Professor Alexander Day
Associate Professor, History & Asian Studies
B.A. Colby College; M.A., Ph.D. UC Santa Cruz
Department Chair, Asian Studies
Appointed In
Swan Hall #313
Wed 12:30-2:00; Thu 2:00-3:30; or by appointment

Alexander Day studies the intellectual, social, and cultural history of peasants, food, and agrarian change in China. 他教汉语、东亚和世界史. Read his Oxy Story profile.

Teaching · Publications

2013年,在密歇根州底特律的韦恩州立大学(Wayne State University)任教后,戴伊来到了Oxy. 2007年,他在加州大学洛杉矶分校完成了一篇关于中国农民问题当代辩论的论文. Building on his dissertation, his first book, 后社会主义中国的农民:历史、政治和资本主义 (Cambridge University Press, 2013) centers on the question of why the peasant, and rural China more broadly, 作为中国历史上的危机人物不断再现. 该书认为,最近关于农民的争论超越了当代政策问题,构成了中国现代性核心的根本矛盾, 农民的角色与城乡分化. 此外,这场关于农民的辩论与对中国历史的总体反思纠缠在一起.

Currently working on a new book project, 戴写的是20世纪20年代到70年代中国西部茶叶生产的历史. 这本新书项目追踪了贵州北部一个县茶叶生产的劳动过程的变化,以了解20世纪城乡分裂的出现和中国农业现代化. 参见该项目的第一篇文章 Global Food History: “中国最大茶县创建过程中的国家资本主义土地变迁:贵州湄潭县资本与劳动力融合”,以及2021年对项目的采访 Commodity Frontiers: “Working the Rural-Urban Divide:亚历山大·戴在中国今天的茶都追溯了一个世纪的农业现代化.”

戴也是与豪格国际社会科学研究所的明迪·施耐德合作研究项目的一部分, 题目是“喂养中国:中国食物历史研究项目”, Geographies, and Ecologies." See the project webpage here. 该项目追溯了中国粮食和农业系统的资本主义转型. 戴和施耐德对这些转变是如何发生的很感兴趣, 以及对农村人口的影响, places, and politics. To that end, they situate agrarian change in China both historically and geopolitically; they examine how things came to be this way, 以及中国的变化如何影响更广泛的权力分配, profit, and socio-ecological crises. 批判性分析的具体领域包括:城乡差距, peasant advocacy, rural activism, agribusiness politics, and capital’s ecological relations. See the China Food Studies Bibliography here. Our first article ("The end of alternatives? Capitalist transformation, “农村行动主义和中国的可能性政治”),现已在网站上发布 The Journal of Peasant Studies.

at Occidental:

East Asian Survey (HIST 141)
Capitalism (HIST 190)
Imperial China (HIST 242)
Modern China (HIST 243)
China and the World (HIST/DWA 245)
Peasant China in Transformation (HIST 295)
Writing World History (HIST 300)
当代中国:改革、崛起与危机(HIST 344)
A Global History of Anarchism (CSP)
The Transformation of Urban and Rural China (HIST 346) *本课程为期三周,由教师主导 study abroad component in China.


后社会主义中国的农民:历史、政治和资本主义, Cambridge University Press, 2013.

(Paperback, hardback, and ebook available here.)

Articles and Book Chapters:

中国最大茶县创建过程中的国家资本主义土地变迁:贵州湄潭县的资本与劳动力整合.” In "Feeding, Eating, Worrying: Chinese Food Politics across Time,的特刊,由张玲和明迪·施耐德编辑, Global Food History (2022).

组织乡村社会:消解乡村治理, Peasant Associations, and the Hailufeng Soviet.” In Proletarian China: A Century of Chinese Labour, eds. Ivan Franceschini and Christian Sorace. 阿克顿,澳大利亚和纽约:澳大利亚国立大学出版社和Verso(2022年6月).

Breaking with the Family Form: 1950年代末中国农村的历史范畴、社会再生产与日常生活.” positions: East Asian Cultures Critique 29.4 (November 2021): 869-894.

Peasant” (pdf). In Afterlives of Chinese Communism, eds. Christian Sorace, Ivan Franceschini和Nicholas Loubere. 阿克顿,澳大利亚和纽约:澳大利亚国立大学出版社和Verso, 2019.

"The end of alternatives? 资本主义转型、农村行动主义与中国的可能性政治." The Journal of Peasant Studies (November 2017).

"中国社会主义和改革道路的新思考 开放时代 专题文章终版." 开放时代 Kaifang Shidai (January 2017).

A century of rural self-governance reforms后赋税时代中国农村社会的重构.” The Journal of Peasant Studies 40.6 (November 2013): 929-954.

历史、资本主义与后社会主义中国农民的形成.” In 全球资本主义与农业社会的未来, eds. Arif Dirlik, Roxann Prazniak和Alexander Woodside. Boulder and London: Paradigm Publishers, 2012.

《十大正规网赌平台》.” 中国社会学与人类学:译学杂志,《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》专刊,第41期.1 (Fall, 2008): 3-9.

《农民的终结:中国新农村建设.” boundary 2 35.2 (Summer 2008): 49-73.

“Guest Editors’ Introduction.” With Matthew Hale, 中国社会学与人类学:译学杂志《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》专刊39.4 (Summer, 2007): 3-9.

“Lotta di classe nella Cina rurale? (Class struggle in rural China?).” Equilibri: Rivista per lo sviluppo sostenibile 11.1 (April 2007): 57-66.

Review Essays:

“去政治化与中国知识界”.汪晖《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》述评. Criticism 53.1 (Winter 2011).

《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 7.4 (Dec. 2006): 705-712.


Guest editor, The PRC History Review, “Roundtable: Joel Andreas, 剥夺公民权:中国工业公民的兴衰,” 5.2 (December 2020)

Editorial board, Rural China, Brill (from 2019).

Advisory board, The PRC History Review (from 2019).


Guest editor, The PRC History Review, 《十大正规网赌平台》特刊.1 (September 2018), with editor’s introduction.

Guest editor with Matthew Hale, 中国社会学与人类学:译学杂志,《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》专刊,第41期.1 (Fall, 2008).

Guest editor with Matthew Hale, 中国社会学与人类学:译学杂志《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》专刊39.4 (Summer, 2007).


Schneider, M. 2021. “Working the Rural-Urban Divide:亚历山大·戴在中国今天的茶都追溯了一个世纪的农业现代化.” Commodity Frontiers 2 (2021): 10-15. doi: 10.18174/cf.2021a18079.


Self-Expanding Consumerism?” (pdf). In a roundtable on Karl Gerth, 无止境的资本主义:消费主义如何否定中国的共产主义革命,《十大正规网赌平台》 5.1 (October 2020): 19-20.

Review of 《手无寸铁的先知:革命、战争、监狱和从地狱归来中的中国托洛茨基主义者, edited by Gregor Benton. In Journal of Asian Studies 78.2 (May 2019): 424-425.

Review of 后毛时代农村改革的悖论:1976-1981年中国新农村的初始阶段, by Frederick C. Teiwes and Warren Sun. In Pacific Affairs 91.3 (May 2019), 598-600.

Review of The Water Kingdom: A Secret History of China, by Philip Ball. In Washington Independent Review of Books (June 2017).

Review of Empire of Tea, by Markman  Ellis, Richard Coulton, &  Matthew  Mauger. In  Food, Culture & Society, 20.1 (2017).

Review of 中国农村税收改革:收入、阻力与专制统治, by Hiroki Takeuchi. In Journal of Asian Studies 75.1 (Feb 2016).

Review of 边缘的文化大革命:危机中的中国社会主义 by Yiching Wu. In Twentieth-Century China 40.3 (Oct 2015).

Review of 中国建设资本主义:经济生活与城市变迁迈克尔·基思、斯科特·拉什、雅各布·阿诺迪和泰勒·鲁克著. In Pacific Affairs 88.2 (June 2015).

Gender and the Collectivization of Rural Labor” (pdf). 在盖尔·赫舍尔的《记忆的性别:农村妇女与中国的集体过去》的圆桌会议上, PRC History Review 1.1 (May 2014): 3-5.

Review of 饮水不忘源头:一个中国乡村的道德话语 by Ellen Oxfeld. In Asia Pacific World 3.1 (Spring 2012).

Review of The Politics of Rural Reform in China by Christian Göbel. In Journal of Agrarian Change 12.1 (January 2012).

“当代中国不平衡的城市美学”,《十大正规网赌平台》 Cities Surround the Countryside. H-Urban (January 2011).

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