 这些新举措将包括专门针对LGBTQIA+的外展和教育, BIPOC, 以及其他一些历史上性行为不端的校园社区.  


  • In spring 2022 semester, with support from the president’s office, and leadership from Professor Thalia González and Dean Flot, we will resume the 自疫情开始以来一直处于暂停状态的西方恢复性司法组织, to support restorative responses to 第九条, 冲突, 伤害, and community building, as well as other aspects of campus life. 我们很幸运,在这方面有一些专业知识,我们也在寻求在员工中建立专业知识,并将与他们协商,以确定最佳的方式进行.  The group will be transformed into a diverse committee of students, 教师, 并正式负责评估和规划Oxy在全校范围内实施的恢复性实践. 我们将 make every effort to have this committee resume in the spring 2022 semester, and implement new campus-wide programming in the fall 2022 semester.

几乎上述所有倡议和行动都是我们从OSAC和Oxy社区成员那里收到的宝贵意见的结果, and we sincerely thank you for engaging in these conversations. 我们将在这些最关键的问题上与你们所有人合作,并将继续向社区通报我们正在进行的努力.



Contact the 公民权利 & 第九条办公室
AGC Administrative Center

 First Floor, Room 111

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