Economics student presenting her research


Majors can earn honors by taking ECON 498 in the spring semester of their senior year and by writing and defending, in that class, a thesis that is judged by the department faculty to be of honors quality. Enrollment in ECON 498 is limited to students with GPAs of 3.5 or higher (both overall and within the department). 有兴趣的学生应该咨询他们的学术顾问,然后在他们大四的秋季学期向系主任申请.

Recent Honors Theses:


  • Radha Arora: “The Effects of Right-to-Work Laws on Wages and Employment”
  • Jakob Barton: “Where Does California Dream of Electric Sheep?:加州双重土地利用、牧羊和太阳能光伏的经济分析
  • 陈琳:“角色选择:影响中国女性工作参与的因素及三孩政策后的预测”
  • 玛丽·埃弗雷特·汉考克:《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》
  • Brian Fong:“烟草21对青少年无烟烟草使用和销售的影响”
  • *Ansel Jeffries:“HOLC的影响”红线“洛杉矶房屋价值地图”
  • Kam Mohebbi: “The Effect of Increased Internet Access on Getting STEM Jobs”
  • anise (Nisi) Nugent:“性别对堕胎立法支持的影响”
  • Ruth Schlosser: “When Recessions Come Home”
  • Miles Smith: “A Policy Analysis for a Theoretical Poverty Trap Model”
  • Kelsie Stanley: “Corporate Spending Limits & Conservatism”
  • Sophia The: “What Causes D3 Athletes to Quit Their Sport?”

*Awarded Best Honors Thesis

  • Matty Anzalone:“结束Covid-19失业救济金对国家经济复苏的影响”
  • Will Baltrus:“虚假信息对共和党候选人成功的影响:来自古巴裔美国选民的证据”
  • Sofia Ben Zaken:“绿化校园对小学生学习成绩的影响:标准化测试成绩和行为结果”
  • Nathaniel Byram:“欧盟对可再生能源份额的影响:来自东方集团的历史证据”
  • presston Chong:“全州高中金融知识要求对未来退休供款率的影响”
  • Rayhon Choudhry:“加密货币市场是由基于基本面的投资驱动的吗? A Theoretical Examination"
  • Will Covino:“烟草附加费限制了医疗保健:一个工具变量分析”
  • 克莱尔·弗罗林:“飓风对美国大西洋飓风盆地无家可归者的短期影响”
  • Julia Koh:“基于产品利基的电子游戏发行时机:Steam分析”
  • Eva Ma: "Who Gets Second Chances After Job Loss? The Role of Employer Racial Prejudice"
  • *Luca Van Der Meer:“联邦基金正常化对黑人和白人就业差异的影响”
  • Benjamin Ventresca: "Emissions and Renewable Energy in Developing Africa"

*Awarded Best Honors Thesis

  • 卡特琳·海德曼:“由于Covid-19而增加邮寄和缺席投票对2020年总统大选选民投票率的影响”
  • Kayla Hreczuck:“当地移民执法对西班牙裔儿童和青少年心理健康的影响”
  • 亚历克西斯·马丁内斯:“娱乐性大麻法律对高中毕业率的影响:社会成本的一个维度”
  • 艾玛·庞德:“带薪家庭假计划对新泽西州和罗德岛州母亲劳动力市场结果的影响”
  • *Mary Zhang:“在Covid-19大流行的早期阶段,全州范围内的居家令的成本和收益”

*Awarded Best Honors Thesis

  • Hannah Case: "Small Classes and Academic Behavior in Math"
  • 简·克罗斯比·施密特:“信息和免疫:犹他州对疫苗豁免的教育要求分析”
  • 安妮卡·莫恩:“双向沉浸式双语教育的影响:社会经济成分和英语水平”
  • Ellen Prince:“回滚三振:36号提案对加州监禁的影响”
  • *Nelson Rayl:“紧缩的成本:2010年后欧洲财政整顿的效果”
  • 哈里森·韦克菲尔德:《十大正规网赌平台》

*Awarded Best Honors Thesis

  • 卡梅隆·科:《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》
  • *Andrew McCall:“飓风Mitch对尼加拉瓜农民农业实践的影响”
  • Claire Organick: "Moms, 《十大正规网赌平台》
  • David Wang: "Does Fiscal Space Matter? Its Impact on the Aftermath of Financial Crises"

*Awarded Best Honors Thesis

  • Josh Cohen: "Wind Energy and Emissions Avoided"
  • Jiahe Hou: "The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Reduction in Rural China"
  • Ieva Marcinkeviciute: "The Trade-Migration Nexus"
  • Andrea Tuemmler:“现代化理论:经济增长会导致民主吗??"
  • *Yiyun (Eva) Wang: "More Guns, Less Crime? The Impact of Gun Restrictions on Violent Crime"

*Awarded Best Honors Thesis

  • Michael Cao:“教育支出和学生成绩:对顶尖项目的差异分析”
  • Preston Harry:“比预期更极端的温度对环境态度的影响”
  • *Harrison Luft: "The Industrial Effects of Banking Crises"
  • Charles Pollnow:“长期护理保险市场的失败:非正式护理是否存在替代效应??"
  • Eva Schifini: "Health Effects of the California Minimum Wage"

*Awarded Best Honors Thesis

  • Emily Fallick: "The Effect of Cigarette Taxes on Smoking Rates"
  • Brady Fuller: "Revenue Sharing and the Luxury Tax in Major League Baseball"
  • Evan Lubin:“2008年至2016年美国名牌大学申请第九条调查的影响”
  • *杰西卡·梅:“医疗补助扩张的影响:非老年人的死亡率”
  • Daniel Perez: "Do Tomatoes Lead to Revenue? An Analysis of the Rotten Tomatoes Ratings System"
  • 凯尔·易:《十大正规网赌平台》

*Awarded Best Honors Thesis

  • *辛西娅·布热津斯基:《十大正规网赌平台》
  • Cullen Cohane:《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》
  • Felix Fels:《正规博彩十大网站排名推荐》?"
  • AJ Libunao: “Effects of Postgraduate Degrees Across Race and Gender"
  • Julia Ogier:“非专利替代对品牌药价格的影响”
  • 埃文·汤普森:《十大正规网赌平台》

*Awarded Best Honors Thesis

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