• 2022-23工作总结
  • 委员会的建议
  • 委员会成员


The CCSRM is a diverse, multi-constituency College committee whose charge is:

  • 审查实践, 程序, and programming relevant to sexual harassment, 不正当的性行为, 和第九条问题;
  • Provide feedback to the 公民权利 & 第九条协调员 on educational programs/initiatives and other sex discrimination policy initiatives;
  • Within the framework of federal law and guidelines and guided by the 公民权利 & 第九条协调员, review the 十大正规网赌平台 Sexual and Interpersonal 不当行为 Policy, , and offer suggestions for updates or revision; and
  • Present an annual report to the president and the campus community by 2023年5月1日. The report will include a summary of the year's work, as well as any recommendations made by the committee with respect to existing policies, 程序和惯例.



The following is a summary of the CCSRM’s work during the 2022-2023 academic year. Committee minutes for each committee meeting are posted at: http://www.tbc007.net/civil-rights-title-ix/sexual-respect-title-ix/campus-committee-sexual-responsibility-misconduct

Sexual and Interpersonal 不当行为 Policy Revisions
The CCSRM provided feedback to the 公民权利 & 第九条协调员 regarding revisions to the College's Sexual and Interpersonal 不当行为 Policy that were necessary to comply with state 参议院523号法案. Among the changes were: revisions to the gender-based harassment and gender-based discrimination definitions to comply with SB 523; clarifying language regarding how to request a delay or extension of time in a formal process; addition of language regarding what happens when an accused party withdraws or resigns prior to the completion of a formal process; and simplifying the procedure for objecting to cross-examination questions during a formal hearing. The Committee will continue to participate in future revisions of the policy, 包括回应 anticipated changes to the Department of 教育’s 第九条 regulations.

Ongoing Conversations Regarding Safety on Campus
Throughout the academic year, the CCSRM had multiple discussions regarding safety on campus. In response to a number of reports of a “peeping tom” during the fall and spring semesters, the CCSRM discussed response options and how to have a proactive approach to keeping the community informed when similar situations arise. The committee discussed how to increase awareness of these safety concerns and our shared safety responsibilities as a community, including the distribution of written materials in residence halls and adding a 校园安全 presentation to the First Year Orientation schedule. 

The CCSRM reviewed current restorative options to harm available through the Sexual and Interpersonal 不当行为 Policy and considered whether creating additional informal or confidential opportunities to respond to harm in a restorative way are feasible and appropriate. The CCSRM will continue these conversations during the next academic year.



  • Increase training and education outreach efforts for groups including Greek life organizations, 雇佣学生的办公室, and registered student organizations;
  • Incorporate a 校园安全 session into the First Year Orientation schedule; and
  • Continue the Committee for the 2023-24 Academic Year.




  • Project SAFE – Lizzy Denny, Manager and Survivor Advocate
  • Project SAFE – Joaquin Caro, Program Coordinator & Prevention 教育 Specialist
  • Student Appointment 1 – Pooja Bansiya, Project SAFE Programming Assistant 
  • Student Appointment 2 – G Northway, OSAC Member 
  • 教师 Council Appointment – Richard Mora, Associate Professor of Sociology
  • Human 资源 – Jacie Feigelman, Associate Director of Operations and Employee Engagement
  • Emmons 健康 Center – Devon Sakamoto, Assistant Dean of Students for Emmons 健康
  • Dean of Students Office – Vivian Santiago, Assistant Vice-President for 学生事务 and Associate Dean of Students
  • Dean of Students Office – Tahn Park, Assistant Dean for Student 支持 and Director of 恢复实践
  • Residential 教育 and 住房 服务 – Isaiah Thomas, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Residential 教育, 住房 服务 and Student Conduct
  • Office of Student Conduct – Martha Matlock, Associate Director of Student Conduct and 恢复实践
  • 体育运动 – Rob Bartlett, Cross Country and Track Head Coach
  • 校园安全 – Rick Tanksley, Director of 校园安全
  • 市场营销处 & Communication – Jim Tranquada, Director of 通信 and Community Relations
  • 公民权利 & 第九条办公室 – 安德里亚·博伊尔, 情况下 Manager
  • 公民权利 & 第九条办公室 – 亚历山德拉Fulcher, 公民权利 & 第九条协调员 
联系民权组织 & 第九条办公室
