
Choosing a career in the health field is a noble yet challenging pursuit. 你如何缩小所有的选择范围? This page will help you learn more about different possibilities for health careers.

We highly recommend shadowing or volunteering in various health careers before deciding on one.


快速的事实: 内科医生和外科医生诊断和治疗损伤或疾病. 医生和护士一起站在医学的第一线. 作为从业者, 他们以单独或集体的方式工作, examining patients 和 obtaining medical histories; ordering, performing 和 interpreting diagnostic tests; 和 prescribing 和 administering 治疗ment for patients suffering from injury or disease. 他们也为病人提供有关疾病的咨询, 受伤, 健康状况和预防性保健(饮食/健身), 戒烟, 等.). 到2023年,美国医生的工资中位数将下降.S. 是每年35.2万美元吗. 医生需要学士学位, 医学院的学位, 这需要四年才能完成,, 取决于他们的专业, 三到七年的实习和住院医师项目. After four years of medical school, you receive your medical degree (MD). More schools are offering combined degree programs such as a MD/MPH, MD/JD, MD/MBA, MD/PhD. While students pursuing both allopathic 和 osteopathic degrees take the same state board exams, 医学博士学生参加美国医疗执照考试(USMLE).


快速的事实: do被训练成关注整个人, working in partnership with patients to help them achieve a high level of wellness by focusing on health promotion 和 disease prevention. Osteopathic medicine provides all of the benefits of modern medicine including prescription drugs, 手术, 以及利用技术来诊断疾病和评估损伤. It offers the added benefit of h和s-on diagnosis 和 治疗ment through a system known as osteopathic manipulative medicine. 到2023年,美国的工资中位数将达到10%.S. 是每年35.2万美元吗. DOs需要学士学位, 医学院的学位, 这需要四年才能完成,, 取决于他们的专业, 三到七年的实习和住院医师项目. After earning their MD, DOs also must pass state licensing exams 和 national boards. 越来越多的学校开始提供DO/PhD联合学位. While students pursuing both allopathic 和 osteopathic degrees take the same state board exams, DO students also take the Comprehensive Medical Licensing Exam (COMLEX).

牙科医学(DDS, DMD)

快速的事实: Dentists 诊断 和 治疗 problems with patients’ teeth, gums 和 related parts of the mouth. 到2023年,美国的工资中位数将达到10%.S. 是每年195200美元吗. Dentists need a bachelor’s degree 和 a degree from a dental school, 这需要四年才能完成. 牙医必须在他们工作的州获得执照. 不需要实习或住院医师. 牙科学校的毕业生可以选择额外的培训, either in general practice dentistry or in one of the 10 recognized advanced dental education specialties.


快速的事实: Podiatrists provide medical 和 surgical care for people with foot, ankle 和 lower leg problems. 他们诊断 疾病, 治疗 受伤 和 perform 手术 involving the lower extremities. 到2023年,美国的工资中位数将达到10%.S. 是每年15.8万美元吗. 足病医学博士学位, 这需要四年的时间, plus a three-year podiatric medicine 和 手术 residency (PMSR) is required.


快速的事实: Genetic counselors assess individual or family risk for a variety of inherited conditions, 比如遗传疾病和先天缺陷. They provide information 和 support to other healthcare providers, or to individuals 和 families concerned with the risk of inherited conditions. 2023年的工资中位数为每年8.8万美元. Master’s degree in genetic counseling or genetics is typically required.


快速的事实: 注册护士(RNs)提供和协调病人护理, 教育病人和公众各种健康状况, provide advice 和 emotional support to patients 和 their families. 2023年的工资中位数为每年89300美元. 护理学学士学位(BSN).

快速的事实: 护士麻醉师, 助产士和执业护士, 也被称为高级执业注册护士, coordinate patient care 和 may provide primary 和 specialty healthcare. 实践的范围因州而异. 2023年的工资中位数为每年12.7万美元. 护理学硕士(MSN)学位. 可能需要护理实践博士(DNP)学位.

职业治疗(MSOT, OTD)

快速的事实: Occupational therapists 治疗 patients of all ages who have 受伤, 疾病, or disabilities through the therapeutic use of everyday activities. 2022年的平均工资为每年93280美元. A Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (MSOT) or Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) degree is required.


快速的事实: Optometrists 诊断 和 治疗 visual problems 和 manage diseases, 眼睛的损伤和其他疾病. 2022年的工资中位数为每年125,590美元. A Doctor of 验光(OD) degree, as well as a state license, is required. Some optometrists complete a one-year residency program to get advanced clinical training.


快速的事实: Pharmacists dispense prescription medications to patients 和 offer expertise in the safe use of prescriptions. 2023年的平均工资为132750美元. 要求具有药学博士学位. 寻求高级职位的药剂师, 比如临床药学或研究工作, 可能需要完成一到两年的实习. Pharmacists who choose to complete the two-year residency receive additional training in a specialty area such as internal medicine or geriatric care.


快速的事实: Physical therapists help injured or ill people improve specific body movements 和 manage pain. 2022年的平均工资为97,720美元. 物理治疗博士(DPT)学位. Physical therapists may apply to a clinical residency program after graduation. Residencies typically last about a year 和 provide additional training 和 experience in specialty areas of care.


快速的事实: 医师助理, 也被称为PAs, 和医生一起组队行医, 外科医生和其他医护人员. 他们检查、诊断和治疗病人. Their specific duties 和 the extent to which they must be supervised by physicians or surgeons differ from state to state. 2022年的平均工资为每年12万美元. 硕士学位和州执照是必需的.


快速的事实: 演讲-language pathologists (sometimes called speech therapists) assess, 诊断, 治疗, help to prevent communication 和 swallowing disorders in children 和 adults. 演讲, 语言和吞咽障碍是由多种原因引起的, 比如中风, 脑损伤, 听力损失, 发育迟缓, 帕金森病, 腭裂, 或自闭症. 2022年的平均工资为每年84140美元. 演讲-language pathologists typically need at least a master’s degree, 而且大多数州都要求有执照. 要求因州而异.


快速的事实: Veterinarians care for the health of animals 和 work to protect public health. 他们诊断, 治疗, 研究宠物的医疗状况和疾病, 牲畜和其他动物. 2022年的平均工资为每年103260美元. A Doctor of 兽医(DVM) degree, as well as a state license, is required.

带着一个使命 治愈世界,为世界提供燃料,养活世界, biotechnology produces breakthrough products driven by cutting-edge science 和 technology. The healthcare field, in particular, benefits from novel drug discoveries 和 manufacturing. 根据 Biocom的2023年经济影响报告数据手册, in 2022 alone, the life science industry in California provided over 1.1900万个工作岗位,每年创造4130亿美元.

洛杉矶 is a surging biotech hub that offers an exciting job outlook, 汇集资本, physicians 和 scientists to progress innovative research from bench to bedside. With their science training 和 desire to make an impact on the health of others, pre-health students are strong c和idates for both graduate programs 和 the biotech industry.


洛杉矶,CA 90041