Answers to commonly asked questions regarding class registration.

If you have misplaced your registration letter 之前 your first registration period, contact your academic adviser immediately! If you are an undeclared student, you may also contact the Advising Center. Declared students will need to provide evidence that they have met with and received advising from their assigned adviser 之前 the Advising Center can release registration information.

If you have misplaced your registration letter your first registration period and you have already added courses to your schedule, 使用PIN检索工具.

如果出于某种原因, the PIN retrieval tool does not work you may contact either the Advising Center or 注册处. Please note that your PIN can only be released by the 注册处 if there are already courses on your schedule.

If at any time you are time out of the registration page, you have lost your connection to the ADD or DROP Classes system. To reconnect, close your browser or tab and go back to myOxy. The PIN asked for on this page is not your registration PIN.

The instructor or department chair may issue an electronic override for the 错误消息s listed below. Please note that it is left to the sole discretion of the instructor to issue an override.





You are not eligible to take the course based on your expected classification for the upcoming semester. Class is determined by the number of units earned.






You did not enter the CRNs for both sections of the course simultaneously. If you have received approval to take a lecture without a lab, 例如, you will need the instructor of the lecture section to issue an override.

This type of arrangement is very rare.



You may only register in this course with instructor permission.


*The Instructor 每mission 覆盖 serves multiple functions. This permission will also override any prerequisite or closed section errors.

  • Check that the override you were issued matches the system error. If there are multiple 错误消息s for the same course, you may need multiple overrides.

  • Check that the override has not expired. This information can be found in the confirmation email sent to your oxy.Edu邮箱地址. If the override has expired, it will need to be reissued in order for you to register.

    请注意: Enrollment Limit and Instructor 每mission 覆盖s expire 后 48 hours. Prerequisite overrides do not expire.

  • Send a screenshot of the registration page to Be sure to include the 错误消息s in your image.

There are also 错误消息s that require a Petition for Special Consideration. 这些包括:

  • 课程时间冲突 - This 错误消息 will appear when two courses overlap in time. If one class ends at the same time the next class begins the system considers that a time conflict. In these cases, students are required to submit a petition.

  • 课程重复 - Courses may not be repeated for credit unless otherwise specified in the catalog course description. If a student wishes to take a course beyond what is allowed, they are required to receive special permission by way of petition.

  • 超过的最长工作时数 - During registration week students register in two rounds. During the first round (Monday or Tuesday) students may add a maximum of 10 units to their schedule. It is not until the second round (Wednesday or Thursday) that students are able to register for up to 18 units. If a student attempts to register for more than 10 units during their first round, or more than 18 units during their second registration round, 这个消息将会出现. 每 大学政策 students who have completed 32 units and have earned a 3.0 cumulative GPA will be allowed to register in up to 20 units on the first day of classes. Students who wish to exceed their maximum credit hours are required to submit a petition.

Should your petition be approved by the Student Progress Committee, the course will be added by the 注册处 staff as soon as possible.

如果你遇到一个 错误消息 that is not addressed above, please email with a screenshot of the 错误消息 and a staff member will be able to assist you.

If you are looking to simply make a change to this course, you will need to drop and add a course simultaneously in the registration system.

If you are trying to drop your final course because you are not planning to return to Oxy next semester, 你必须提交 离开/退出形式. Once you have contacted the necessary offices and submitted your completed form, your request will be processed and the 注册处 will drop you from your courses per 大学政策.

AGC 101

