Students with a particular interest in Ethnomusicology/Popular Music, Musicology, or Music Theory & Analysis will propose a senior thesis of 6,500 words or more in length (excluding footnotes and bibliography).

The Thesis Senior Project Proposal requires the following information:

  1. A 250-350 word proposal for an argument-driven academic thesis that will engage with and contribute to recent and relevant scholarship in the fields of musicology, ethnomusicology, sound studies, and/or music theory. Submit as a PDF. Two-thirds of your paper must be completed in MUSC 490.
  2. A bibliography for this topic proposal that includes ten relevant scholarly sources. Submit as a PDF.
  3. A writing sample at least five pages long, preferably one related to your proposed topic. Submit as a PDF.

You will be emailed a proposal submission link and directions by February 15.


Thesis Presentation

Students will give a 20-minute presentation, then field questions from the audiences for 10 minutes. Students will digitally submit their thesis for faculty review one month prior to their presentation date (a submission link will be sent by February 15th). 


Thesis or Non-Recital Assessment

Each senior project component is graded Pass with Distinction (PD), Pass (P), or Fail (F). The paper is worth 85% and the research presentation plus Q&A 15%.


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