鉴于2019冠状病毒病大流行带来的前所未有的挑战, a few college policies have been adjusted in an effort to provide students with flexibility without compromising the integrity of the academic program. 受影响学期的变化详细如下. 

2020年秋季 & 2021年春季



在创建2021年春季学期的时间表, 教师可以自由选择最适合他们和他们的课程的格式. 在决定如何授课时,所有教员都被要求考虑以下问题:

  • 远程授课能完全达到学习目标吗?

  • 这门课程是特定学生群体的必修课吗.g., graduating seniors in your major; students needing an essential prerequisite to stay on track)? 如果是这样的话, 这门课程必须以一种所有学生都能接受的方式开设, 无论他们位于何处.g.(远程或混合).

  • What level of face-to-face interaction would the faculty member be comfortable with (assuming health conditions permit any or all of these options): In-person office hours? 小型户外小组会议或1:1会议? 户外现场指导? 室内现场指导?

  • 当面指导:即使允许某种程度的当面指导, 在必要的情况下,课堂需要为可能转向远程教学做好准备, 或者为被迫隔离或隔离的学生计划替代作业. 因此, 决定是否开设一门必须亲自授课的课程应该取决于该课程是否能够转向, 并满足(至少部分)它的学习目标, 远程备份计划. 如果没有远程完成类的机制, 我们强烈建议不要提供. 对于计划为(至少部分)亲身体验的课程, it would be up to the instructor/department’s discretion to allow remote students to complete a “remote backup” version of the course without any expectation of in-person activity. 教师应适当考虑需要毕业要求的学生.


三个类别的名称(“远程”,“混合”,“现场”)将在课程计数中显示. More detailed information about course delivery will also be available in the supplemental information pages that we will prepare for the 春天 (available to students by Advising Week). 这个信息可以找到 在这里.


远程课程将像2020年秋季一样进行, 旨在通过远程方式满足学生的所有学习目标, 学生是否在家远程学习, 从校园宿舍, 或者住在当地的校外宿舍. 因为我们认为我们仍然会努力在春季学期减少校园密度, 我们设想我们的大部分课程将远程授课, 即使在春天有更多的学生住在这里, 与Fall相比.

These courses may include opportunities for in-person interactions should conditions (and county guidance) allow for that over the course of the 学期.


Here we are using a definition of hybrid courses as those that are designed to be fully and equally accessible by both in-person and remote participants, 例如, 一些学生在教室里,另一些在Zoom上. 这些课程将对本地和偏远地区的学生全面开放, 远程学生可以期望能够达到课程的所有学习目标.


这些课程将主要面对面授课,但需要根据县指导进行调整. 这些课程主要存在于难以远程实现学习目标的地方(例如, 实验室工作或工作室/表演艺术).

可能的情况是,面对面的组件是“后加载的”, 这样课程就可以远程开始了, 但随着学期的进展,如果县指导在整个学期发生变化,则增加面对面指导. 如果允许, the course can require students to attend in-person classes/labs/studios in “shifts” throughout the 学期 so that fewer students attend each class period to accommodate distancing guidelines.


Courses that are offered “in-person” may be changed to fully remote if county guidance does not change before the beginning of the 春天 学期. 因此,可能不可能提供面对面的组件. 教师 teaching courses designated as “in-person” have all prepared a remote backup plan if the college must switch to remote learning mid-学期.


Please note that all faculty have been notified that all courses need to have mechanisms for students to complete course goals if they are isolated or quarantined, 或者如果公共卫生指南改变了.


在所有以字母等级提供的课程中(除非已经批准CR/NC等级), 学生可以选择将任意数量的课程改为学分/无学分(CR/NC)评分. 更改为CR/NC的课程不会影响学生的累积或学期GPA. 要在一门课程中获得CR的成绩,学生必须获得相当于C或更高的成绩. 相当于C-或更低的成绩将获得NC(完成学位时不会获得任何学分). 学生获得CR分数的课程将被允许满足一个专业, 小, 核心要求.

现在是做出这一改变的最后期限 期末考试的最后一天. 截止日期可以在 校历 下面列出了. 在截止日期之后,如果没有特别考虑请愿书,将不接受任何更改.

2020年秋季: 12月7日星期一晚上11:59(太平洋标准时间)
2021年春季: 5月7日星期五晚上11:59(太平洋时间)

In order to change a course from a letter grade to CR/NC students will log-in to MyOxy and follow this path: 学者 > Registrar Online 形式 > 2020年秋季 信用/不信用 Request. 本学期的所有课程都将显示为字母等级. 然后,学生将选择他们想要转换为CR/NC的课程,并点击“提交”按钮.


  • 你只能做 一个 每次提交的课程选择. 如果您要将多个课程更改为CR/NC,则需要多次提交表格.
  • 如果学生需要对他们的选择做出任何改变,他们需要联系 registrar@tbc007.net.
  • 学生可以在春季学期的第一天开始将2021年春季课程更改为CR/NC.


获得CR的课程将为你获得学位所需的学分, 如果被列为满意的专业, 小, 或目录中的核心需求, 会满足这个要求. 你获得CR的课程成绩不会影响你的专业, 小, 累积, 或学期GPA.

你获得NC的课程不会为你的学位获得任何学分,也不会满足专业要求, 小, 核心要求, 但是你获得NC的课程成绩不会影响你的专业, 小, 累积, 或学期GPA.

要计算如何影响你的GPA,请查看GPA计算说明, 在这里.


At the end of each 学期 the Student Progress Committee (SPC) reviews the grades of each student and determines whether a student should be placed on a Semester of Academic Concern or a Required Academic Leave. 因为GPA和获得学位的学分都在委员会的审议中发挥作用, 在一个学期的学术关注的学生应该目标是一个学期的GPA 2.0,并且应该尽可能多地获得学分. Students who are concerned about how these decisions will affect their academic standing should reach out to Caro Brighouse, 学生及学术事务副院长(brighous@tbc007.net),学术辅导主任Ed Johnson (Edmondjohnson@tbc007.net),或注册主任吉姆·赫尔(herr@tbc007.net).



  • 如果你认为你在这学期的某门课会得到低于C的成绩, 你必须仔细考虑这将如何影响你的累积, 学期, 和主要gpa. If you receive financial aid please check the financial aid FAQs to determine if receiving a grade of NC will impact your financial aid.
  • 如果你选择了CR成绩,你的GPA不会受到影响.
  • 如果你担心你的成绩会阻碍你达到专业或累积GPA 2.0或以上, you may want to take the NC option and retake courses at a later date or take them elsew在这里 and transfer them in to meet degree requirements.

Please reach out to your academic adviser or the chair of your major program or department if you have any questions about your situation. 你也可以联系主管学生学术事务的副院长Caro brighhouse (brighous@tbc007.net)、谘询署署长艾德·约翰逊(edmondjohnson@tbc007.net)、司法常务官贺建民(herr@tbc007.net),助理司法常务官vanessa Alvarado (valvarado@tbc007.net),如果你对自己的情况有疑问或担心.


一些版本的评分政策的变化是常见的许多本科学校在这个时候, 所有研究生院的招生人员都很清楚这一趋势. 因此,我们鼓励你保持积极性,坚持努力工作,争取字母成绩. 这是一个展示你的适应能力和韧性的机会. If you are concerned about the grades you may receive in a course and you have intentions to apply to graduate school you should contact your academic adviser or the chair of your major department or program for advice.


CR/NC for prerequisite courses: Some version of a grading policy change of this kind is universal among many undergraduate schools at this time, 医学院和牙科学校的招生人员也很清楚这一趋势. 因此,我们鼓励你保持积极性,坚持努力工作,争取字母成绩. 这是一个展示您作为有抱负的医疗保健提供者的适应性和弹性的机会, 临床医生, 和科学家. 同时,接受2020年的网络实验课程. 你应该去找凯特·王, 健康前咨询办公室主任, 如果你担心你期望得到的分数, 我想咨询一下是否需要CR/NC.


Law schools are fully aware of and understand that virtually all students enrolled during the spring 2020 COVID-19 pandemic experienced significant disruption in their living and learning arrangements. Law schools are also aware that many undergraduate and graduate schools changed their grading systems to allow or require Pass/Fail (CR/NC) grades in lieu of their traditional grading systems and will not penalize any applicant for presenting Pass/Fail (CR/NC) grades. LSAC将在2020年春季入学的每个申请人的CAS报告中放置一封信, 提醒法学院注意COVID-19大流行及其对人口和高等教育的影响.

学生也可以在网页上查阅资料 LSAC网页 了解更多信息.

选择一门或几门CR/NC课程对我的Oxy援助有何影响, 牛的奖学金, 或者我的联邦财政援助?

十大正规网赌平台 has been given flexibility by the US Department of Education in how it assesses satisfactory academic progress. Due to the Covid-19 crisis students have been given the option to receive letter grades or grades of Credit (CR) / No Credit (NC) for the fall 2020 学期.

通常, 为了保持令人满意的学业进步,学生必须达到三个组成部分.

  1. 学生必须成功完成至少67%的累积学分,他们尝试. 例如, 如果你已经尝试了21个学分,你必须完成至少14个学分才能保持进步.
  2. 学生必须在课程长度的150%内完成学位课程. 十大正规网赌平台的本科课程通常是128个学分. For institutional purposes we only provide financial aid to students for 八个 学期s in which they must complete their degree program. 这假设每学期16学分. 根据联邦指导方针,学生可以获得最多192个学分的联邦财政援助, 或者12个学期.
  3. 学生必须保持最低累积GPA为2.00.

由于学生可以选择接收字母成绩(A, B, C, D等).)或学分(CR) /无学分(NC)成绩, 这个决定可能会对一些学生的资格产生影响.

累积绩点在2分以上的学生.00 that choose to receive all grades as Credit (CR)/ No Credit (NC) will not see a change to their 累积 GPA at the end of the 学期, 然而,任何获得无学分(NC)等级的学分将计入上述完成率.

累积平均分低于2分的学生.00 and/or are on financial aid warning or financial aid probation for the fall 2020 学期 that have chosen to take Credit (CR) / No Credit (NC) grades for all of their courses will be reviewed individually since their GPA will not change. 如果学生需要再次上诉以维持其2021年春季学期的经济援助,将向学生发送通知.



如果你获得了校外机构的奖学金, check with the organization you receive a scholarship from to see if t在这里 are particular requirements around letter grades for the support you are receiving.


全日制一年级学生至少完成 八个 我的学分为字母级,学期平均绩点为3分.5名或以上有资格进入院长名单. 所有其他学生注册全日制学生至少完成 十二个 我的学分为字母级,学期平均绩点为3分.5名或以上有资格进入院长名单. 这一荣誉将出现在学生的成绩单上.


2020-2021学年在线学习的课程可用于满足专业要求, 小, 核心需求. All courses must be otherwise transferrable and approved in advance by the appropriate 十大正规网赌平台 department or program chair. 学生可以参考 转移信用 有关更多信息,请参阅大学目录部分.

AGC 101

