UEP高级综合项目, 他们通常被称为“竞争者”, 经常延伸到课堂之外与人互动, 影响和评估当地的公共政策问题, 国家甚至全球层面.


本研究探讨了公立考试高中的争议性问题. 公立应试高中主要是根据学业成绩来选拔学生. 通过对旧金山洛厄尔高中的案例研究, 加州, 学区内唯一一所公考高中, 这项研究考察了名校在一个地区的作用以及它们的未来应该是什么样子, 因为各学区都在争取教育公平. 

粮食不安全是城市中日益严重的问题. 这场危机对低收入者和有色人种的影响尤为严重, 因为他们很少有机会获得新鲜和有营养的食物, 往往导致有害的健康后果. 本研究以洛杉矶市为例探讨了这些问题.
作者:Josh Beissinger

I这是美国公共部门工会的终结还是一个新的开始? 加州教师联合会的个案研究
这份报告发现,尽管自2008年以来,工作权利组织变得越来越强大 雅努斯 决定, the 加州 Fed时代tion of Teachers has grown its membership and financial reserves and thus offers a unique opportunity to study public sector union success in the post-雅努斯 时代.
作者:Leo Blain

This paper studies the state of music education in 洛杉矶 and the 好处 and limitations of non profit music education organizations, 比如洛杉矶的和谐计划和音乐教育, 以及可能的解决方案,以克服障碍,获得音乐教育.
作者:Stefan Ceara

Programs like HOPE VI or the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative along with tools like RAD fund private developers to revitalize distressed public housing projects both through investment but also the provision of new amenities and design principles in accordance with movements like New 城市ism. This study investigates to what degree the built environment within redevelopments such as is prioritized around resident needs as well as how specific design elements and policies facilitate this process.

最近摄影师哈琳娜·哈钦斯被枪杀, 浅谈SAG生产“锈”, 让人们意识到联合装置缺乏安全性. There has been a significant amount of media attention and lit时代ture of late that places blame on the inexperienced non union personnel that work on SAG productions. 本文建议从文献中找出发生的失败, 为什么会发生这种情况?将来可以做些什么来防止这种情况发生.

Students' Use of Outdoor Space at 十大正规网赌平台: Consid时代tions for an Environmentally and Culturally Sustainable Landscape

Analyzing the Impact of Resident Involvement in Public 住房 Referendums: A Case Study of New York City's Public 住房 Preservation Trust
This research paper discusses the issue of resident participation in public housing referendums within the context of the New York City Public 住房 Preservation Trust, 最近成立的一项倡议,旨在解决纽约市住房管理局(NYCHA)的持续失败,. The paper examines NYCHA's capacity to effectively implement the voting mechanism of the Trust and how to engage a vuln时代ble population by examining resident involvement best practices and the key components of a successful referendum.

可持续性 in Soccer: Developing Eco-Friendly Models of Soccer Fields in LA Parks by Assessing The Benefits and Tradeoffs of Synthetic Turf and Grass Soccer Fields

在当前气候紧急的时代, it is crucial that 洛杉矶 focuses on addressing the challenges to building decarbonization as buildings are one of the largest sources of greenhouse gasses in the city. 本文考察了非营利性开发商在建筑公平脱碳中的作用, 主要是人们负担得起的住宅楼.

尽管全国范围内长期资金不足, 公共图书馆拥有广泛的数字资源和适应的编程,比以往任何时候都得到了更多的利用. 包括对Covid-19大流行的看法, this work aims to answer how recent changes have shaped the impact of resources provided by public libraries that impact the prevalence of wealth inequality.

横跨三个时期, 衰退(2006 - 2010), 早期恢复(2011-2015), 和回收(2015-2019), 这个对南卡罗来纳城市黑人住房拥有率的定量分析提出了一个问题, 房屋所有权在多大程度上为美国黑人提供了稳定的财富来源?

社区,循环, & 堆肥:洛杉矶市社区驱动的食物垃圾转移系统案例
作者:Isa 梅瑞尔

该项目着眼于社区成员了解普吉特海湾海军历史的方式,并开始定义复杂的风险, 好处, 以及相互依赖的系统
 利益相关者 当一个社区以如此明确的工业目的形成时.本文广泛探讨了媒体框架是如何构建的, 通知, 甚至会扭曲对网站的理解, and asks what implications that distortion may have for industrial communities as they strive to define their personal experiences and make informed 决定s with regard to potential industrial risks and 好处. 
作者:Lucy Njegovan

The objective of this research is to analyze Pasadena's successes and shortcomings concerning its urban canopy and evaluate the preparedness of its street trees for climate change. 这篇论文解释了气候变化将在两个重要方面影响帕萨迪纳:花粉生产和水利用.

Greening school campuses offers a critical opportunity to build climate resiliency and combat environmental injustices at a local and regional scale; however, the unique geopolitical landscape of 洛杉矶 County presents sev时代l challenges that complicate implementing and op时代ting such projects. 通过对洛杉矶县84号提案授予的绿色校园项目的案例分析, 本研究探讨拨款申请及项目执行过程中的程序公平问题.

接下来会发生什么?? 展望洛杉矶石油基地的未来
The city and county of 洛杉矶 are currently planning the phaseout of oil and gas drilling in the region after passing ordinances that declare oil and gas drilling non-conforming land uses within their jurisdictions. The goal of this study is to understand what community leaders and activists who have been involved in this issue think about how the phaseout should occur, 特别是在清理方面, 土地所有权和使用权, and how communities living near oil sites should be able to participate in the closure and redevelopment of the site in their neighborhood.

Individual and Institutional Interconnectedness: Exploring Student Attitudes and Behaviors Surrounding Water Conservation at Lib时代l 艺术 Colleges
作者:Aya Sugiura

政治如何, 政策网络, and Finance Intersect to Shape the 结果 of Affordable 住房 Development: An Analysis of Low-Income 住房 Tax Credit Financing in 洛杉矶

唐人街的两个世界:  城市少数民族聚居区的真实性与身份认同
Ethnic enclaves are unique sites that hold historic and contemporary significance and special meaning for those that have int时代cted with them. These sites offer a transnational and local sense of place and can provide safety and solidarity amongst those with shared identities or lived experiences. This project examines 洛杉矶’s Chinatown as a case study of urban ethnic enclaves and their capacity for building a sense of community and belonging.

农业产业, 以及更广泛的全球粮食系统, 是否因加剧气候变化和对社会不稳定的倾向而受到严厉批评, 正如我们最近在Covid-19大流行期间所看到的那样. This study explores the role of controlled-environment agriculture as new agro-technology and seeks to understand its impact as an alternative food source, 在城市景观中, 特别是在地方层面.

随着各国政府寻求管理可持续性的新方法, 弹性, 以及城市的气候目标, 食品林业已经成为一种新型的城市绿地形式,不仅有可能提供健康和免费的食物, 还能减缓气候变化, 支持城市生态系统, 促进居民的整体福祉. This research investigates users’ and community members’ perceptions of the impact Beacon Food Forest (BFF) has on them or their communities.
作者:Irene Wickwire

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