


主要: 城市 & 环境政策、中国研究


I have been learning Mandarin since I was in an immersion elementary school, and my education and exposure to Chinese language and culture have been very influential in my life. 我想在大学里更专注于我的学业, and the Chinese Studies program under the 亚洲研究 department was the perfect fit. 

Can you describe your working relationships with 亚洲研究 professors?

的 亚洲研究 professors are all passionate about their subjects and encourage students to meet with them to discuss class material further. 我特别喜欢 一天教授的 East Asian Survey, which taught me so much about East Asian history. 另外, 我所有的中文课都非常出色, and the professors have been instrumental in my Mandarin language studies, providing me with excellent instruction and unwavering support.

的 亚洲研究 professors are all passionate about their subjects and encourage students to meet with them to discuss class material further.


我计划2024年春季出国留学! I am considering either Beijing or Taiwan for a Chinese language intensive program. 的 国际项目办公室 at Occidental has been very helpful in exploring study abroad opportunities and finding programs that align with my goals.

What are your ambitions post-Oxy and how has the liberal arts approach helped to shape these ambitions?

After I graduate, I hope to attend graduate school to study environmental policy. I am also considering teaching English in China or Taiwan for a year before pursuing a master's degree. 的 liberal arts approach has been instrumental in shaping my academic interests and career aspirations. 在我的前两年中文和城市 & 环境政策专业, 我已经探索了很多领域, 比如中国电影中的女性形象, 中国古典文学中的山水诗, 美国城市历史, 以及环境伦理.

的 liberal arts approach has been instrumental in shaping my academic interests and career aspirations.

Do you have any advice for a student considering a major in 亚洲研究?

的 亚洲研究 department at Oxy has exceptional faculty, and there are plenty of resources available to support students. 如果你对汉学专业感兴趣, it is helpful to have some prior knowledge of the language, 但这是不必要的. 的 Chinese classes are taught by fantastic professors who are passionate about teaching, and the school provides resources like language peer tutors to help students outside of class. Overall, majoring in 亚洲研究 is a rewarding and enriching experience.


凯文·高, 25岁



的 reason that I chose to major in 亚洲研究 was due to my interest and sense of affiliation with Asian culture. 回到中国, 有句俗话说, "当局者迷 旁观者清,翻译过来就是“旁观者比玩家看得多”." 的 better place to study my own culture is therefore outside of Asia. 的 亚洲研究 department at Occidental has a very liberal academic atmosphere, 完美的教授, 最重要的是, is not tied to any nationalistic or ethnic interest groups. This allowed me to be free from bias and to learn to see Asia as it really is through objective analysis.

Can you describe your working relationships with 亚洲研究 professors?

学习经历很顺利. All the professors in the department are very helpful and accessible. I enjoy listening to lectures given by 亚洲研究 professors. My favorite is 一天教授的 series of East Asia and China courses. 的 content in the classes was very subversive and inspiring to me.

的 liberal arts education has made me value open-mindedness more than financial independence.

What do you find most compelling about studying 亚洲研究?

批判性思维. 跨学科研究.

What are your ambitions post-Oxy and how has the liberal arts approach helped to shape these ambitions?

I will try to get a job and then apply to graduate school. 的 liberal arts education has made me value open-mindedness more than financial independence.

Do you have any advice for a student considering a major in 亚洲研究?

This is the major for those who seek truth in Asian history, politics, and culture. 这会帮助你训练自己跳出思维定势.


莎拉正树, 25岁

主修:亚洲研究; 外交 & 世界事务; minor: 媒体艺术 & 文化


My friends and I started the Asian Student Association at my high school. We noticed that all the Asian student organizations in my area were East Asian focused, so we did a lot of research to make the association as inclusive as possible. Since then, my interest in Asian history, culture, and foreign relations has grown at Oxy.

Can you describe your working relationships with 亚洲研究 professors? 你上过什么优秀的课程吗?

I'd say I have a few pretty casual relationships with 亚洲研究 professors. It's nice that I can show up to office hours and not worry about being professional or formal—I'll ask some questions, 讲一些笑话, 祝你玩得愉快. 我上过的每一堂课 林教授 has been great and she has definitely encouraged me to go out of my comfort zone to create new things.

I like Asian studies because it allows me to take a wide variety of courses! 我修过政治、历史、DWA和MAC课程.

What do you find most compelling about studying 亚洲研究?

I like Asian studies because it allows me to take a wide variety of courses! 我修过政治、历史、DWA和MAC课程 that have all counted for Asian studies. I haven't had a chance to take an art history course relating to Asian studies but that's definitely on my college bucket list.

What are your ambitions post-Oxy and how has the liberal arts approach helped to shape these ambitions?

It's been a dream of mine to volunteer abroad, so I hope to do that after college. I also hope to enter the video journalism field so that I can share stories featuring voices and perspectives that are often misconstrued or overlooked by the media. 的 courses I've taken at Oxy have taught me to be more critical of existing media and norms. 也, I would not have dipped my toes in video-production without the flexibility of liberal arts education. 然而, what has been the most valuable experience at Oxy so far is the peers I've met and the conversations I have outside of the classroom.

的 courses I've taken at Oxy have taught me to be more critical of existing media and norms. 也, I would not have dipped my toes in video-production without the flexibility of liberal arts education.


这个部门的气氛很冷. 因为这是一个小部门, it's easy to get to know people since our interests usually align pretty well. Though I wish there were more department get-togethers because I want to get to know the Asian studies professors and students even more.


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