The Department of 政治 supports academic projects performed by students majoring in 政治 and UEP.  安德森奖学金s are awarded to students on a competitive basis via an application process.

考虑, projects must be related to the field of political science or politics and be academic in nature. 学生必须是全日制学生, 十大正规网赌平台政治或经济政策专业的在读学生. 奖学金是竞争性的,需要一个申请过程. 

安德森奖学金何时颁发? 奖学金金额是多少?

  • 安德森奖学金 冬天 break is awarded in the amount of $2000 (plus up to $1000 for students who face additional expenses related to travel and/or lodging)
  • 安德森奖学金 夏天 break is awarded in the amount of $4500 (plus up to $1500 for students who face additional expenses related to travel and/or lodging) 


  • 学生必须有 宣布 major in 政治 or UEP and be in good academic standing in the major and in the college
  • Graduating seniors are 不 eligible for 安德森奖学金s over the 暑假 following graduation
  • Graduating seniors are only eligible for 安德森奖学金s if all funded work is completed prior to their graduation date 


  • 政治或经济政策专业高级综合研究
  • 参加政治或政治科学领域的会议
  • 在政治或政治学领域实习
  • 在暑假或寒假期间进行的独立研究, 结合政治课程或高级综合项目, 和/或由政治学教授指导


  • 安德森奖学金是作为学习补助金颁发的, to support students in carrying out a project related to developing professional skills (i.e.(实习)或进行研究. Students are responsible for developing and following a budget for the costs of their project.


  • 获得安德森奖学金 寒假, all materials 必须收到 3 weeks prior to the last day of classes, by 4:30 pm.  (对于2023年秋季,日期是11月13日周一下午4:30.)
  • 获得安德森奖学金 暑假,所有材料必须在决赛最后一天的下午4:30之前收到. (对于2024年春季,日期是2024年4月19日星期五下午4:30.)
  • 请注意,所有申请国际旅行, 根据国际项目办公室, 必须收到 30天前 到旅行的第一天. 如果安德森奖学金涉及国际旅行,上述截止日期为 在30天的期限内,申请必须提交 早些时候. The deadline for international projects takes precedence over the deadlines set above. 有 没有例外 这条规则.


  • The Anderson Fund does 不 support students working as research assistants for faculty members 除非 该项目还支持带有学生姓名的输出.g.,学生的综合项目或合作研究项目). 
  • 安德森基金不支持向非营利组织捐款, 以社区为基础的, 人道主义, 或者政治组织. 
  • The Anderson Fund can不 make donations or direct payments to political campaigns or to individuals seeking elected 办公室.  
  • The Anderson Fund also does 不 support payments to friends or family members; if students stay with friends or family during their research or internship trips, “thank you” payments to friends or family are 不 covered by the fund and are at the students’ own expense. 
  • The Anderson Fund does 不 support purchasing materials or resources for others or for non-profit, 以社区为基础的, 或者人道主义组织.
  • 学生最多可获得两次安德森奖学金. 
  • 对于需要批准的项目 人类受试者研究审查委员会 (HSRRC), the HSRRC approval process must be initiated at the time of the Anderson application or students must provide a separate statement explaining why the process has 不 yet been initiated.


  • 所有安德森的申请都将使用a 计分卡
  • Anderson applications falling short of the required score—but meeting the requirements for a fundable project—will be returned for revision. 修订后的申请将被重新评估,并就资助事宜作出最终决定.  


  • 在线提交完整的申请. 将所有文件通过电子邮件附件发送给罗密电晕:
  • 该应用程序由下面列出的几个组件组成. 将每个组件作为单独的文件提交到Microsoft Word或PDF中, 标记如下:“Lastname_Component”(例如, “Jones_CoverPage”和“Jones_PersonalStatement”). 只有一句话(.docx)和PDF格式均可. Failure to submit the correct file types or to label your files correctly can result in disqualification. 
  • 所有文件都应以专业的方式准备, 每页上都有学生的名字.
  • 不完整的申请将不被接受. 如果在截止日期前不完整,申请将不予考虑.
  • The recommendation form must be submitted directly to 罗密电晕 for an 安德森奖学金 application to be considered complete. 没有推荐表格的申请将不被接受. Please ensure the faculty member completing your recommendation form is aware of the deadline. 


  1. 封面页:下载完成 封面. 
  2. 摘要:一段
  3. 个人陈述:一页纸, double-spaced statement explaining why the project matters for the student’s academic career, 包括他们实施项目的准备工作.
  4. 项目总结:两页纸, double-spaced statement that clearly states the project goal and/or the research question, 并讨论了该项目的重要性, 方法, 以及与政治和/或政治科学领域的相关性. Academic literature should be cited and a professionally formatted bibliography included (the bibliography does 不 count towards the page limits). 这个项目涉及到旅行, 清楚地解释和证明旅行的理由, 包括前往特定目的地的旅行, 以及为什么这次旅行需要住宿等费用. 
  5. 一份教师推荐信 这种形式 . The recommendation form should be submitted directly by the faculty member by the application deadline. 提交给罗密电晕 对于申请a 考德威尔,麦凯维,或者里斯 奖学金, 同一位教员可以作为推荐人, 但是考德威尔, 麦凯维, and Reath 奖学金s require a letter of recommendation; please make sure your faculty member knows to submit the form for Anderson 以及 给考德威尔、麦凯瑞或里斯的信. 
  6. A budget: 安德森奖学金s need only include a budget if students are requesting the additional money for expenses (up to $1000 for 寒假 and $1500 for 暑假). Expenses include one roundtrip ticket to/from the internship or research destination (e.g. 机票)和住宿(e.g.实习或研究旅行期间的费用(如房租或AirBnB费用). 其他费用, 比如食物, 每日地面运输, 任何旅行或住宿超过1000美元/ 1500美元, 是来自奖学金本身吗. 使用这个 预算形式,预算应包括 明确项目、来源和理由 旅行,住宿和其他要求. 预算应该基于充分研究的估计,而不是猜测. 不完整的预算将被退回.   
  7. 支撑材料:
    1. 如果可以的话,提供实习组织的支持信
    2. 如果适用的话, 表明HSRRC批准程序已启动的电子邮件副本, 包括提交的HSRRC申请表副本, 或者是单独的 详细的 statement explaining why the HSRRC approval process could 不 be initiated at this time and the student's plan for submitting the HSRRC forms as part of the research project.



  • 你将收到一封作为合同的授予信. Please return a copy with an original signature to 罗密电晕 in Johnson Hall 101 (or via email), 不迟于收到获奖通知后的5个工作日.  (原始签名指的是你的笔迹,而不是你用斜体字打出的名字.)
  • Winter 奖学金s will be released in two installments: half of the fellowship prior to 寒假 (e.g., 大约12月15日)+任何要求的补充资金, 并在1月15日拿到一半奖金.
  • Summer 奖学金s will be released in two installments: half of the fellowship on June 1 + any monies requested in supplemental funds, 并于7月31日支付剩余的一半奖金. 
  • 如果适用,获得HSRRC的最终批准. 最后一笔款项将 不 在收到HSRRC的批准后才能放行. 
  • 如果您的项目需要出国旅行,请使用 国际项目 办公室. Funds will 不 be released until IPO 不ifies 罗密电晕 that pre-clearance was completed; this rule is non-negotiable and there are 没有例外.  


  • 准备一份最终报告, due no later than September 15 (for Summer fellowships) or February 15 (for Winter fellowships) and submitted 罗密电晕 via email.      
  • 最终报告包括:
    1. 项目活动和结果的总结(一到两页双倍行距)
    2. 项目正在实施的证据, which could include a letter from the internship supervisor or evidence of research outputs 
    3. 如果收到旅费补充经费,就用这种办法编制预算报告 预算调节工作表 ad copies of receipts to support all expenses documented in the 预算调节工作表. 
  • 请以专业的态度准备期末报告, 按顺序整理收据, 确保你的名字出现在报告的每一页上.
  • 没有提交期末报告, 项目证明, and copies of receipts will disqualify students from consideration of future funding and may initiate a student conduct process.  
  • 回国后愿意参与安德森委员会和政治部的工作, 促进你的项目和工作
  • Present your project findings and/or experiences at the 政治 Department annual open house


