Meet our 2024 summer interns: 

Affordable Housing, Community Development, and Environmental Justice
项目得到了总统办公室的支持, Politics Anderson, The Barack Obama Scholars Program, and Citizens Business Bank. Faculty mentor: Martha Matsuoka

2024 housing interns

Food Studies and Urban Agriculture
该计划由美国农业部NIFA: AFRI REEU计划支持. Faculty mentor: Sharon Cech

2024 urban agriculture interns

Public Health
Program is supported by The Ralph M. 帕森斯基金会,巴拉克·奥巴马学者计划,以及Oxy社区健康参与基金. Faculty mentor: Jessica Dirkes

2024 public health interns

Immigrant Rights & Social Justice
该项目由一位匿名捐赠者资助. Faculty mentor: Mary Christianakis and Malek Moazzam-Doulat

2024 immigrant rights interns

Our 2024 Partnering Organizations

2024 uep site logos



你对解决洛杉矶不平等和社会不公的策略感兴趣吗? We are pleased to offer the UEP & UEPI暑期实习计划招收对以下领域感兴趣的学生:

  • Affordable Housing
  • Homelessness
  • Community Development
  • Environmental Justice
  • Climate Justice
  • Public Health
  • Nutrition and diet-related disease prevention
  • Food Justice
  • Urban Agriculture
  • Immigration

Applications are closed for Summer 2024. 请在明年1月申请2025年夏季课程时再次访问.


  • 经济适用房,社区发展和环境正义
    实习生将与专业人员一起从事各种与住房开发有关的项目, housing policy, housing advocacy, environmental justice, 以及以社区为基础的应对气候变化的方法, policy, and planning.
  • Food Studies and Urban Agriculture
    实习生将参加为期两周的培训课程,了解洛杉矶的城市农业基础知识和食品正义,包括课堂活动和一系列体验式的实地考察,学生们可以参与到实践学习活动中, 然后将被安排在一个城市农业组织进行为期8周的实习. 学生将与城市农民一起工作,并获得城市食品生产方法的经验, community engagement and workshops, as well as marketing, sales, and food assistance acceptance. ​​​​
  • Public Health 
    实习生将被安排在洛杉矶为弱势群体服务的一线公共卫生组织和诊所. 学生将与来自合作伙伴网站的工作人员一起完成与组织使命和目标相关的项目. 学生可以从事与妇女健康有关的项目, health education, nutrition and physical activity, healthcare access, and/or food assistance program enrollment.

  • Immigration Rights and Social Justice
    经过为期两天的培训/研讨会,与移民群体和社区伙伴组织合作, 实习生将被安排在洛杉矶一家专注于移民的合作组织工作8周. During those 8 weeks, 实习生将与工作人员一起解决合法移民权利等问题, education, housing, work/employment, family, and health.  具体的工作将取决于伙伴组织的使命. 


被选中参加这次实习的西方学生将获得5美元的报酬,200 study grant, 学校是否提供食宿[以收入为准], 但暑假期间每周的最高付款额为150美元。, 并将全职为洛杉矶一家社区非营利组织工作. 可能还会有额外的旅费. 实习岗位的数量将取决于该项目能够筹集到的资金水平.

Interns will be required to:

  • 2024年5月29日至2024年8月2日全职工作10周
  • 2024年7月31日在中国自然科学大学夏季研究计划会议上发言
  • 参加每周与教师导师和其他实习生的研讨会,讨论指定的阅读和反思实习经验
  • Keep a journal
  • Write a final paper


Open to all majors! 所有在秋季学期返校的在校生都有资格申请. 过去的获奖者可以申请其他项目领域. 2024年5月毕业的学生不符合资格. 

Affordable Housing
一定对经济适用房问题感兴趣吧, homelessness, community development, 改善低收入社区条件, environmental justice, and climate justice.

Possible Organizations:

Food Studies and Urban Agriculture
必须对粮食系统和城市农业生产以及城市农业如何解决粮食获取问题感兴趣, food security, and diet-related diseases.

Possible Organizations:

Public Health  
必须对公共卫生感兴趣并已完成 PUBH 203 Introduction to Public Health; or DWA 248 or PUBH 248 之前全球公共卫生暑期实习项目开始.

Possible Organizations:

Immigrant Rights and Social Justice
Must be interested in legal immigrant rights, education, housing, work/employment, family, and health.

Possible Organizations:

HOW TO APPLY - Deadline is in 2025, TBD


We'll need the following information: 

  1. Your name, Oxy ID#, major, class (frosh, sophomore, junior), GPA, 可以作为推荐人的教员姓名, 您夏季的交通工具(私家车), public transit, ride-share, or carpool), 在为期10周的项目中,你是否需要校园住宿;
  2. 确定你申请的专业,列出你最感兴趣的三个组织. 注意:您可以申请多个课程,但必须为每个课程提交单独的申请
  3. 一份250-500字的陈述(PDF或MS word),解释你为什么对你申请的项目感兴趣, what skills will you bring (e.g. fluent in Spanish, proficient in Photoshop, etc), and what do you hope to learn at the internship site; share your future educational and professional plans and how this internship can help to support these plans. 还要包括其他相关的实习或志愿者经历;
  4. Your resume (PDF or MS Word); and
  5. Your Oxy transcript (unofficial is acceptable).


Contact Urban & Environmental Policy
Urban & Environmental Policy Institute

1882 Campus Road