Oxy is committed to purchasing and serving sustainably-grown, 道德, 当地的, and humanely-raised foods across all three of our dining facilities. 使用真正的食物挑战标准, we prioritize foods from growers that share our commitment to sustainability. 


2014年10月, Occidental became the 27th national signatory to the 真正的食物挑战 Campus Commitment, with a goal of purchasing 30% sustainable food by the year 2020. While RFC revisits and updates their standards, we continue to use their standards.


  • 生态的声音: Comes from food operations that practice environmental stewardship that conserves biodiversity and ecosystem resilience and preserves natural resources. This includes the USDA 有机 certification, 再生农业实践, and/or approval from the Marine Stewardship Council or Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch.
  • 以地方和社区为基础: Ingredients that are grown within 250 miles of Oxy, or 肉/seafood that has been sourced within 500 miles. Businesses must also be owned privately or through a cooperative and make below $5 million (for produce) or $50 million (for 肉s and multi-ingredient products like bread).
  • 公平: Foods are considered "公平" if the individuals involved in food production work in safe and 公平 conditions and receive 公平 compensation. Examples of 公平 certifications include 公平 Trade Certified, 终身认证博览会, 美国公平贸易, 及食物司法认证. 
  • 人道: "Humane" foods are usually animal products, 像鸡蛋, 肉, 和乳制品, that are sourced from animals that have their mental, 物理, and behavioral needs met in a low-stress environment. Humane certifications include American Humane Free Range/Pasture Raised, Global Animal Partnership Steps 3-5 and/or Animal Welfare Approved Grass-fed.


"Our primary campaign is to shift $1 billion of existing university food budgets (20%) away from industrial farms and junk food and towards 当地的/community-based, 公平, ecologically sound and humane food sources—what we call “real food"—by 2020."


在2018-2019学年, Oxy's Own Dining Service purchased 29% Real Food, 离我们30%的目标只差一个百分点了! The 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years were disrupted greatly by the COVID-19 pandemic, earning us a score of 13% Real Food during the 2021-22 school year.

  • 你可以帮我们重回正轨! 寻找餐饮设施的指示牌, and choose the products that are labeled "Sustainably Sourced!"  We want you to understand the power of voting for sustainable food with your dining purchases. 
  • 访问我们的 供应商 page to learn more about where we source our food from.
  • For a more thorough understanding of our RFC scores, goals, and other food-related initiatives, 查看2021年食物资源指南.


To promote sustainability and highlight certain 真正的食物挑战 foods in the 市场, 餐饮提供以下餐点: 

  • Monday and Friday SLO (Sustainable Local 有机) Lunches
  • 周一无肉晚餐在厨师角
  • 星期三晚上有机土豆吧
  • 周四晚上有机酒吧
  • 周六早午餐可持续冰沙吧 

除了这些每周的饭菜, Dining staff organize sustainable meals to celebrate notable holidays, 包括:

  • 食物正义月(十月)
  • 世界地球日(四月)
  • 感恩节
  • 圣诞节和光明节
  • 情人节
