In addition to the Anderson Fellowship, 政治系还为暑期研究或实习提供三个择优奖学金:麦凯维奖学金(McKelvey), Reath and Caldwell Fellowships.


All Politics majors are eligible for summer support via the Anderson Fellowship. 这里列出的暑期奖学金是基于成绩的奖励,奖励在以下领域的杰出项目:

  • Reath奖学金:法律研究方面的实习或教师指导的研究项目.
  • 麦凯维奖学金:在政治或政策研究的任何领域实习或教师监督的研究项目.
  • Caldwell Fellowship: for research in national security, comparative politics, or international relations.  Preference is given for Senior Comprehensive projects 


Who can apply for these fellowships?

  • Students must have a 3.总平均成绩达到5分,专业成绩达到5分才有资格获得该奖项. They must also be in good standing with the College. 
  • 麦凯维和瑞思奖学金对即将升入大学二年级的学生开放, juniors, and seniors who are Politics majors.
  • 考德威尔奖学金颁发给政治专业大三学生,时间是大四之前的夏天.
  • 在十大正规网赌平台学习期间,学生可以获得麦凯维、里斯或考德威尔奖学金.

I need more financial support than these fellowships offer.  Can I apply for more funds?

除了所有学生都可以获得的政治系奖项外,这些奖项是优秀学生可以获得的基于成绩的奖项. Students needing more funding should apply for the Anderson Fellowship (as well as the URC, the Richter and other on-campus resources). 学生可以同时获得安德森奖学金和瑞思奖学金, McKelvey, and Caldwell award, but in this event, 安德森奖学金减少到3000美元,因此获得两项奖学金的学生将从安德森奖学金中获得3000美元,从他们的Reath获得1500美元, McKelvey, or Caldwell award. 

What are the criteria for receiving these fellowships?


How many fellowships are awarded?


My project fits the criteria for all three fellowships. May I apply to all three?


我想获得实习的资助,但我还没有得到那个职位.  Can I still apply?

No. You must have the internship identified before applying, 你必须提供学校的邀请函或支持信. In addition, 申请表将要求你解释在完成实习期间你将做什么和学什么.

我想要支持我的研究,但我没有导师.  Can I still apply?

No.  我们要求使用这些奖学金进行研究的学生与教师主管一起工作.  研究项目不必与教员自己的研究兴趣相一致.

我需要支持我的研究,而我的研究涉及人类受试者.  What do I do?

All research involving human subjects must receive HSRRC approval, per federal law. The HSRRC approval process must be initiated 在申请时,必须附上一份声明,解释为什么在申请时不能启动HSRRC批准. If you receive the fellowship, 在HSRRC的审批程序完成之前,资金不会发放. 

How do I apply for these fellowships?

  • 申请截止日期为期末考试最后一天前3周的下午4:30. (对于2024年春季,日期是4月19日星期五下午4:30). 
  • 该应用程序由下面列出的几个组件组成. 教职员工应将申请信直接提交给罗米·科罗娜 学生应通过电子邮件附件将所有剩余的组件提交给Romy Corona
  • 每个组件都应该在Microsoft Word或PDF中作为单独的文件准备, labeled as follows: “Lastname_Component” (for example, “Jones_CoverPage” and “Jones_PersonalStatement”). Only Word (.docx) and PDF are accepted. 未能提交正确的文件类型或正确标记文件可能导致取消资格.
  • 不完整的申请(包括缺少推荐信的申请)将不被接受.
  • Please note that all applications for international travel, per the International Programs Office, must be received 30 days prior to the first date of travel. 如果奖学金涉及国际旅行,上述截止日期为 within that 30 day window, the application must be submitted earlier. 国际项目的截止日期优先于上述截止日期. There are no exceptions to this rule.

To apply, submit the following:

  1. Cover page: download and complete the cover page.
  2. 个人陈述(一页):描述暑期研究项目或实习,并解释研究项目或实习如何符合你的学术计划
  3. Academic statement (two pages): explain the intellectual merit and importance of the work; discuss and cite academic literature and include a 专业格式的参考书目(参考书目不计入页数限制) 
  4. Letter of support or invitation: for internships, this letter must be from the internship supervisor; for faculty-supervised research, this letter must be from the faculty supervisor.
  5. Letter of recommendation from a faculty member. 如果申请教师指导的研究,这封信必须来自教师 other than the faculty supervisor.
  6. 如适用,请提交HSRRC材料的电子邮件副本给HSRRC委员会或 解释为什么不能启动HSRRC批准程序的单独声明(例如, 因为项目的一部分需要完成研究设计).  

I was awarded the fellowship.  When do I receive the money?

奖项将在入选后三周内或之后分批发放, if HSRRC approval is needed but has not been obtained. 

What do I need to do after completing my fellowship?

By the first Friday of the fall semester you must submit the following:

  • 实习主管或教务主管写的信,描述你在暑期的工作,以及一份2-3页的实习或研究报告. 未能按时提交这些项目可能会要求您退还奖学金.
  • 回国后愿意与政治部接触,促进你的项目和工作.

Who can I contact with questions?

Contact Politics
Johnson Hall 317

Administrative support: J 101A

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