Students studying for finals

保持组织, 提前计划, 和 choose your classes 和 activities carefully to ensure that you meet all academic requirements for Occidental as well as your intended healthcare graduate programs.

Basic Pre-Health Prerequisites

主题 持续时间 Oxy的示例课程
生物学 1年或以上* Bio 115 (or 110), 130, 221, 224, 226, 322
化学 2年 化学120(或130) & 220, 221, 240
物理 1年 115年的今天 & 125
英语 0.5 - 1年 First Year Seminar (FYS)

*This list is based on typical admission requirements for medical school; specifics will vary by health profession 和 school. Additional requirements may also include college math, 微积分, 统计数据, 上部分生物学, 生物化学, 和 behavioral 和 social science courses. 西方的 第一年研讨会 will satisfy most schools’ 英语 requirements.

Do I need to major in science?
Your major does not affect your chance of admission; therefore, it is important to choose a major that truly interests you. Those who choose to double major or minor in another subject area do not necessarily have an advantage. Do well in your chosen major 和 take additional classes that you enjoy.

Can I study abroad as a pre-health student?
Yes, studying abroad enhances your cross-cultural competency 和 we encourage such endeavors. We also recommend that you visit the 国际项目 Office early as these experiences take careful planning. 请注意U.S. medical schools do not accept prerequisites that are taken overseas.

What should I do during my four years at Oxy?
All incoming pre-health students must take a Math & 化学 Placement Exam unless they present satisfactory AP/IB exam scores. To launch your pre-health journey, review our 四年的导游,订阅 Pre-health消化预约 如有需要,随时正规博彩十大网站排名推荐.

How do I find academic support, 个人支持, community 和 professional development opportunities?
Fundamental to 西方的 mission is seeing each of our students thrive, excel 和 succeed. Whether you are trying to identify your intellectual 和 personal goals, looking to find where you belong, or encountering roadblocks in your pursuit of personal or intellectual growth, we have a wide range of resources to support you. 参观 学生的成功 page for a complete guide.

Which prerequisite courses are offered at Oxy?
Oxy students who are interested in entering graduate programs in the health sciences are strongly encouraged to take the courses outlined below. Specific requirements may vary among medical 和 health science specialties; check official admissions requirements for each school to which you plan to apply. Please 提前计划 和 schedule your courses strategically to make sure that you meet Oxy's core 和 major requirements while also fulfilling professional or graduate school requirements.

Relevant Campus 办公室 & 项目

Academic Mastery Program
A student-led workshop program that promotes excellence in biology, chemistry, math 和 physics. 支持 courses: BIO 130; CHEM 120, 130, 220, 221, 240; PHYS 110,115, 125, 230.

Center for Community Based Learning
CCBL’s civic engagement approach, based on community organizing practices, aims to enrich students' learning 和 commitment to social responsibility.

支持ing a full 和 engaging experience for Oxy students—both in 和 out of the classroom.

支持ing students 和 alumni as they connect their interests 和 skills with a variety of career development opportunities in 洛杉矶 和 beyond.

Public Health Practicum
A community health internship course designed to provide students with real-world experience as they develop new skills 和 insights into myriad community health issues, 担忧, 和解决方案.

Scientific Scholars Achievement Program
A student-led academic support program that offers tutoring 和 community-building opportunities between students 和 faculty.

Undergraduate Research Center
暑期研究计划 provides a full-time, ten-week, campus-based mentored research experience. Applications open in early Spring. 

Students from all disciplines have access to drop-in 和 appointment-based support for their writing assignments.

Contact Pre-Health建议

洛杉矶,CA 90041