
For consideration, projects must be related to the field of political science, politics, policy, international relations, 或公法,并具有学术性质,或具有与学生的政治或经济政策专业相关的应用成分. Anderson grants are awarded to Politics and UEP majors only, on a competitive basis via an application process. 

What are Anderson Grants?

  • 安德森奖学金在学年(9月至次年5月)期间授予的金额为2000美元或以下。, excluding winter break and excluding the summer.
  • 在寒假或暑假期间寻求实习或学术项目支持的学生应申请一份 Anderson Fellowship or a Reath, McKelvey, and Caldwell Fellowship. 
  • 即将毕业的高年级学生只有在毕业日期之前完成项目时才有资格获得安德森奖学金. 

What projects and activities does the Anderson Grant support?

  • Senior comprehensive research
  • Travel to a conference in the field of Politics or UEP
  • 独立研究与政治或UEP课程相结合
  • 由政治学或UEP教授指导的独立研究
  • Travel to an internship in the fields of Politics or UEP

What expenses can the Anderson Grant cover?

  • The Anderson Grants operate as reimbursements for expenses incurred: they are not cash awards. 学生需要在申请时提交预算. 
  • Anderson Grants can cover conference fees; travel (e.g., airfare, train fare) and lodging; and other research-related activities (e.g.(进入博物馆、获取数据、访问档案). In exceptional circumstances, 当研究资料确实无法通过馆际互借获得时,拨款可用于购买这些资料. 

Are there any restrictions on receiving Anderson support?

  • 安德森基金不支持志愿者或社区服务,也不支持向非营利组织捐款. 
  • 安德森基金(Anderson Fund)不为实习提供薪资支持 will cover  expenses.
  • 学生每学年最多只能获得两个政治系奖项(助学金和奖学金)。.
  • 学生在其学术生涯中只能获得三次安德森基金支持(助学金和奖学金)。.
  • For projects requiring approval from the Human Subjects Research Review Committee (HSRRC), HSRRC批准程序必须在安德森申请时启动. 

What are the deadlines for Anderson Grant support?

For consideration, 所有安德森资助材料必须在项目开始前至少14天收到(如果只是寻求支持参加会议,申请将在7天前接受)。

What are the components of Anderson Grant Application?  

  • All applications require a cover sheet. Download the cover sheet here.  
  • All applications require a 2-page, double-spaced project statement that: (1) describes the project; (2) explains the project’s clear connection to theoretical and/or empirical questions raised in the fields of political science, politics, policy or public law; and (3) explains the learning goals of the project in relation to these questions. This project statement should be professional, academic and formal in tone, and cite academic and scholarly sources. 
  • All applications require a budget using the our budget form. Download the budget form here. 请注意,未经充分研究或证明的预算将被退回进行修订. 
  • Applications may require supporting materials, 例如会议通知或确认实习安排的信件副本. 
  • For students seeking support in the amount of $500 or less: submit (1) cover sheet; (2) project statement; (3) budget; and (4) any supporting materials. 
  • For students seeking support between $501-$2000: submit (1) cover sheet; (2) project statement; (3) budget; (4) a one-page double spaced personal statement; (5) any supporting materials. Students must also ensure that a faculty member submits a recommendation form. 让你的老师下载并填写推荐表格 here.
    • 一页两倍行距的个人陈述应解释该项目如何符合学生在十大正规网赌平台及以后的学术或职业目标. 
    • 推荐表格必须按时提交,申请才被视为完整. 没有推荐表格的申请将不被认为是完整的,并且在提交推荐表格之前不会被审查
  • Incomplete applications will not be accepted for any reason. 

What is a complete Anderson Grant application?

For projects under $500:

  1. Cover sheet
  2. Project statement
  3. Budget
  4. Any supporting materials 

For projects between $501-and $2000:

  1. Cover sheet
  2. Project statement
  3. Personal statement
  4. Budget
  5. Faculty recommendation
  6. Any supporting materials 

How do I submit my application?

  • Students should submit a completed application via email.
  • The email should contain each component as an attachment. 在Microsoft Word或PDF中将每个组件准备为单独的文件, labeled as follows: “Lastname_Component” (for example, “Jones_CoverPage” and “Jones_PersonalStatement”). Only Word (.docx) and PDF are accepted.
  • 将所有文件作为附件在一封电子邮件中发送到Romy Corona rcorona@tbc007.net
  • All documents should be prepared in a professional manner, with the student’s name appearing on each page.
  • 申请501元或以上助学金的学生, 请让你的老师把推荐表格直接寄给Romy Corona rcorona@tbc007.net. This preserves confidentiality.

What do I do after receiving my Anderson Fund support? 

  Before beginning the project:

  • Read the document "FAQ for Acceptable Expenditures” 并熟悉下面列出的报告规则和要求(在“完成项目后”下). Specifically, after completing the project, 您将被要求退还(a)您没有收据或(b)超出可接受支出范围的任何资金.  
  • If applicable, obtain final HSRRC approval. 在获得HSRRC对项目的最终批准后,才会发放资金.
  • If your project requires travel abroad, complete the pre-clearance process with the International Programs Office. 在IPO通知罗米·科罗娜(Romy Corona)完成预审批之前,资金不会发放. 

After completing the project:

  • Submit your receipts and the budget reconciliation worksheet, using our form. Download the budget reconciliation worksheet here. 必须出示收据,以证明预算调节工作表中记录的所有费用. 请记住,不符合这些准则的收据将不被接受, and may require return of the funds. (Original receipts should be kept by the student for tax purposes; photocopies of receipts must be submitted as part of the final report.) ​
  • 未能提交收据副本的学生将失去考虑未来资助的资格,并要求学生退还资金. 不遵守可接受支出的规则和程序也可能导致学生退还安德森基金的全部资金. 在某些情况下,这些违规行为也可能导致收到文凭的延迟.  
  • 未使用全部安德森助学金的学生将被要求退还未使用的资金.

​Who can I contact with questions?

Contact Politics
Johnson Hall 317

Administrative support: J 101A

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