十大正规网赌平台 is committed to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for all members of the Oxy community.


We understand that recent events on campus and in the world around us have heightened concerns about antisemitic, 伊斯兰教, 以及其他形式的偏见和骚扰. 十大正规网赌平台 is committed to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for all members of the Oxy community. 第一个, 我们想澄清的是,学校的政策禁止反犹, 反穆斯林的, 以及其他形式的基于宗教的骚扰, 少数民族, 和/或祖先的特征. We encourage community members to report these types of incidents and seek 支持. 

We also want to take this opportunity to highlight the roles that the 大学’s Bias 教育 and 支持 Team (最好的) and 公民权利 & 第九条办公室在对抗偏见和骚扰方面的作用. These offices are focused, respectively, on confronting harms and resolving complaints. We also want to remind the community of 报告 options 和资源 that are available to you. 除了, this message previews additional efforts that will soon be underway.


在含氧的, “偏见事件”被定义为一种行为, 无论是有意还是无意, that constitutes hostility against a person or group because of their real or perceived identity. Oxy recognizes that such incidents can have tremendous impact on our community and can cause significant harm, even w在这里 they involve protected free speech or otherwise do not qualify as violations of 大学 政策.

最好的是一家教育机构, 自愿的, non-punitive approach to addressing reported bias incidents among students. 而民权 & 第九条办公室监督违反政策的解决方案, 最好的’s mission is to promote dialogue and understanding of impact. 最好的 members provide 支持 to students who have experienced bias, 以及社区成员的成长机会. 有关最好的方法的更多信息可以找到 在这里

最好的 members seek to address the impact of bias incidents through appropriate resources, 恢复实践, 社区护理. 通常, this process begins with an invitation to the 报告 student to discuss their report, and to determine viable education or non-punitive outcomes that promote healing and an overall positive community environment. Examples of outcomes 最好的 has worked with students on include: 

  • Coordinating restorative conversations between students who may have experienced harm or disagreement; 
  • Working with campus partners to address vandalism or violations in or around campus buildings or spaces; and 
  • Working with student clubs and organizations to offer suggestions to improve their own guidelines and bylaws to be more inclusive of all students.

最好的 also reviews bias reports for trends that may inform educational programs and services and works to interrupt problematic behaviors that can undermine other students’ sense of belonging at the 大学. 请填写 最佳事故报告表格 if you have witnessed or experienced a potential bias-related incident.

公民权利 & 第九条办公室

作为教育部 最近公认的, 关于反犹太主义的报道有了惊人的增长, 伊斯兰教, 以及全国大学校园里发生的其他仇恨事件. 澄清一下, 十大正规网赌平台 unapologetically stands against hate speech as antithetical to its mission and values. 大学 政策 禁止非法歧视, 骚扰, 和报复, 是否基于个人的 宗教,种族,血统,国籍或者这些特征的某种组合. In this challenging moment that is dividing communities worldwide, 我们肯定犹太学生, 以色列学生, 穆斯林学生, 巴勒斯坦学生, and all others are entitled to be free from discrimination in our community, 并有平等的机会参加大学课程.

We ask the 大学 community to help protect against 骚扰 by 报告 可能违反 歧视、骚扰和报复政策. 办公室人员提供教育, 培训, 支持, 和资源, 还可以指导你解决方案. 关于学院歧视的常见问题, 骚扰, 和报复政策 在这里.


If you’re not sure that you’re ready or willing to talk to 最好的 or the 公民权利 & 第九条办公室, please consider contacting a confidential resource. 在这里查找机密报告选项列表. Confidential resources will not reveal what you tell them to anyone without your consent. They also can provide you with 支持 and link you to services.


If you are concerned about a potential threat of physical harm to you or anyone within the campus community, 紧急情况请立即拨打911或联系 校园安全 请拨打(323)259-2599. 我们也鼓励学生下载 LiveSafe应用 报告和接收任何与安全有关的最新情况.


In light of the tensions stemming from the continuing conflict in Israel and Gaza, 最好的和民权 & 第九条办公室 will collaborate to review reports of bias and 骚扰 and continually assess the campus environment. 民权 & 第九条办公室 regularly publishes a summary of all reports received during the previous semester. 除了, we will provide a summary about any reported campus incidents involving alleged antisemitism or 反穆斯林的偏见 and will publish this information through the 最好的 and 公民权利 & 第九条办公室 websites in January (adding updates as necessary).

此外,还有民权 & 第九条办公室和最好的将共同领导一项预防措施, educational campaign to address the potential for antisemitic and 伊斯兰教 incidents on campus. 与其他学生支持办公室合作, such as the Intercultural Community Center and Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, we will offer the following types of programs 和资源 in the spring semester:

  • In-person and online 培训 opportunities related to awareness and prevention of antisemitism and 反穆斯林的偏见.
  • Reliable and unbiased educational materials to help community members identify and intervene in incidents of 骚扰 and discrimination based on race, 宗教, 种族, 还有国籍.
  • 小组聆听, 研讨会, 和/或与学生联系, 教师, and professional/advocacy groups to help identify concerning trends on campus and beyond, and further inform the 大学’s educational and 支持ive measures.

We believe these actions will make significant progress in our effort to combat antisemitism, 反穆斯林的偏见, and other forms of 骚扰 impacting members of our community. 我们知道这项工作是永无止境的, 我们期待与学生合作, 教师 and staff to remain vigilant in addressing these concerns. 


民权 & 第九条办公室


联系民权组织 & 第九条办公室
