专注于写作的学生将准备一个原创作品的投资组合,并写一篇分析论文和, for their spring semester senior year recital, program notes.


  1. A description of the type and amount of music you intend to write (i.e., chamber pieces including instrumentation and projected durations, electronic and film score works with projected durations, 等.), and any other relevant information. Submit as a PDF.
  2. 一个250-350字的建议,为一个论点驱动的学术论文,将参与并有助于音乐学领域的最新和相关的奖学金, ethnomusicology, sound studies, and/or music theory. 你的作文必须集中在一个或多个影响你作曲方法的作曲家的作品上. Submit as a PDF. This paper is completed in MUSC 490.
  3. 本主题提案的参考书目,包括十个相关的学术来源. Submit as a PDF.
  4. A portfolio of acoustic, electronic, 和/或你已经完成的电声作品,作为课程的一部分或在音乐系的监督下. 对于原声作品,请提交PDF乐谱和mp3录音或MIDI模型. 对于电子和电声作品,请提交音频文件或电影文件. 您需要创建一个包含这些材料的Google Drive文件夹,并将其链接复制并粘贴到项目提案表单中.


Composition Recital

打算举办作曲独奏会的学生将在一名或多名音乐系教师的指导下组装一份原创作品作品集. 作品集还可以包含初步的草图和修订,除了每个组成的最终副本. The portfolio will include works begun or completed in MUSC 148, 257, 258, and independent study courses, and may contain up to two works composed independently. This portfolio must be submitted digitally, with recordings if available, to the 教师 along with the senior project proposal. 您将在2月15日之前收到电子提交的链接和说明.

Composition Recital Content

学生必须在不迟于三年级春季学期与作文老师讨论演奏会的作文目标. Practical considerations, such as space and performer requirements, must be included in this planning process. During the senior year, 学生和教师的作文老师将在作品集中选择作文, resulting in 25 to 30 minutes of music. 独奏会必须包括至少一部电子媒体作品. 学生必须在批准独奏曲目后立即开始招募表演者. Composers are invited to apply to the Barbara Johnson '43 P'71 Fund for New 音乐 for funding to support their Senior Comprehensive recitals (i.e., the hiring of professional musicians). 所有西方的学生表演者必须同意表演,没有经济补偿.

注意:所有申请人必须首先申请学术学生项目补助金(ASP补助金),金额为300美元. Read the information about and the application for the ASP grants carefully.

学生负责完成器乐和声乐部分 no later than five weeks in advance of the recital date. 学生还需要负责安排教练和排练课程. The student may perform in their own recital, and may choose either to conduct ensemble performances, or to recruit a conductor.

Composition Jury

参加高级作曲演奏会的学生必须在演奏会日期前至少四周参加演奏会评审团. 由至少两名音乐系教员组成的委员会, 包括学生的作文老师和作文区外的其他教员, will hold the jury. At least five days prior to the jury, the student must give the composition teacher a complete portfolio, consisting of all scores intended for the recital, the analytic paper (completed in MUSC 490), and a draft of the recital program notes, which will include the title page; complete titles of all repertoire, movements or sections as appropriate; names of all performers; program notes for all compositions, prepared in MUSC 490; and texts in English for all vocal works, 包括相关的原始语言(见下面的模板). 

Composers should have finalized the performers (including student, 教师, and professionals), rehearsal schedule, and room bookings by one week prior to their jury date. 房间预订必须通过部门服务协调员进行.

在评审团中,学生将与委员会会面,对作品集进行全面评估. 演奏会的最终决定将由评审团决定. 如果作品集没有证明足够的成就证据, 及/或演出人员的招聘工作未能圆满完成, the student will be asked to take an exam in lieu of the recital.

学生应将他们的独奏节目笔记提交给音乐系制作经理 no less than two weeks before the recital date. 制作经理将为学生的独奏会编排并制作节目笔记的副本.

Analytic Paper and Program Notes for Composition Recitals

当作曲家在他们大三的时候提交他们的高级项目提案, 他们将包括一个段落长度的主题提案和初步的参考书目,500字的论文(高级综合项目的两个书面组成部分之一), along with their program notes). 这篇论文将包括一个或多个影响他们作曲方法的作曲家的音乐的论证驱动分析, focusing on a piece or pieces to analyze. 预计学生们将在大四前的夏天进行主题阅读和写作.

学生将在大四的秋季学期与他们的高级研讨会(MUSC 490)讲师一起完成这篇论文和课程笔记. An annotated bibliography is due in the 4th week of the fall semester, an abstract proposal is due in the 6th week, and a complete first draft, along with a complete first draft of program notes, is due in the 10th week. 期末论文和课程笔记在秋季学期的最后一天截止. Download the senior analytic paper rubric used for assessment.

Composition Assessment

每个高级项目的组成部分分为优异及格(PD),及格(P)或不及格(F)。. The portfolio and recital preparation are worth 70%, the comps paper 20%, 节目说明加上你在独奏会上对作品的口头介绍10%. 尽管你的论文只占你整体评估的20%, 你必须在你的论文中得到一个PD或P,才能得到一个PD或P作为你的最终成绩. 换句话说,如果你的作文不及格,你就不能通过考试.



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