Promise Prize Winners


2024年本尼迪克特·弗里德曼数学前景奖授予 NATE HALL他就读于十大正规网赌平台数学和计算机科学专业. 内特的研究项目围绕着图形在空间中的表现, specifically investigating which graphs can be drawn on the standard torus without containing a pair of linked cycles. 与纳伊米教授合作, 他发现任何8阶或更低的环面图在三维空间中都有一个无链接嵌入,在环面中也有一个. In the coming months, 他计划将这一结果推广到更高的订单, 也适用于数学研究生课程.



2023年本尼迪克特·弗里德曼数学前景奖授予 MEGHAN LEE他是十大正规网赌平台数学专业的学生. 在堪萨斯州立大学的2022年夏季数学REU,她与博士. 大卫·耶特和他的同学们研究了量子点——一种代数结构,它编码了经典结直到方向反转的完全不变量. 她研究项目的主要成果, “Complementation of Subquandles,” included a complete classification of subquandles whose set-theoretic complements are also subquandles, 集论互补的部分可及性判据, 并进一步研究子核格补. 她在2023年联合数学会议上以海报的形式展示了她的作品, and as talks at the January 2023 Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Math and at Occidental in February 2023. 梅根还写了一篇论文,并于2023年3月在西方大学与劳伦斯教授一起进行了代数拓扑荣誉项目的演讲, "基本群和Van Kampen定理.毕业后,梅根将开始数学硕士课程.S. program at Wake Forest University, and she plans to pursue a PhD in math in the future.



2021年本尼迪克特·弗里德曼数学前景奖授予 IZZY THOMAS, a math major. In his awarded research, Izzy分析了Darren Crowdy的“Stuart vortices on a sphere”中的流函数,用于活动星系核(AGN)的磁流体力学(MHD)模拟。. 他用Python编程构建了流函数的可视化, 详细分析了流函数中的物理参数,并确定了由流函数导出的速度场.



2020年本尼迪克特·弗里德曼数学前景奖由 BEN C. PAGANO and ANDREA G. STINE. 

本·帕加诺主修数学,辅修戏剧和计算机科学. In the summer of 2018, he worked with Professor Naimi to construct directed graphs with intrinsic knots and links of arbitrary complexity. The following summer, 他与桑德伯格教授和同学凯特·格罗斯曼合作,为Erdős-Selfridge定理描述了极值超图. Finally, in the summer of 2020, 通过佐治亚理工学院的远程REU, 他与库兹巴里教授和他的同学一起试图证明弦链的一致性群是不可解的.

Andrea Stine目前是加州大学河滨分校(University of California - Riverside)数学专业的研究生(她发现自己不仅喜欢做数学, she loves teaching it as well!).  她从密苏里州立大学转学到十大正规网赌平台,于2020年春季毕业于十大正规网赌平台,获得数学学位.  Andrea在2018年夏天与Jay Daigle合作研究数值一元, and in particular, on delta sets. 



2019年本尼迪克特·弗里德曼数学承诺奖授予 VENA A. ZHANG他拥有数学和计算机科学双学位. 她对数值一元群的分解理论进行了研究, and analyzed how adding non-irreducible elements to the set of factors affects an invariant known as the delta set. 本研究将组合数论与计算机模拟相结合,以了解数值一元群的代数结构. Vena also excelled in her studies, 他是本尼迪克特·弗里德曼高级数学奖的获得者.



2017年本尼迪克特·弗里德曼数学前景奖被授予 THAYER A. FISHER他拥有数学/中文双学位,辅修计算机科学. 他在所有数学课上都得了高分,因为他有创造性地解决问题的本领. 2016年,Thayer在西雅图的Fred Hutchinson癌症研究中心做了一项关于“系统发育的地形学家:系统探索系统发育的可能性表面”的暑期研究,这导致了他与Lengyel教授的荣誉项目. 他的研究结合了概率论, statistical theory, biological modeling, 以及复杂的计算机科学技术和应用. 在帕特南的比赛中,塞耶是得分最高的两倍. Fisher is also the co-recipient of the Benedict Freedman Senior Prize in Mathematics.

Past Winners


2016年本尼迪克特·弗里德曼数学前景奖授予 JESSE M. KREGER. 他的工作是表皮伤口愈合的数学模型, an interest that was sparked during the MATH 392 Mathematical Models in Biology course. 他还参加了2015年UCLA应用数学REU, where he completed a mathematical fluid dynamics project on the modeling of particle-laden slurries. 这项工作在2015年美国物理学会流体动力学分会会议上以海报和口头报告的形式发表. 杰西会去读数学博士.D. 该项目将于2016年秋季在加州大学欧文分校开始.


2015年本尼迪克特·弗里德曼数学前景奖授予 EMILY J. HEATH.  她在位置博弈论领域进行研究, 她研究了极值超图的Erdős-Selfridge定理, 哪个是位置博弈论领域的关键结果.  Specifically, together with Professor Sundberg, Emily characterized the economical extremal hypergraphs for the Erdős–Selfridge theorem.  Emily began her research in this area with an independent study that she took in Spring 2013.  然后,她在卡尔顿学院度过了一个夏天,在那里她参加了女性本科生暑期数学项目.  In Spring 2014, 她参加了布达佩斯的数学学期,并于2014年夏季返回,在那里她与桑德伯格教授一起完成了大部分研究,这是由西方大学本科生研究中心运行的夏季研究计划(SRP)的一部分.  Emily在2014年7月的SRP夏季会议和2015年1月的内布拉斯加州本科女生数学会议上发表了她的研究结果.  她还在2015年1月的联合数学会议上以海报的形式展示了她的作品,并获得了“杰出演讲”奖。.  艾米丽和桑德伯格教授将他们的研究汇编成一份学术手稿,发表在《十大正规网赌平台》杂志上, Volume 339, Issue 9, 6 September 2016.  Emily于2015年以优异的成绩从Oxy毕业,总GPA为4分.0.  她现在就读于伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校,在那里她正在攻读数学博士学位,她在数学界非常活跃,并热情地支持和贡献促进女性在数学领域取得成功的活动.



Senior mathematics major HANNAH R. SCHWARTZ 获得2013年弗里德曼数学前景奖.  During the summer of 2012 Hannah worked on two problems in the field of spatial graph theory: finding new intrinsically knotted graphs and their relations to known intrinsically knotted; and finding out if K_9 has a linear linkless embedding.  她发现了一些新的内在结图, 其中一个是已知最小的族.



The 2012 Benedict Freedman Prize for Mathematical Promise was awarded to mathematics junior JACOB ORTEGA-GINGRICH.  His work was on investigating and improving a mathematical model for cinematic box-office dynamics, 即爱德华-巴克米尔模型(EBM).  2010年,他在霍华德休斯医学研究所和十大正规网赌平台本科生研究中心支持的为期10周的暑期研究项目中,作为一名即将升入大二的学生,开始了这项工作.  Jacob对EBM进行了重大修改,并从那时起一直在研究修改后的EBM的几个不同方面以及其他相关问题.  This research is an interesting combination of applied mathematics and economics.  他与教授们合作的一些工作的总结. David Edwards (University of Delaware) and Ron Buckmire (Occidental College) has been submitted for publication.  Jacob is an accomplished musician and intends to go to graduate school in the near future.



The 2011 Benedict Freedman Prize for Mathematical Promise was awarded to mathematics junior NOAM GOLDBERG.  他的工作是关于S^3中的极小内结图.  He did this work as a rising sophomore during a 10-week summer research program supported by URC at Occidental College.  He gave a presentation on his work at a National Council on Undergraduate Research annual conference.  Noam's joint work with Profs. Thomas Mattman (CSU Chico) and Ramin Naimi (Occidental College) will be submitted for publication in the near future.  Noam is in the 3-2 program and will spend his last two years of studies at Columbia University in New York.



The 2010 Benedict Freedman Prize for Mathematical Promise was awarded to math senior ZHENGYI ZHOU.  Her honors senior thesis centered on ordinary differential equation modeling of traffic flow.  她在一次暑期研究经历中开始了这项工作,并在各种地区和国家会议上展示了部分工作成果, 包括全国本科研究委员会的会议.  郑一在成都出生和长大, China and came to Oxy after attending Raffles Junior College (for high school) in Singapore.  Zhengyi double majored in Mathematics and Economics and earned honors in both fields.  她目前正在康奈尔大学攻读应用数学博士学位.



The 2005 Benedict Freedman Prize for Mathematical Promise was shared by math seniors DAVID COLLINS and PATRICK DIXON.  Both did undergraduate research during the summer of 2005 (supported by Occidental's Undergraduate Research Center). 帕特里克的工作是应用数学(用图论对青少年人群中的性病进行流行病学建模), faculty mentor: Ramin Naimi), while David's work was in pure mathematics (Winning Strategies and Other Properties of the Game of 3-Pile Euclid, faculty mentor: Tamas Lengyel).

David and Patrick each received a $250 prize, awarded at a ceremony in the spring of 2006.  仪式结束后,每个人都就自己的工作发表了讲话.



Junior mathematics major DAVID COLLINS 贝克斯菲尔德的教授获得了2004年弗里德曼数学前景奖. 他的研究(欧几里得主题变奏曲), faculty mentor: Tamas Lengyel) falls within a branch of mathematics known as combinatorial game theory. Collins’ work on developing winning strategies for variations of the game Euclid was published in INTEGERS, 《组合数论电子杂志.




Senior RADOSLAV M. KIROV 他获得了2003年的弗里德曼数学前景奖. Radoslav, 数学和物理双学位, did two summer research projects at Occidental College with Ramin Naimi -- one on elliptic curves, number theory, and triangles with rational sides; the other on list-coloring in k-choosable and k-monophilic graphs.

Rado was also impressive in his performance in the Putnam mathematics contest: he ranked 314th out of 2954 contestants!



Junior mathematics major JOSEF TOBISKA of Santa Ana was the recipient of the institution's 2002 Freedman Prize for Mathematical Promise. 托维斯卡因其在组合学方面的贡献而获奖. His submitted work, 整数分区及其在量子物理中的应用, 是在他的教授和导师的帮助下完成的吗, Prof. Jennifer Quinn, who describes him as a student with a real knack for problem solving.

Specifically, Tobiska的研究集中在整数分区上, 其中整数可以分解成其他整数的和. 例如,3的整数分区为1+1+1、2+1和3. 这个简单的想法可以导致许多令人兴奋的数学问题,这些问题在物理学等领域具有深远的影响, computer science and economics. Specifically, 他们的工作使他们能够制定并证明一个关于分数量子霍尔效应的复合费米子模型的新定理.

托比斯卡在1月6日的一次比赛中获得了500美元的奖金. 30, 2003 ceremony in which he also gave a 45-minute presentation on his research. He was selected for the Freedman Prize by a committee of Occidental mathematics faculty. 获得荣誉提名的是来自布加勒斯特的大三学生丹尼尔·艾奥尼塔, Romania, and senior Radoslav Kirov of Sofia, Bulgaria.



ROBERTO CARLOS PELAYO is the winner of the first annual Benedict Freedman Prize for Mathematical Promise.

Professor Emeritus Benedict Freedman awarded the prize to ROBERTO CARLOS PELAYO '02 on Thursday, November 15, 2001年在约翰逊学生中心的布兰卡天井. 颁奖后,鲍勃简要介绍了他的工作.

Bob was awarded the prize for his investigation of probabilistic problems arising in the area called "graph colorings.“其中一个问题可以非正式地描述如下:班上的每个学生都有两个特定的数字(每个学生可能是相同的,也可能不是相同的),并被要求随机选择其中一个. 对于给定的座位安排和分配给学生的号码选择, there is a certain probability that neighboring students will choose the same number. Working with Professor Ramin Naimi, Bob开发了一些方法来寻找例外的例子, surprisingly, the probability can be larger than the case where all students are given the same two numbers.

即使只有10个或更少的学生, the number of cases to check an example can tax the capacity of currently available computers. 鲍勃对这个问题有了深刻的理解,并且能够选择实例,这使得他和他的导师能够为座位安排制定一个充分必要条件,在这个条件下,意外的例外情况不会发生.

Roberto Pelayo is a Los Angeles native and a graduate of Loyola High School where, among his many activities, he was President of the Math Club. 鲍勃1998年以40个大学先修学分进入十大正规网赌平台. Bob is now attending graduate school in Mathematics at Caltech with a 5 year James Irvine Fellowship.

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