Q. 我需要帮助. Can you answer some of my questions?

A. 确定! Here’s a list of the questions we are most frequently asked. In addition, be sure to read through the department's section in the catalog because everything there will come in handy if you decide to be an economics major.

Q. I’m a first-year student and I’m not sure if I want to be an economics major. What course(s) can I take to find out?
A. 选修经济学101. That class will give you a broad introduction to what economics is all about. If you have already taken 101, or if you placed out of 经济学 101 (by earning 4s or higher on both the AP Microeconomics and Macroeconomics exams), then take 经济学 102 (which you can also skip if you earned 5s on both AP Microeconomics and Macroeconomics exams). 在这两门课程之后, you should be in a good position to know whether economics is the right major for you.

Q. 只有两道菜. What else should I take as a first-year student?
A.  We urge prospective majors to take a 微积分我 class in their first year at Oxy and to consider taking a statistics class, 尽管这没有那么紧迫. It’s possible that you have tested out of one or both of these classes with your AP exams, 在这种情况下, you don’t need to take the classes at Oxy. 

Q. I’m a sophomore but I haven’t taken 经济学 101 yet. Can I still major in economics?
A. 是的, although you will have to double up on economics courses in almost every semester in order to catch up.  As soon as possible, take 经济学 101 and the appropriate 微积分我 course. Then take 经济学 102 and a statistics class.

Q. When should I declare an economics major?
A. We recommend that you first complete 经济学 101 and 经济学 102 before declaring a major because these introductory courses will give you an overview of the field and help you decide whether you are interested in pursuing an economics major.

Q.  I’ve decided to be an economics major! 我如何申报??
A.  祝贺你! Now that you’ve decided to major in economics, you should first fill out the online 经济兴趣表. You will then need to select an economics professor who you would like as your academic advisor. Bring a major declaration form to your preferred advisor for their signature. After you have obtained your advisor's signature, you can email the department chair for an electronic signature or drop off your form to the Econ Department Office for a signature.

Q. What are the graduation requirements?
Here’s what you need to take in order to complete your major:
原则: 经济学101和102
数学工具: 微积分我 and Statistics (Statistics is a prerequisite for Econ 272)
Intermediate Theory and Methods: 经济学250 251和272
主题: 三个300级的经济学课程
高级研讨会: Econ 495 (经济250 or Econ 251 is a prerequisite for Econ 495. We also recommend that you take Econ 272 before Econ 495.)

Q.  Is it OK to take 经济250 and 251 at the same time?
A.  可能不是. Intermediate economics courses are challenging and we feel strongly that you’ll benefit more from those classes if you spread them out. Note that you must complete at least one of these courses by the end of your junior year because senior seminars, which are scheduled in the fall of your senior year, have a prerequisite of either 经济250 or Econ 251.

Q. I want to go on a semester abroad. How will that affect my economics major?
A.  We think a semester abroad is a terrific way to expand your horizons and broaden your perspectives.  However, you will need to plan your coursework carefully. 幸运的是, most study abroad programs include a 300-level economics course that can count for your major here at Oxy (you can only transfer one 300-level course from abroad). Be sure to talk with your academic advisor and the department chair before assuming that courses abroad will earn you credit at Oxy.

Q.  How can I meet the economics department’s Second-Stage Writing Requirement?
A.  You can meet the Second-Stage Writing Requirement by arranging (with the instructor) for an Econ 300-level course or Econ 272 to be designated as your writing course. The writing requirement can be satisfied as early as spring of your sophomore year and no later than May of your junior year. If you fail the requirement (or don’t meet the deadline), you will need to take a writing course in the fall of your senior year and demonstrate acceptable writing skills in your senior seminar.

Q. I would like to be an economics minor. 我需要做什么?
A. 辅修经济学, 你需要修经济学101, 102, 微积分我, 经济250, 251, and two 300-level classes (or one 300-level class and Econ 272).

Q. I am thinking of doing an internship. 我能因此得到奖励吗?
A. 是的, you can earn 2 units of credit for an internship where you work at least 80 hours in the semester. You cannot earn more than 4 units of internship credit while at Oxy. Note also that if it is an on-campus internship you cannot earn credit if you are being paid. This restriction does not apply to off-campus internships.

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