Economics student presenting his research


经济学专业的学生在学年和夏季都要进行独立和合作的研究项目. Examples of summer research projects include:

  • “行政负担对儿童医疗补助结果的影响”,Grace Luu(导师): Kevin Williams)

  • 《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》(Making and keep World in the Loop),陈奕琳(Elena Chen,导师:Jason Wong)
  • “阿尔玛后院农场:喂养兜帽”,Delphinium Drake-Mudede(导师: Sharon Cech)
  • 《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》,Ilina Gobburu(导师); Diana Ngo)
  • 铁路扩张对残疾人劳动力市场结果的影响," Mary Everett Hancock (Mentor: Jorgen Harris)
  • 《十大正规网赌平台》,玛德琳·赫特森(导师) Sharon Cech)
  • “育儿负担的增加如何影响已婚父母的时间使用决定和劳动力市场结果:来自COVID-19大流行的证据," Sofia Laycock (Mentor: Kevin Williams)
  • “通过咖啡馆小酒馆解决无家可归的成年人高血压的流行和危险因素。," Grace Luu (Mentor: Jessica Dirkes)
  • "Olympic Impacts on Host Cities," Anaise Nugent (Mentor: Jason Wong)
  • 《十大正规网赌平台》," Andrez Parra (Mentor: Michael Gasper)
  • 《家庭/工作:比较劳动力市场优势影响家务分配吗??," Ruth Schlosser (Mentor: Jorgen Harris)
  • "Affordable Housing," Sydney Shipp (Mentor: Martha Matsuoka)
  • "The Impact of Loss Aversion on Poverty Traps," Miles Smith (Mentor: Brandon Lehr)
  • 《小学学生在STEM领域的性别、种族和考试成绩差距》,Sophia The Mentor: Diana Ngo)
  • "Central Asian Trade Dependence on Russia," Daria Undeland (Mentor: Jesse Mora)
  • "Women's Work and Low Pay: Testing the Devaluation Hypothesis," Radha Arora (Mentor: Jorgen Harris)
  • “各州所得税抵免政策的差异会影响儿童的发展吗?," William Covino (Mentor: Jorgen Harris)
  • “SCANPH:从政策到发展解决住房负担能力危机," Emilio Pardi (Mentor: Martha Matsuoka)
  • "Who is biased: you or the algorithm? 仔细看看新火起来的Tiktok,“Shirying Tay(导师): Jesse Mora)
  • “调查德国稳定文化的趋势:二战后货币政策的叙事分析”," Luca Van der Meer (Mentor: Andrew Jalil)
  • “量化海平面上升和洪水对机场基础设施的影响," Benjamin Ventresca (Mentor: Jason Wong)
  • 清溪评价:小学生体验式教育的成效," Kayla Hreczuck (Mentor: Diana Ngo)
  • “评估户外学习的社会情绪影响:性别差异”,马伊娃(导师): Diana Ngo)
  • 《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》卢卡·范德米尔(导师) Andrew Jalil)
  • "How Covid-19 Affects Supply Chain in the U.S.," Zhichao Yu (Mentor: Jesse Mora)
  • “人民的权力:埃塞俄比亚的抗议和教育”,Wafa Abedin(导师): Diana Ngo)
  • “高等教育中的决定因素、结果和同伴异质性”,Reese Ingraham(导师): Kevin Williams)
  • “希望之路:基础设施投资对越南小学后教育的影响”," Jordan Walker (Mentor: Diana Ngo)
  • "A New Chronology of U.S. Asset Price Bubbles, 1825-1850," Mary Zhang (Mentor: Andrew Jalil)
  • "Retail Store Price Uniformity," Andrew McCall (Mentor: Brandon Lehr)
  • "A Chronology of U.S. Asset Price Bubbles, 1865-1929," Nelson Rayl (Mentor: Andrew Jalil)
  • "Tax for Happiness? 《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》,王毅云(导师): Brandon Lehr)
  • “检查加纳设施就绪和设施交付之间的关系," Zawadia LeFang (Mentor: Diana Ngo)
  • “Trade Finance During the Great Recession," Harrison Luft (Mentor: Jesse Mora)
  • “Does Federal Financial Aid Raise College Tuition?," Trevor Osaki (Mentor: Robert Moore)
  • 《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》,普雷斯顿·哈里(导师: Brandon Lehr)
  • 《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》,塞缪尔·夸(导师); Brandon Lehr)
  • “评估加纳卫生设施的效率水平,”Eva Yiyun Wang(导师): Diana Ngo)
  • “Historical events and Prussian bond prices, 1808-1830," Maile Kawasaki (Mentor: Kirsten Wandschneider)

正如上述主题所证明的那样,经济学专业的学生研究的问题范围很广. 了解更多关于专业经济学家正在努力回答的当前问题, check out the Research Highlights from the American Economic Association or follow the AEA Journals Twitter Feed.

If you are interested in pursuing research, 向你的指导老师或你感兴趣领域的教授咨询研究机会. In addition, consider the following sources of funding:

Summer Research Program

The objectives of the summer research program are to:

  • Sponsor faculty/student collaborative research
  • Provide an academic alternative to nonacademic summer jobs
  • 增加学生在专业和/或公共服务领域担任领导角色的准备
  • 创建一个知识分子社区,提供跨学科交流的机会
  • 丰富我们最有能力和最有前途的学生的学术经历
  • Encourage good students, especially students from under-represented groups, to consider careers in the scholarly professions

John Parke Young Fund Student Grants

约翰·帕克·杨全球政治经济倡议很高兴地宣布 financial support to conduct independent research, undertake internships, and participate in conferences, colloquia, or workshops. 项目必须与世界事务或全球经济相关,以获得支持.

Bennett W. Schwartz Fund Grants

施瓦兹基金是为了纪念贝内特·施瓦兹而设立的, 1972届经济学专业的学生,在金融方面进行了重要的独立研究.

施瓦茨基金最常见的用途是“支持学生在课堂之外的经济领域获得重要的学习经验。, investment and/or finance.“施瓦茨奖帮助学生参加会议(通过支付注册费和/或旅费),并支持学生在全国和世界各地进行经济和金融方面的独立研究. Recent grants have allowed students to travel to Jordan, Costa Rica, Vietnam, Guatemala, Mexico, and Venezuela, but you don't need to travel to get a grant. 一名学生最近研究了鹰岩的中产阶级化及其对当地房地产市场的影响! Schwartz grants also can be used to support internships in finance, to do research with faculty members, and to undertake independent research over spring break.

How can you get a Schwartz Grant? 你所需要做的就是写一份一页的项目建议书,然后提交给 along with a resume and a proposed budget. Schwartz grants can be anywhere from $100 to $3500, depending on the proposal, and applications are funded on a rolling basis, so there is no deadline.

Academic Student Project (ASP) Grants

The College maintains a fund for support of small academic projects performed by full-time degree-seeking students during the academic year. In addition, 有限的资金可用于学生参加会议,以介绍学术项目的结果.

Meet a Student Researcher

Improving the World Through Econ Research

经济学和政治学双学位玛丽·埃弗雷特·汉考克23带我们通过她成为经济学助理教授杰西·莫拉指导下的学生研究的经验. After being introduced to Stata data software, 玛丽现在和教师们一起在全国会议上发言.

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