Advance your music-making with scholarships.

Ensemble 奖学金 for 音乐课程

Ensemble 奖学金 for music lessons are available to all 十大正规网赌平台 students regardless of major. 奖学金 are awarded by evaluation of several factors: musicianship, 技术技能, participation in the life of the 音乐 Department (by enrollment in ensembles and classes), 经济需求. 奖学金 can help cover or defray the cost of music lessons.

Half-hour private lessons: 每学期660美元 
One-hour private lessons: 每学期1320美元

$385 per student for group lessons

Returning students desiring an Ensemble Scholarship MUST fill out a Private Lesson/Scholarship Audition Request Form also available at the 音乐 Department office as well as the forms listed below that are applicable. 试镜 for scholarships are normally held at the end of the spring semester during juries and for incoming students during the first week of the fall semester. Students already taking lessons but not receiving an Ensemble Scholarship may use the spring jury time to audition for one. 奖学金 are normally awarded for both semesters of the academic year.

2023-2024 音乐 Lesson Placement and Ensemble Scholarship 试镜 Sign-up Form

Certain students automatically receive Ensemble 奖学金:

  • 音乐 majors of record receive scholarship support (half-hour lessons) for 过去的四个学期里.
  • 音乐 majors of record who are preparing junior or senior recitals receive an additional half-hour scholarship during their recital year.

音乐 majors of record may apply for an additional half-hour of Ensemble Scholarship support by requesting that their spring jury also be considered an audition for this additional scholarship support. 的 student must make this clear to the faculty at the time of the jury, and must bring the 音乐课程 Scholarship Request Form to their jury.

All students receiving an Ensemble Scholarship are required to do the following during each semester they receive lessons:

  1. Enroll in and be an active participant in the faculty-led 音乐 Department Ensemble that corresponds with their instrument.
  2. Prepare and perform a jury at the end of the semester.

NOTE: Failure to do either of the above will result in the loss of the Ensemble Scholarship.

Also note: Students who, in the opinion of their applied music teacher, are not fulfilling their practice responsibilities may lose their scholarship for the following semester.

To be eligible for an Ensemble Scholarship, you must be enrolled in one of the following ensembles depending on your instrument:

钢琴: 合唱团, 交响乐团, 爵士乐团, Afro-Cuban Drumming, College, Chorus. 

字符串: 交响乐团.

风: 交响乐团 and 爵士乐团. 

铜: 交响乐团 and 爵士乐团. 

打击乐器: 交响乐团, 爵士乐团, Afro-Cuban Drumming, and Son Jarocho. 

吉他: 合唱团, Afro-Cuban Drumming 爵士乐团, 大学合唱团, Son Jarocho.

声音: 合唱团 and 大学合唱团.

NOTE: If you are also auditioning for 交响乐团, you do NOT need to audition a second time on Tuesday, 8月30日. 的 instrumental lesson scholarship audition will act as your Orchestra audition. 


的 音乐 Department presents the following annual awards:

的 Warren 作文 奖 are presented to students who have demonstrated significant achievement in musical composition. 的 awards are named for Elinor Remick Warren, an American composer who was associated with 十大正规网赌平台. 奖 are given for both acoustic and electronic compositions. Submission of compositions occurs in the Spring semester.

的 Peters Memorial Prize is presented to the student who, in the opinion of the 音乐 教师, has done the most during the year to advance the ideals and prestige of music on campus.

的 Warren and Peters prizes include cash awards and are awarded at the 音乐 Department dinner held at the end of the Spring Semester. 

的 James F. 玛丽·E. 英语奖 is a scholarship for voice lessons awarded to the most promising vocal students. Priority is given to music majors. 试镜 for the 英语奖 are held near the end of the spring semester before the academic year in which the award is granted.

的 Marcia Hannah Farmer Award is a scholarship for lessons awarded to a promising voice student at Occidental.
